Hello everyone.

I've been getting some brilliant reviews and several questions posed to me, which has lead to the creation of this Notes page.

Time line:

4378 - present time

4376 - Katze caught (short story "Caputed Cat")

4375 - Riki and gang captured

4373 - War starts

4368 - Blondies arrive (short story "First Encounter")

4360 - Puppy/Carl born

Ages present time:

Katze 37

Riki/Leo 36

Guy 36

Bree/Pony 35

Twins 30

Jeff 28

Pete 28

Brad 26

Carl/Puppy 18


Kitty/David – scar on face


Short Stories

Captured Cat - Completed

First Encounter - Completed

Stolen Soul - Planning Stage/Not even written!

Any more questions about timelines, ages, identity and other things, please tell me so that I can update this page!