Okee doke, here is Chapter six, I hope you all enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuaysha.
Chapter Six:
Sango and Miroku sat on a bench and watch Inuyasha as he fell off the balance beam, for the 10th time. Kagome looked down at him, "I thought you were going to master it." She said.
Inuyasha looked up at her. He stood and got back on the beam. His arms went out to the sides of him and he looked at Kagome. "Your stance is wrong. You need to spread your feet apart more. Like mine."
Inuyasha looked at her feet. She was being a show off standing on her toes but he pushed his back leg back a little, "Better?"
Kagome nodded. She walked towards him, "Now stay like that for ten minutes. I'll be back." She hopped off and started to walk away.
"Wait, you want me to stand like this for ten minutes?!" He yelled after her.
She looked back at him. "Yes. I have to go get something. I'll be back."
Miroku laughed, "Still want to do this?"
Inuyasha ignored him. Of course he did. He wanted answers and to help Kagome. Fighting was his only option; he didn't have enough money to buy her. Nor did he want to buy another being off from someone. His legs ached already. He was a demon so this shouldn't take too long to master, not like humans. Their center of balance was way off. He heard Kagome's footsteps coming back. A loud clank could be heard and her silently cursing herself. He heard the rustle of her clothes as she picked the item up and started walking again. He turned his head as she approached. She was carrying two five foot wooden rods.
She walked back to the beam and stepped up on it. She held up the two rods. "I thought we'd have a little fun." She handed one to him. "Hold it up in front of you." She said. He did as told and she held hers up. She hit one end of her rod to one end of his rod. "That's it. Just hit the ends together."
As they were doing that Kagome stepped closer to Inuyasha and he took a step back. She smiled and took another step towards him. He looked behind him; he was running out of beam. He looked back at her, "Let your instincts take over. If this was a real fight what would you do?"
He shook his head, "I don't know."
"Yes you do." Kagome demanded.
He closed his eyes and breathed. He swung the rod at Kagome and she took a step back. He swung again and she ducked this time. She swung towards his legs and he blocked it. The two looked at each other. "I told you." Kagome stood and looked at Sango. "You two can practice this. I want you to be able to fight on this beam by dinner time." She stepped off the beam and handed Sango the rod. She looked at Miroku, "Come then priest, let's go start dinner."
Miroku looked at her, "It's only two."
"Yeah, and good curry takes time. Let's go." She said and started to walk off.
Miroku stood and followed her leaving Sango and Inuyasha to practice. He caught up with Kagome, "So curry really takes four hours to make?"
She glanced at him. "Good curry does, yes." The two walked into the kitchen and looked around. "You did get the kitchen stocked before we got here right?"
Miroku nodded and opened the refrigerator door. It was filled with all different types of foods. She scanned them and grabbed a big beef shoulder. "Go get a bag of potatoes, carrots, onions and celery from the pantry." She grabbed some knives from a knife block that was sitting on the counter. She thumbed the butcher knife and heard Miroku coming out of the pantry. She turned on her heel and threw it at him.
Miroku heard the air being cut by the blade that was just thrown at him. He swiftly leaned to the side and let it hit the door frame. He looked at it then at Kagome. "So you figured it out."
"How could I not? I recognized the aura coming off you. Miroku sure is a nice cover name and I have to say changing the way you look fooled me at first, Miyatsu. How are you still alive?" Kagome took the potatoes from him and set them in the sink to be washed.
He set down the other vegetables and looked at her, "After you left my shrine those many years ago I was visited by a certain priestess. I'm sure you have heard of Kana, the white priestess?" She nodded, "Well she told me I was going to be needed in the future. I thought it was a curse at first, to live forever, but then when I saw you at Inuyasha's house I knew then why she did this to me."
"You are immortal?" Kagome asked. He nodded. She turned back to the sink and washed the potatoes. "So I guess you don't need to be trained."
He laughed a little, "No I don't, but don't let that stop you from fighting me."
"Maybe one day priest." She took the potatoes out of the sink and brought them to the counter. "I think you know how to make this recipe without me telling you how."
"It is my recipe after all." He smiled and started to peel the carrots.
