If you must know, I have a very bad habit of taking long breaks in between stories.
Despite that, it was still getting review so I decided to continue it.
Sorry about that. Here's the next chapter. After two years in development, I hope it was worth the wait.
If it's any consolation, this story has been upgraded from my tertiary one to my secondary one.
My primary story is still Total Drama Redemption, which is about Noah travelling back to Season 1 and using his future info to help him do better, so go check that out if you want.
Or stick with the blood, guts and gore as seen here. Your choice.
Chris was standing at the dock for the fourth time.
"Last time on Total Drama: Hunger Games Edition, which was about two frickin' years ago, we had our first three deaths: Beth, Eva and DJ. Beth and DJ, I agree but Eva? I thought she was tougher. Oh well, there's still 21 teens left and that equals a whole lot of fighting. Let's go right to the action."
Cut to inside the arena.
We must first go to team blue.
Trent's POV
I was walking through the dense jungle along with Gwen and Cody.
I wanted to at least make it to the final nine contestants.
Damnit! Why were there only eight teams? There should have been nine!
And I wanted nine members on my team, not three total.
Oh well, three times three is nine so three is okay.
"Are you okay?" Gwen asks me.
"Huh?" I reply.
"Well you just killed Beth." She says.
"I should have stabbed her nine times." I reply.
"Nine. I should have stabbed her nine times."
"Oh don't start with this nine nonsense again." Cody says.
"It's not nonsense. Nine's my lucky number. Nine! Nine! Nine! Nine! Nine! Nine! Nine! Nine! Nine!"
"Whatever you say." He muttered.
I just wish that I could clone myself nine times and take over the world and create nine continents with nine countries in each. And then the Nine God will finally allow me to enter the ninth heaven.
"You look hungry. Do you want some berries?" Cody asked.
I took nine of them and put them into my mouth, chewing nine times and spitting nine seeds out.
My hunger had subsided, but it was replaced with something much worse.
Over to the red team
Courtney's POV
"I don't think we should trust him." Bridgette said to me. He was referring to Alejandro.
"What choice do we have? Besides, he's pretty smart." I replied.
The aforementioned Spaniard had managed to catch some rabbits. Instead of cooking all of them, however, he was using some of them as bait.
He wanted something bigger.
He had tied the rabbit to the ground and placed a loop around it. Anything that tried to get the rabbit would be caught in the snare.
And let's just say that it didn't have to be an animal.
"We can come back later. We should keep moving." He said, handing me some rabbit.
I was the C.I.T. here. I didn't want to let him boss me around!
But I'll let him be the leader. For now.
I didn't want to eat the rabbit, but I was hungry and had no other options.
I bit down on it. Meh, I've had worse.
If I ever catch Gwen, she's dead meat.
Now to white team. Or rather, Ezekiel's POV.
I was going through the forest, the thorns were scratching all over me.
Checking my backpack, I know that I found one of the best things ever.
Inside were six bottles of water, a whole loaf of bread and binoculars.
Good thing I got this, eh.
Unfortunately, there were no weapons. If only the rest of my team had made it out.
I was the only one left, but at least I wouldn't die of starvation.
Speaking of eating…
Third Person POV
"What the fuck, Cody?" Gwen asked.
She held Cody against a tree. Her hands were on his throat.
"I didn't know! I swear!" The tech-geek managed to rasp out
Trent was lying on the ground, dead. His face was a pale, ghastly green.
The berries that Cody had fed Trent were poisonous. The 9-loving musician had died within minutes.
"How could you be so stupid? Chris told us that almost everything here was dangerous!" Gwen screamed.
"Ah fuck. I'm so sorry."
"It's too late. Trent's dead. Damnit, for someone who claims to be smart, you really are dumb. You'll probably kill us both before any other team does. Maybe I should kill you before that." Gwen had a glint in her eyes.
"No, no, please. Anything but that. I'll be more careful next time, I promise."
"You know, Cody? With friends like you, who needs enemies?" Gwen asked menacingly.
And boy, did those words sting the geek.
