Important Notice: Thalia is in the hunt, but she is here because...She can? Rachel and Nico are here too. Annabeth too. Pretty much the main people really.

Disclaimer: Be honest, if I owned this, Would I even be here right now? Didn't think so.

~Percy POV~

"Poseidon! Put the turtle down! Where did you even get that?" Annabeth said to the little god. "Athena, please give me that!" Rachel yelped trying to take something from the young goddesses hands. Im not sure how this happened. Or why for that matter, but somehow, the gods have been turned into toddlers.

And let me tell you, they were NOT behaving. The only god, that was still a god, was Hermes. Yet, something tells me it's his fault. I honestly wouldn't put it past the god of pranks to do something like this. That's probably why he made us take care of them untill he takes care of this, er, little problem.

"Um Percy, can you grab Zeus? He's sitting on Hades head. Nico pointed to a pile of god's on the floor. I inwardly groaned. Out of all the children the big three were the worst. Poseidon had a habbit to throw and break things, Zeus didn't like to be told what to do, and refused to listen anyway, and Hades was shy andwould only interact with the others if he was fighting.

I ran over and pulled an angry baby Zeus into my arms. "No-o!" He squealed heart set on sitting on Hades, who was grimacing at the little god in my arms. "That's a No-No Zeus. However, it is funny so you get off easy." I said about to set him down when Thalia rolled her eyes and marched over."Not funny. Now give me my Dad!" She said taking the electric blue eyed baby from me.

Speaking of Dads, I looked over to where mine was on a cabinent holding a big Sea Turtle. Annabeth was trying to get him down, but the look on his little face said "Oh hell no!"

I sighed and walked over there. "Poseidon, let her grab you!" I said pleading with the small guy. "No! My Tuwtle!" He said totally missing the 'R' in turtle. Annabeth just got him, when he dropped the turtle making Fall on her foot. "What the hell!-"

"Language!" Grover warned, but it was to late. Chorus's of "What the hell" rang out from all the baby gods. I couldn't help myself, I laughed. I grabbed Poseidon, he in turn, kicked me in the face with his little blue baby boots, which I don't understand where they got clothes from.

"What the hell!" He yelled copying Annabeth. "Oh great. You taught my dad a new word." I rolled my eyes at the blonde. "Apollo is the bestest!" a voice none other than the baby sun god rang out.

I quickly wondered if he still was able to make poems. I hoped not. "Nuh-uh!" his sister yelled hitting him with her plump little hands. These kids were crazy.

I saw Grover talking to baby Demeter, and he was quickly losing patience. "Cereal!" She squealed.

"Jeeze. I'll get your stupid cereal." Grover said picking up a box of Cinamon Toast Crunch.
"No that won!" She yelled.
"Rasin Bran?"
"Cap'n Crunch?"
"Not hungwy no mowe."
I swear Grover just about tore his horns out.

Suddenly I felt a sharp kick in my knee. I turned around to see a baby, with muscles. And a mustache. Which by human standards, isn't normal. But then again, none of us are what you would classify as normal. "What Ares?" I asked trying to be nice.

He kicked me again. I quickly got a good idea, well good for me anyway. I took the laundry bin that baby Aprodite was using to look in a mirror and put it over the kicking kid. "What!" I screamed triumphantly.

Ares just started bitting the plastic things on the side. If he were smart he would try to lift it up. Oh well.

So like I was saying before, Apollo thought he was, quote on quote, "The bestest". Artemis tryed her best to beat up any male in the room. EspeciallyApollo.

Athena, she was generally calm but mess with her and random owls will attack you. Seriously. Ares, he was just as much a jerk as he was as a adult. Oh great.

I glanced over to where Hera was scowling at Annabeth. Aphrodite was playing with her hair.

This should be a fun experience.

This Chapter was edited as of 3/18/2012. Or 3/17/2012, cuz' my computer time might be wrong. Either way. I know it's not perfect..But it's alot better than it was before anyway :D

Peace, Love, and Cake!
~StarryLuv, Queen of Unfinished Storys.