A/N: Hi, I hope you enjoy this. If you want to review it's up to you.
Disclaimer: I only own Andreah James.
Gotham Academy. I got a scholarship in Musical Arts. I play piano and sing. But a ton of people are musicians, why did I get accepted?
'Why is this skirt so short?' I walked in an awkward fashion, so that my skirt wouldn't fly up. Nearly everyone was in the same attire. My skirt was wrinkled and my shirt was not buttoned all the way. And instead of nice flats, suggestion by Mom; I am wearing my good, old, flat-soled skater shoes.
So here I am, wandering around an upper class high school for the rich and snotty. I finally found what seemed to be the office. It looked more like a fancy therapist's secretary office than a school's front office. I walked in slowly seeing a lady with curly hair and glasses perched in her nose.
"Can I help you?" she had a smooth voice that seemed to have never had a problem in the world.
"Yeah, actually, I am new here my name is Andreah James." I mustered up all the manners I had to sound sophisticated.
"Oh, Gotcha! Yup I see you here!" She pointed behind her desk at her computer monitor. "I have your schedule, locker combo, and locker number." she said it so fast it took me a minute to comprehend what she had been talking about. She handed me my information and asked me to sit down, gesturing toward the chair. They looked like something that should have been at a millionaire's library room. "I will get someone to help you around and give you a tour. 'Kay?"
"Uh, okay." I sat down and dug in my bag for my iPod.
"Dick Grayson to the office please, Dick Grayson." Her voice echoed through the emptying hallways.
'Dick Grayson? Cool name.' I found my dinged up iPod and headphones as I waited. Suddenly my music blared into my skull. I loved it when it was loud. The steady beat of 'Shark in the Water' made me want to start singing and dancing. VV Brown was blessed, and she used her blessing well.
Suddenly a newspaper caught my attention. I pulled it out from under a pile of flashy magazines. I studied the front cover it, and turned out to be a tabloid. There was a picture of Batman and Robin. The caption said: Batman and Boy-Wonder save Gotham once again!
Robin… he was quite the looker. Even with a mask, you could still see most of his face, he was rather attractive-
"Hey! Ready?" Some kid decided to pull my headphone out and speak directly into my ear. He made me jump, which evidently amused him. "So?" Said solid Blue eyes. He. Was. Gorgeous.
"'So' what?" I asked, not catching the last thing he said.
"Wanna see what locker you have? Maybe some classes?" He looked at me with a questioning look. "By the way, I'm Dick Grayson." He smiled and I nearly passed out.
"So I've heard. I'm Andreah James." I smiled a tight-lip smile, to hide the fact that I was enjoying his presence.
As we walked toward the lockers he walked with his hands in his pockets. Dick had the ultimate 'cool guy' look. I might as well have died right there. "So where is my locker at?" Trying to distract myself.
"Right over here, by mine actually!" He smiled and grabbed my hand. He had a strong grip. But so gentle, all at once. "So, ya know how to open a locker?"
He let go of my hand and gestured toward the locker latch.
"Yeah I went to a middle school and high school with lockers, I know what I'm doing." I let some of the bad attitude my mom always worried about slip out. I blushed at how comfortable I felt being close to him. I have known him for what? Half an hour? Not even?
Dick raised his hands in defense. A bell rang and I jumped hitting my head on the locker next to mine. "Shesh, don't beat yourself up there!" He said laughing. I feel like I have heard that laugh before... TV show, maybe?
I turned my dial to the correct numbers...32...05...10. I pulled the latch up and the locker opened. It was clean inside, that's new. And fairly wide. Also new.
"So, do I need anything," I asked. "Other than basic class supplies?"
"Uh, no. The tour always comes first, and you don't need anything." As he was saying this he stuffed my old messenger bag in the locker and shutting it loudly.
"Hey aren't there classes right now?" I asked wide eyed.
"Yeah, so?" He smiled and laughed. "Let's walk around campus." He grabbed my hand and placed it on his forearm. For the first time in my life I felt like a princess. Like, I was being escorted to a ball. I leaned closer to him, Dick didn't seem to mind. He was very relaxed. I enjoyed this.
"And for your 7th period class; Choir." Dick showed me the choir class. There were people so we didn't go inside. I was still holding his arm, and he still didn't seem to care. Dick was such a gentleman. And from a whole other social level.
"Does this school have an Instrument Room?" This was the first time I had spoken in about six hours. We had already eaten lunch at the cafeteria. Sure, it was school food, but it was a lot more appetizing looking. 'I am warming up to this school.'
The final bell rang and kids fled from their classes. I unhooked arms with Dick, so that no suspicions would rise among the students. I didn't want to start any of that, trust me.
"So mind telling me where my locker is again?" I asked.
"Sure, no problem!" Dick walked by me all the way to my locker. I opened it and grabbed my bag. I dug, once again into my bag for my iPod, finding it in the same condition as earlier. "You will need to report to all classes tomorrow, and I will walk you to all of them. If that's okay with you?" He said it with a sense of seriousness, but still extremely kind.
"If you're up to it," I said. I slammed my locker and began walking out of the school. "So, yeah, see ya tomorrow." I awkwardly responded.
"Okay, later Andreah. Oh! Hey! I will meet you by your locker!" He yelled as I walked away. I just acknowledged him with a wave of the hand.
I will update in a weeks time... Hopefully :D
"Shark in the water" By: VV Brown
Dick Grayson: Robin's secret identity
Thanks for reading!