Kagome and InuYasha: Pirates

AnimeExpert1981: I've probably bore you to the bone with the back story so I will postpone Inuyasha's…

Sayuri: -snore-

AnimeExpert1981: Oh jeez! That scared me!

Sayuri: -snore-

Disclaimer: I OWN NADA! I PROMISE!



Chapter Twenty: Raid

"Hey, Kagome! Are ya' in there?" Inuyasha knocked at her cabin door more persistently. "Kagome!" and without permission entered her cabin.

Inuyasha froze at the sight in front of him: Kagome sleeping. Inuyasha walked closer and observed. Her eyes were closed and relaxed hidden behind thick eyelashes, pale flawless skin, full lips partly opened… 'Kikyo...' Inuyasha thought absently.

"Sit…" Kagome mumbled.


Kagome sat up now. "Sheesh, Inuyasha. You're such a pervert," Kagome said glaring at the figure on the ground. Inuyasha rose up in less than a second and stared at her face.

"I've been calling you for a long time now! It's your fault for not answering!" Inuyasha screamed defensively.

"You still shouldn't have entered a lady's room," Kagome replied.

Inuyasha scoffed, "Lady's room… Sure." Kagome twitched.

"Inuyasha!" she screamed.

Inuyasha grumbled under his breath up his way on to the main deck.

"That's the only reason you woke me up? To feed you guys? Isn't it a little too early?" Kagome asked.

"Well, my crew is hungry," Inuyasha simply replied.

"But it's going to be difficult without Sango to help me," Kagome said.

"Oh well," Inuyasha said.

Kagome thought of a solution and it hit her, "Why don't you help me?" Inuyasha stared in horror at Kagome's suggestion.

"What? Why the hell would I do something like that, wench! I'm the captain of this ship," Inuyasha said.

"Which is exactly why you should care for your crewmen! As their captain!"


"Fine then," Kagome began, "I'll just ask someone else for help," she said beginning to walk away.

"Oh no you don't!"

"How did I get into this!" Inuyasha complained.

"No whining, Inuyasha. You volunteered anyway. And besides," Kagome turned to face him, "It'll be fun," Kagome finished with a smile. Inuyasha groaned.


"I'm trying!"


"You said this would be fun!"

"Yeah, until you picked up that kitchen pan," Kagome retorted.

"That doesn't hide the fact you lied!" Inuyasha screamed back as he fumbled with the frying pan. Kagome let out a defeated sigh.

"This is all you do," Kagome took the pan out of his hands and set it on the burning furnace.

"Keh!" Inuyasha turned his face away. Despite their arguments, Kagome giggled. Inuyasha straightened, "Whataya laughing at, huh?" Inuyasha asked defensively. Kagome covered her mouth.

"Nothing, nothing," Kagome said.

"Then why were you laughing?" Inuyasha asked.

"Nothing important, let's keep cooking," Kagome replied. Inuyasha glared then turned back to the cutting board and continued. Kagome began to break the eggs and scrambled them in the pan. Inuyasha couldn't help but observe. She looked like she did it a million times and she most likely did. He stared at her small hands as she gripped the handle of the overly large pan. Kagome then turned to him in alarm staring down at his hands.

"Inuyasha, pay attention!" Kagome warned. It was too late, Inuyasha brought the knife down and cut into three eggs. The eggs exploded and splattered all over Kagome and Inuyasha's face. Inuyasha still stared down at his mess wondering how it happened while Kagome let out another sigh.

"Inuyasha," Kagome groaned.

"Well! At least everything is clean!" Kagome said triumphantly while wiping the thin sheet of sweat off her forehead. Inuyasha was grumbling under his breath.

"I still don't get why you had to clean this place to such an extent. You're gonna get it dirty soon anyway," Inuyasha grumbled.

"It's because this kitchen is clean to such an extent that our food isn't spoiling so it lasts longer," Kagome said in her matter-of-fact tone. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"I still think its stupid," Inuyasha mumbled.

