After an hour long, heated argument between Glimmer and Cato about whether to rest or hunt, I personally was on Glimmer's side for that one, Cato ended up winning because he is the 'Alpha' in this situation. Which means we are currently running through the forest, rather loudly, searching for any tributes that are so deaf they haven't heard us, as of yet.

The district three male on the other hand, was lucky enough to stay behind, as he told Cato he could keep watch and even think of a way to keep our supplies protected. Lucky soul.


Once again, after three hours of non-stop running, Glimmer attempts to persuade Cato to stop and rest for a little while, surprisingly Cato grudgingly agrees and it takes all of my might not to drop to my knees and thank him and kiss the ground he steps on. I think that would buy me a one-way ticket to the ground.

I feel glad to not have encountered any tributes yet, as I still think my weak stomach wouldn't be able to handle it, especially when it is a kill at the one of the career's hands. I can already tell they like giving long, slow and agonizing deaths to their victims-something I can hardly come to grips with, let alone administrate myself.

"Hey, Lover-boy. We were kind enough to allow you into the alliance, so tell us your strengths," Cato says to me.

"Number one, my name is Peeta-" I'm cut off by Cato.

"I can call you whatever the hell I want to, Lover-boy, so if I were you, I would accept it and not be on the receiving end of a broken neck." He shouts, I gulp and quickly resume.

"I'm used to carrying heavy objects, I'm good with a knife, and I'm good with camouflage." I tell him in the most confident voice I can muster.

"Hmph. Of course you're good at camouflage, you're not exactly the most masculine person, hell, I think Katniss' more masculine. Let me guess, she wears the trousers in the relationship," he says in a mocking voice. I just stay quiet and glare from a distance.

"Ooh, looks like I've made Lover-boy upset, are you going cry?" he says in a sickly sweet voice.

"I-" I start, but am soon, once again, cut off by Cato.

"No time for that, I see smoke, north-west, I do like a fire with a side of tribute in the evening." And with that, he's running off in the direction of the smoke, with the rest of us soon following. Guess I jinxed the whole me not seeing a tribute die yet. I just hope it's quick for them.


We jog in that general direction for around half an hour, until the smell of smoke lingers in the air, and Cato tells us to be quiet. I stay towards the back of the group, as I'd rather not see whoever it is, slashed to pieces. I can tell we're drawing extremely close as an orange glow paints the surrounding area. If I weren't in this situation, I would stop and marvel the colour, as it's very close to a personal favourite of mine. Admiring the colour is the last thing on my mind, however, as I see Cato halt to a stop, having arrived at his destination: the female tribute from nine.

I know her scream will haunt my dreams until the day I die. A day which, thankfully, may come very soon. I don't think I can live with that horrific sound constantly hounding my thoughts, and the guilt that comes from hearing the last sound that girl will ever make.

I hear them checking for any useful objects. By the tone of their voices, I can tell they haven't found anything useful. As they do, I quickly look at the surrounding area and I decide the arena is doing no good for my head, as I swear I see a glimpse of a brown braid and an orange backpack. In a way I'm slightly glad, her being near the dead tribute means the others won't suspect anyone else to be here.

Unless they spot her, of course.

I'm snapped out of my reverie by the career's bickering.

"Hey! Guys, listen! Shouldn't the cannon have gone off by now?" Clove says, getting the others' attention.

"I'd say so, there's nothing stopping them from coming in," Marvel says.

"Maybe someone should go back and check," Glimmer suggests, angering Cato.

"I struck her right in the chest, she should have died in seconds," Cato says, his temper increasing at an alarming rate.

"Then why hasn't the cannon gone off, Cato?" Marvel shouts at Cato.

"I said I killed her!" Cato shouts back.

I decide to interfere.

"We're wasting time! I'll go finish her and then we'll move on!"

I go towards the nearly-dead body, but not before I make out a rustling sound coming from the tree Katniss was in. She probably hates me right now. At least it'll be easier for me to die this way.


I reach the girl in a matter of minutes. At first I think she's actually dead, but then I see her crack her eyelids open a peek. She, not surprisingly, looks scared to see me. I quickly grab her hand and shush her, I rub my thumb across her knuckles and she smiles as her eyes start to droop, I refuse to hurt her anymore so I stay in that position until I'm sure she's gone. When she is, I quickly kiss her forehead, retreat from her lifeless figure and walk towards the rest of the careers.

"Was she dead?" Cato asks.

"She is now," I reply, and the cannon goes off, representing the death of the girl from nine.

"Let's head back to camp," Cato says. I realise the first sign of dawn is appearing, so I nod with the others and start walking with them. I hope I don't get allocated first watch.


I do.

"Lover-boy, you take first watch. Glimmer, Clove, Marvel, and you two," he looks at district four and three disgustedly, "Set up your sleeping bags and get some rest, we got some tributes to hunt," Cato says with a devilish look on his face.

Looks like I'm staying up for awhile.

I decide to pass the time by filling up some water bottles by the lake. I walk over, putting some iodine drops in there as well. I see a bush of lilac-coloured berries, and decide they look much more appetizing than the pre-packaged food at the cornucopia. And this way, Cato won't have a paddy if he found I ate something from the pile. I walk over and pick a handful, I'm just about to put it in my mouth when I hear a sound from the tree behind it.

"Peeta! Peeta!" I look up and find Rue from district eleven.

"Rue? What are you doing here? Are you crazy? The careers will kill you in a second if they spot you," I say in a hushed tone, hoping the light-sleepers won't hear me.

"I know, but I'm good at hiding. I saw you about to eat the berries and had to stop you. They're called Litrix, the juices slowly break down your stomach until there's nothing, in my district we nicknamed them 'Lilac Poison'," she tells me, looking at the berries the whole time. I'm glad I didn't eat them, I rather like my stomach intact.

"Oh, well thank you," I say with a small smile, she just nods and jumps from tree to tree until she disappears.

If only I knew how much I would thank her later on in the games.