After much prepping the two was finally done cutting. Kagome added everything to a big stock pot. Added some water then put it on the stove. Miroku put the lid on it and nodded, "I'm surprised you remember that. It was over 50 years ago that I made it."
"Well it was really good." She smiled. "Shall we go check on the demon and the hunter?"
Miroku nodded, "We are a weird group aren't we? A protector, a demon, a demon hunter and a priest, such an odd mix."
"Yet we work so well together."
When they got back to the two, Kagome was a bit taken aback by what she saw. Each of them had bruises and cuts. "I told you guys to practice, not beat each other up."
Both Inuyasha and Sango jumped and looked at them. "It comes with the trade." Sango said. "We mastered it."
"Let me see then." Kagome said sitting down next to Miroku.
After about ten minutes of the two showing Kagome how quickly they had advanced she stood. "Good. Inuyasha you will train with me tomorrow. We will work on your swordsmanship. Sango you will work with Miroku, I'm sure he can teach you some things." Kagome said and looked at the priest.
"How would he know what to teach me?" Sango asked slightly confused. Sure the guy had physical ability but she'd never seen him raise a finger against anyone.
"It turns out Miroku has a few secrets of his own." Kagome smiled. "All in good time; you two should go shower and rest. Dinner should be done in a couple hours. We will have to come up with a battle plan afterwards." Kagome looked at all of them and started to walk towards the room that she and Sango were sharing.
Sango and Inuyasha looked at Miroku, "You have secrets?" Inuyasha asked.
Miroku scratched his head, "Well you guys remember that grandfather I was telling you about?"
Sango got off the beam and walked over to him, "The one who helped Kagome?"
Miroku nodded, "Well that's actually me. I was cursed, or blessed depending on how you look at it. I'm immortal, I can't die."
Inuyasha got off the beam and walked over to him and Sango, "It's like I don't even know you guys."
"Well I didn't tell you guy's because I didn't think it was needed to know. I didn't know why I made immortal so why go telling people about it and get thrown into a Looney bin?" Miroku said. He stood, "It seems this moment in our lives has been set in stone since before the Year of Light." He sighed.
Sango dropped the rod, "Am I the only one who thinks this is all a bit sketchy?"
"It's very sketchy but isn't that what makes it interesting my dear?" Miroku asked her.
Sango just looked at him, "You better be there for me when I need you Miroku, or I will kill you." She said and walked away from the two boys.
"But I can't die.." Miroku said after her.
"I don't think that's going to stop her." Inuyasha laughed, "So how old are you?"
"I honestly don't remember. Age became just an abstract thing to me. I've been all over and met so many people. Lost so many friends, fell in love once, she was a mistake though." Miroku looked up at the setting sun, "I'm going to tell her how I feel if we survive this thing."
Inuyasha patted Miroku's back, "You will survive no matter if we do or don't. But I don't plan on dying. Demons can live a long time and it appears so can protectors, we can't just leave you to yourself. God only know what you will do by yourself." He laughed.
Miroku also laughed, "Indeed, shall we go clean up some for dinner? It's my own recipe. I'm honestly surprised Kagome remembered it."
Inuyasha sniffed, "Yes cause I can smell it and it smells amazing."
After dinner the four sat around a small table and sipped at some tea. Miroku was the first to speak, "So one day down, what is our plan Kagome?"
Kagome picked up a box that was sitting next to her. She set it on the table and looked at everyone. "This is the Onigumo treasure." She said. "It is a rare kind of treasure that doesn't appear very often." She turned the box around and opened it. Inside was a dagger with a snake engraved into the handle. In front of it was sitting a small pink jewel. "These both came from when Naraku made the treasure. Unfortunately the person cannot pick what the treasure is. Whatever comes out is made for a reason. I didn't understand the reason till now, well technically last night." She picked the dagger up, "This dagger has to go through Naraku's heart." She looked at Inuyasha. "I will do this part. You must weaken him before I can do it though."
"Why can't I just kill him with my sword?" He asked.
She set the dagger down, "You should not taint your hands with killing someone Inuyasha. Your parents would not want that."
"And you are okay with tainting yours?"