Third Person POV
"My Codykins is in trouble!" Sierra said on the Purple Team.
"How can you tell?" Tyler asked her, a katana in his hand.
"My Cody-sense is tingling. I know it."
"That's… not creepy at all." Leshawna quipped.
Speaking of quippers… (3rd Person)
The orange team's attempt at making their own weapons had been unsuccessful so far, so they had decided to go searching for more tools.
"I'm so hungry, Noah." Owen said.
"Yes, Owen. I heard you the last thousand times." The bookworm said.
"Because it's true. Can't I just eat some of these berries?" Owen asked, picking up some.
"No." Noah answered, slapping them away from the big oaf.
"Why not!?" Owen asked.
"Because if you do, you'll end up like him." Izzy answered. She was pointing to Trent's dead body.
"Yeah. And then- wait, what!? Is that… Trent!?" Noah says.
"It sure is." Izzy answered nonchalantly. Of the three, she was the one who seemed the least off-put by death.
Noah tried to stay unfazed as he checked for signs of Trent's weapons.
There was no blood coming from Trent's body, so it did, indeed appear as if the teen had eaten something not meant to be eaten.
"The Blue team must be somewhere nearby." Noah said.
"Trent's dead?! But… WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?" Owen began to moan at the sight of one of his former Gopher teammates now dead.
"Shut up, Owen." Noah said. "You might attract something."
"Like what?" Owen asked.
A growling could be heard from a while away. Then the bushes began to rustle.
Something emerged from the forestry.
Izzy opened her mouth agape. "What the fuck is that?"
Katie's POV (Black team)
"Why are we the black team, Katie?" I asked my BFF.
"It seems a bit racist, don't you think?" She answered back.
"Yeah. We should have been the rainbow team or something like that."
"Yeah. Black is like… so dull."
"It doesn't even describe us. We're bright and joyous."
"Totally. Don't you agree, Justin?"
For some reason, Justin was covering his ears with his hands. I guess it was the sounds of the surrounding environment. There was the sound of bees buzzing and our feet made crunching noises as we moved through the dense vegetation.
Sadie tapped Justin's shoulder.
"Huh? Yep. Totally." He answered.
Eeeeeee! Justin agrees with us. This is like sooooooooo cool!
To the Pink team… In 3rd person!
"What do you mean you two didn't grab any weapons?" Heather shouted at Lindsay.
"I was too scared. Sorry." Lindsay answered.
"Why are you such a moron?" Heather asked her.
"Well, I might as well practice my shooting with this thing."
The queen bee took aim at an apple on a tree. She released the arrow and THWACK!
It went straight through the apple, bringing it to the ground.
"I like apples." Lindsay said, running over to it.
Before Lindsay could get to the apple, a squirrel popped out and grabbed it. The it bit into the juicy fruit…
And nothing happened.
"I guess it's safe." Heather said, shooing the squirrel away.
Heather used the arrow to slice the apple into pieces. They then ate all of them except for the piece that the squirrel bit into, as it might give them a disease.
"It's not much, but It'll have to do for now." Heather said. "Now move out."
"Do you think anyone else has died from eating dangerous fruit?" Lindsay asked.
"Probably not." Heather answered.
Outside, we find Chris…
"Aw, poor Heather. Little did she know what had happened earlier that day." He says.
"Before we end, here are some things to ponder…"
What did the orange team run into?
How mad is Gwen at Cody for killing Trent?
How will Ezekiel do as the last member on his team?
And will it take another two years for an update?
Find out on the next episode of Total Drama: Hunger Games Edition!
Short, I know but I think shorter chapters allow me to update faster.
I haven't really thought this thing through as of yet so I'll just make up stuff as I go along.
Also, there are no cannons that sound when a person dies so forget about that part.
Here's the list of people that have died so far (descriptions are only included if the person died in this chapter).
24th: Beth. Kills - 0
23rd: Eva. Kills - 0
22nd: DJ. Kills - 0
21st: Trent - Ate poisonous berries. Kills - 2 (Eva, Beth)