Phineas rode in the back of the ambulance to the hospital watching as the paramedics did all they could. He knew this wasn't his fault but he felt responsible. He was trying not to cry but it was hard to see her like this.

Phineas was working on his usual daily project when Isabella came over and asked if he wanted to go for a bike ride to the Googolplex mall with her, without Ferb. He didn't feel right about leaving Ferb but told her he would meet her there in 10 minutes. He just had to quickly finish up the reactor so it wouldn't explode when he left. He knew Ferb could probably finish on his own but he didn't feel right about leaving Isabella or Ferb but not blowing up Danville had to come first. Isabella left disappointed without Phineas who managed to finish the reactor a couple of minutes early. He peddled as fast as he could to catch up to her. Finally when he was halfway there he saw her crossing the street. He was about to call out for her to wait up when a small sedan flew straight through the red light sending Isabella flying over the roof. Phineas quickly got over to Isabella to find her unconscious with the handlebar embedded in her shoulder.

"Isabella! Isabella are you okay? I'm right here." Isabella was breathing but she clearly wasn't doing well. Phineas joined the people around him in calling 911 while he sat next to Isabella holding her hand not sure what to do. After about ten minutes an ambulance finally arrived and loaded her in. They decided not to even bother questioning him when he climbed in the back with them. He watched helplessly as they tried to stop her bleeding. When they finally got to the hospital Phineas stayed next to the stretcher the whole way to make sure they couldn't make him leave he followed it straight into the emergency room where he sat off to the side while they did all the things that needed to be done. Finally the doctors finished. They told him she had lost a lot of blood and it didn't look good before they left. He went over to her side where she was sleeping.

"Hey Isabella." She sat there unresponsive.
"Actually I don't know what I'm going to do today." He talked to himself wishing he could hear her, or her him
"I was thinking about sticking next to you for as much as I can actually." Isabella stirred a little. He took her hand hoping she would wake up.
"Of course I want to be next to you. You're the only person I want to be with." Isabella's eyes fluttered open slightly.


"I'm here. I'm right here." Isabella was still barely moving. Even while speaking her mouth was virtually stationary

"Whatcha doing?" The slightest of smiles quickly showed on her pale face

"Sitting next to the most amazing person in the one place I wish she'd never be."

"Good." She sighed "Hey Phineas can I tell you a secret."


"I love you." Phineas felt his heart stop but more importantly he heard Isabella's stop with a loud 'beeeep' from the machine. Doctor's immediately surrounded the bed while nurses pushed Phineas out into the hallway. They wanted to take him to the waiting room but he insisted on standing outside the door under the blinking blue light. He stood there for what seemed like forever until the light finally went off. Everything was finally okay. He ran through the door before the hospital staff saw him, eager to see Isabella again. He had something he had to say back to her.