"Captain! Captain!" Inuyasha turned to one of his crewmen, panting and sweaty.

"What is it?" Inuyasha asks.

"A ship is nearby," the man smirked, "and they look rich," he finished. Inuyasha smirked.

"Finally!" Inuyasha said then ran out the door with the man. Kagome stood frozen in her spot. 'So he really is a pirate… He raids others…' Kagome thought before running after him. 'Maybe they have jewel shards,' Kagome thought as she ran down the hallway into her cabin. On her bed, Kagome's mikonoken laid. Kagome snatched it into her hands, and changed into her original clothes. Kagome's eyes landed on the empty bed next to hers and let out a small sigh. 'It sure is going to be boring without Sango and Shippo,' Kagome said as she walked out the door.

Men's war cries were heard outside when Kagome stood outside on the deck. Kagome began to look around hoping to find a jewel shard but nothing came up. Kagome looked around and saw familiar silver hair and then heard the familiar voice, yelling.

"Idiot! Do you have any idea what you just did?" Inuyasha screamed at Totosai. Inuyasha grabbed the front of the old man's shirt. "Do you know how much trouble it is for me when we raid another pirate ship! I told you to only call a raid when it's not another pirate ship!"

Totosai said nothing and even scratched his head.

"I don't remember."

Inuyasha growled. "Stupid old man!" Inuyasha screamed as he whacked Totosai on the head.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome scolded after what her eyes saw. Inuyasha's ears perked and turned to Kagome with an annoyed look on his face.

"Whaddaya want, wench?" Inuyasha asked, irritated. Before Kagome opened her mouth to respond, Inuyasha shoved her back as they watched a sword hit the pole where Kagome's head was.

Kagome gulped. 'That was too close!' she thought. Inuyasha tch'd and glared at the direction the sword came from.

"Alright! Who threw that!" Inuyasha snarled. He turned only to see a dwarf of a man.

"I did," said the dwarf. His voice was pitched and squeaky, his skin a leathery green. His protruding lip smirked proudly.

"Keh! Yeah, right! An imp like you could never throw a sword that well," Inuyasha added in a smirk of his own. Kagome simply gawked at the green thing.

"Watch your mouth, you insolent half-breed!" Inuyasha and Kagome flinched, looked around frantically, silently praying no one heard. "I am Master Jaken! Servant of the most powerful demon of the seven seas! And you shall pay for your disrespect!"

Inuyasha marched up to the imp and gave him a good WHACK! on the head. A small bump began to rise leaving Jaken dazed and swaying with the ship.

"Shut up!" Inuyasha looked around just one more time to see if anyone heard or saw anything and was relieved when nobody did.

Kagome walked up to Inuyasha and placed a small hand on his arm. Inuyasha turned to see her. "Inuyasha, who was he talking about?" Inuyasha turned and picked up the sword he dropped earlier. It went back to its original form as Inuyasha slipped it into his sheath.

"Nobody important," Inuyasha grumbled before walking away with a deadly aura clinging on him. Kagome stared after him and noticed this deadly aura. Every man that happened to walk past him, hoping to take him down, was knocked unconscious with one strike of his fist.

'Who is this person?' Kagome thought.


"Kilala, land there," Sango said over the wind. Kilala roared in understanding before flying to their landing spot. Shippo, sitting behind Sango and in front of Miroku, gave a small whimper of fear as Kilala zipped down at incredible speed.

They've been traveling for hours. No words were exchanged the entire trip, only memories, painful ones. Shippo could slice through the nostalgia hanging between them. He remembered some painful memories himself.

Miroku was the first to climb off the feline and look around. He didn't recognize the area in front of his eyes. He's never traveled to this part of his country, his home. Miroku let out a small sigh and replaced it with his smile. He turned to see Kilala shrink into her smaller form and jump into Sango's arms. Miroku planted his staff into the ground and stared at his companions.

"So, Sango, where to next?" he said with his smile still on. Sango turned to the direction and with a small, "This way," they went their way.

