"Thanks for the coffee."

She took hold of the cup,

Their fingers brushing

As she looked up.

"Its not just the coffee,"

He said with a grin

"It's my way of saying

'Hey I'm all in'

She sipped on the drink

Eyes on his face,

As he got himself lost

In some far off place.

"It's more than just coffee

It's all about love,

About overcoming

And rising above.

It's for drinking in clubs

Dancing and dipping,

And the fact that I know

Your resolve started slipping.

It's for rescuing partners

And waking you up,

It's a private message

Wrapped in a cup.

Its for all that you are,

And all that you do.

To help with the things

We're still going through.

It's about romance

Covertly kissing,

And showing you all of

The things that you're missing.

It's a light in the darkness

When you need to smile,

Its to warm up your hands

And your heart for a while.

Its something to cling to

A repetitive act,

That states to you daily

One simple fact,

I am here when you need me

Have been for days,

It's a cup full of promise

I'm here, ALWAYS."

She ran her finger

Lightly round the rim,

And lifted her face

To gaze straight at him.

She rolled her eyes

And he felt unhappy,

"Its ok Castle,

But stop being sappy.

Its just that you say it

Like I don't understand,

That I don't get the message

in the touch of your hand.

The cup is the vessel

But you fill the void,

You break through the darkness

When I'm scared and annoyed.

The coffee is warming

But so are you.

It all holds a meaning

That much is true.

When I'm hurt and angry

You reach out your hand,

And guide me in ways

I'd never have planned.

But the message, I get it

No words left to say,

It's a silence filled symbol

You give everyday."

She drew in closer

And meeting his eyes,

Wanted to kiss him

And filled with surprise.

She laughed and she smiled

And gave him a shove,

"I get it Castle,

Coffee is Love!