Today was an average day in the city of Roma, except some serious shit was about to go down. At the edge of a square in the Centro district a crowd stood gathered, only this was no ordinary crowd. These were the dreaded Assassins: Bane of the Borgia and sworn enemies of the Templar's. Their leader, Ezio Auditore walked to the front of the group.
"Insieme per la vittoria!" He cried rousing many cheers from his underlings. After the cheering died down Ezio began speaking.
"Today we we bring the fight to the Borgia! We attack them where it hurts!"
"Yeah in the nuts!" Marcello shouted only to receive a slap and scolding from Helena for interrupting. Ezio nodded a thank you in her direction before continuing. "Now listen carefully as we cannot afford any mistakes."
"Veronica and Helena." He said gesturing to the two women. "I want the two of you to flank around from both sides. Luigi and Francesco you two come in from the rear and-" "Hell no! We're not gay!" The two responded simultaneously. "I'm referring to the battle plan idioti!" Ezio replied angrily facepalming, at this point Ezio must have had a large bruise on his forehead. "Moving on, you two attack from the rear while I lead the rest up the center. I will use that intimidating eagle screech that for some odd reason sounds every time I do a leap of faith to scatter and confuse them so we don't have to fight them all at once." Ezio said.
"That's the plan stick too it and we should be ok." He continued as he noticed a novice to his left jump in the air for no apparent reason. He ignored this and turned to his right hand man. "Niccolo give me a number crunch real quick." Niccolo thought for a moment before replying. "I'm looking at 32 er .33, repeating of course, percent." Ezio pondered this a moment before nodding. "Bene, it's a good plan so lets just-"
Suddenly an unfamiliar novice rushed to the center of the group with a crazed look in his eyes. "Alright hoods up let's do this! LEEEEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOY JENKINS!" The man shouted as he charged straight into the square waving his sword like a madman. The rest of the Assassins stood bewildered. "Figlio di un cane! Stick to the plan!" Ezio shouted bolting forward, The rest of the Assassins struggling to keep up.
The Assassins were met by several Papal Guards and soldiers and a fierce fight ensued.
"Stick to the plan! Stick to the plan!" Ezio cried frantically as he fought off several guards. The Apprentices werent faring much better. "Fall back! ill hold them off." he shouted to Niccolo who ran to organize the novices into a tactical withdrawl. Suddenly Ezio felt a sharp pain in his thigh. He looked down to see that he had been stabbed in the leg and it was bleeding profusely.
&%#dammit Leeroy!" Ezio shouted as his vision began to blur. "It's not my fault!" Came a muffled reply from a haystack. Ezio gritted his teeth. "Leeroy you are stupid as fu-" He began before his reply was cut short by the pommel of a sword bashing the back of his head.
"At least I have chicken!"
A/N Don't flip out everyone! Ezio is fine he just got knocked da fuck out and his dipshited apprentices gotta bust him out. I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile life's been hell but ill try to get some more updates ASAP. And sorry if this is kind of lame I just thought it'd be funny and i needed a filler chapter. Please R&R.