Minutes of walking was all it took before they reached what seemed to be a wooden fortress.

"Demon slayer village," Miroku said under his breath. Sango turned back to stare at him suspiciously before concluding it as nothing and walking on.

Miroku stared in amazement at the overtowering gate that seemed to never end. Sango walked around the gate before stopping at the opening of the village. Even before entering, Miroku and Shippo noticed that it was abandoned.

When they walked through, Shippo stared around the most, curious. The first thing he noticed were the myriad of mounds on the ground.


His eyes glazed at the memory of the first time he came. Sango broke down that day when she found out that everyone in her village was slaughtered. He and Kagome helped her dig their graves. Kagome didn't let him do much, though. He was rather grateful for the intervention now that he thinks about it. He was upset about not being able to help, but what would he have done if he saw more death than he could handle?

"This is my home," Sango mumbled. She looked around and despite the smile gracing her lips, the tears brimming from her eyes were undeniable.

Miroku looked around before his eyes rested on the item he needed. He walked over, his heavy boot crunching against the earth, something he was not familiar with compared to the wooden deck of the ship. He bent down and began to carefully pluck a flower, one by one.

Sango had disappeared into a hut and walked out to find Miroku placing a flower on each grave, paying his proper respects before moving on to the next one. Shippo was right behind him. She felt her chest squeeze as she watched the usually lecherous pirate humbly pay his respects to people he had never even met. Miroku stopped and turned to her, and she averted her eyes to the ground covering them with her bangs as she discreetly wiped at the forming tears.

Finished, Miroku stood from his crouched position and went over to her, a strange pull drawing him to her.

Sango noticed and panicked. "I'm going to go get the wood for the fire. I'll be right back," Sango said turning to leave before Miroku caught her wrist. She turned around in surprise.

"I'll do it. No lady such as yourself should do such things for a man," Miroku said with a wink. He bent down and gave her hand a lingering kiss. Sango felt the heat rising from her neck to the tip of her ears.

She snatched her hand away and in embarrassment yelled, "You pervert!" and stalked away. Miroku chuckled before walking from the protection of the fortress and scouted for dry wood.

Sango stared up at the warm colored sky. The bright orange faded into the light pink and into the purple and finally into the darkness of night.

"Sango?" Sango looked down at the voice calling her name. Shippo stood there, staring up at her with his large blue eyes. Right next to Shippo was Kilala who mewed.

"C'mon, Shippo, Kilala. We're going to go fishing," Sango said as she began to lead them to the stream that runs through the village.

The water was always cold and abundant, but now it was only cold. There wasn't the same amount of water like there was before. Sango knelt down near the water and gave her hands a quick doing that, she felt the splash of the cold water wetting her. Sango saw Shippo and Kilala playing in the water and their laughter filled her ears. The memories began to plague her, but she kept trying to push away the thoughts that ran through her mind. It happened every time she came and it wasn't getting any better after all these years.

"Sango! I got one!" Shippo yelled happily as he held a fish in his hands. Sango smiled.

"Great! Now, Shippo, throw it on the bank, far away from the water," Sango said.

"Okay," Shippo said in a struggling voice. He squeezed the kicking fish, but it fought harder. Shippo yelped as it slapped his face and jumped back into the stream. Shippo fell back from the impact, dazed. Kilala mewed and Sango couldn't hold back the laugh that left her lips. Shippo smiled a goofy smile before getting back up again.

Sango smirked, "Alright, let me show you how a pro does it," Sango said as she stepped into the freezing water. It didn't matter to her though. She was used to it. She found that she actually enjoyed it sometimes, just not for long periods of time.

Shippo chewed down the fish with delight and turned to see Kilala actually devouring it. 'She must be really hungry. This is really good, anyway,' Shippo thought as he took another bite off his fish. He loved how the meat dissolved into smaller pieces in his mouth. He looked around at his friends all enjoying fish around the fire. 'This was a good day,' Shippo thought.

'I wonder how Inuyasha and Kagome are doing…' they all thought.