"She laughed, sadly, "My hands are already tainted." She looked up at him then back to the box. "Your sword will wound him if you hit in the right places. I will teach you that in a couple days." She touched the jewel, "I don't know what this does. I've talked to several people about it and they all turn me away." She looked at Sango then Miroku, "You two will have to deal with the demons and any protectors that will be there." She put a piece of paper on the table. "This is the map of his house. It is an old shrine that has been in his family for generations now. The front gate is guarded by guard demons and once we get past them the grounds are crawling with all sorts of demons. He likes to collect them you could say." She closed the box and set it in her lap.
"Once we defeat all the demons then what?" Sango asked.
"Come assist us. Kikyo will be with Naraku. She is his top protector and he will keep her close. He will most likely use the treasure from her. It is a long scythe. If you are hit by it you instantly die. So be careful. If we can defeat Kikyo before she is able to summon it then we will be safe." Kagome responded.
"Why can only that dagger kill him? You would think when summoning a treasure it would be to help you not destroy you." Miroku said.
"There are different types of treasures. Some are meant to help you, some kill certain breeds and others kill you. If the protector is in harm or in pain then the treasure that comes out will help them not the owner." Kagome sighed. "We weren't meant to be owned by anyone. We weren't meant to be someone's personal treasure chest. When Naraku preformed the ritual for his treasure he abused me and I was scared so the treasure that came out was meant to kill him. He couldn't even be near it, it was that powerful."
"And I'm guessing you are the only one who can touch the dagger." Sango said. Kagome nodded. Sango sighed, "Well," She looked at Miroku, "Do you have any sort of weapon?"
He smirked, "But of course I do." He looked at Kagome.
Kagome nodded and stood. She held out her hand and it lit a bright red color and a double ended sword staff appeared. She spun it around and did a little twist before looking at Miroku again. "I do love doing that."
Miroku stood and took it from her. "When I had let her stay with me she gave me this as a thank you but before she could physically give it me she had to leave." The two swords on either end were shining in the light that flickered lightly above them. The handle of it was gold and had three dots on it. "I think I'm set." He smiled at Sango.
"That belonged to a war lord back in my early days. He died on the battle field and gave it to me. He was also my first love." Kagome blushed slightly. "He was a strong man and very brave and that's why this treasure was made."
Inuyasha blinked. It never dawned on him that Kagome had a past love interest. She always said she loved his father but that was different. "Wait, I thought you had to be accepted by a weapon to be able to use it."
"Bravery, that's what it was made on. Miyatsu," Kagome shook her head, "I mean Miroku knew the dangers of taking me into his shrine. He was brave that night and the treasure recognized that. All the treasures work differently." She stretched, "I think that should it for tonight. I'm awfully tired and we all need our rest for tomorrow."
Sango stood, "I agree, shall we call it a night boys?"
The two mentioned nodded. Sango and Kagome walked in front of the boys as they went to the rooms.
"Miroku, is she hiding something from us?" Inuyasha asked quietly.
Miroku looked at him, "Of course she is. She's a protector. They have secrets that they have to protect as well. Don't tell me you are having second thoughts now."
Inuyasha shook his head, "Yesterday we were all school kids, now we are training to kill a demon that is on a totally different level than us." He pointed at Kagome, "And she has to kill him. How many people has she killed before?"
"Do you really want to know?" Miroku asked him.
Inuyasha thought about that. Did he really want to know the past of such a secretive girl? Why did she have so many secrets? Most of the people she knew were dead, aside from the obvious. So why still hide things? He guessed he could ask her after they defeated Naraku. That was another thing, what was their relationship? Kikyo said something about Kagome replacing her. He'd have to ask her about it tomorrow. Surely she could give him some answers, something to make him less confused about the whole situation.
Kagome and Sango looked at the boys, "Goodnight." They said in unison and walked into their room.
Miroku nodded to them as he and Inuyasha went to their room. "Just forget about it for now Inuyasha, nothing good comes from worrying about something that's not in your hands."
Inuyasha sighed, he was right. He was still going to ask her tomorrow about it though. He closed his eyes and swiftly fell asleep.
What did you all think? Don't forget to leave a review! Next chapter will be posted some time this weekend. Have a great week everyone!