When it clicks...
"Madison!" My mother shouted into my ear. I winced and turned to face her, rubbing my ear painfully. "What?" I muttered, looking up to her. My Mother was a clone copy of me practically, the blonde hair and loud voice. I acted more like my Father, though, a gamer and jokester who happened to be related to a duchess from Prussia. When I found that out, I began to love Hetalia even more.
"Finally, you turned away from your laptop! Okay, you're brother and I are going to Legofest out west." By that I knew she meant west of where we lived, about a three hour drive, but I said nothing to correct her. She had Hungarian blood, and since my Grandmother had already bopped me on the head with a pan before, I was worried about what my somewhat-younger mother could do with the same pan.
"Your Grandmother and Aunt are coming over to check on you everyday. On school school days tehy'll stay for a while until you get home. Stay out of trouble." She narrowed her eyes at me and I nodded, indicating my understanding. She looked satisfied and waved goodbye. My brother was already in the car, tapping on the window anxiously.
The minute I heard the car leave the driveway I looked back to the screen of the laptop. Destination? I had a few. Facebook, for my roleplay accounts and normal account, along with Fanfiction too. I could do My Little Pony stuff later, this usually came first.
I sighed, scanning the list of alerts that hadn't been updated in weeks. I needed fresh meat. I was to stories as vampires were to blood, simply. So I clicked into the Hetalia – Axis Powers page first. I expected an ad to pop up, but before I could cancel it out I began to read.
The time began to tick down slowly until it reached twenty before I realized what had happened. This was completely free Hetalia products at my disposal! There weren't any pictures, just the white page with the red numbers ticking down slowly. I bit my lip and decided; Hey, why the hell not?
At the ten second mark I filled in the forms. My name, my faked age, my gender, my address all went into the form and sent away. I smiled and leaned back on the counter behind me, smiling. I couldn't wait to receive my first unit.