A/N: Sorry I didn't update when I was going to. Thursday I didn't finish school until late and then on Friday I was at my friends Birthday sleepover and didn't get home until after 4 on Saturday.
A shout-out to my (fantastic) reviewers, please keep reviewing! Semper Fi! x:
Rosalielove1, Tiva-Babe UK, NCIS Connection, pirate-princess1, TivaBelieva.x.x.x, aquasm, Courtnzylovesit, mprmusings, russianswimmer7, Reannederful, MegpieLovesTiva, melielle, Robern, HotChocolateStar99, Insanetrouble, andriaallen, NCIS Ziva DiNozzo, oldmoviewatcher, Vaneesa85, Jennifer Catlin DiNozzo, earanemith, I luv emily prentiss 2012, hellokittii16, goaliegirlhrc98, Muggle born 12, drummss, Thelaura93, tenisbabe, zats, DS2010 Tiva4eva95, Elfquire90, ncisaddict123, Tali 101, ShortSarcasm, usuallypencil, ZIVADAVID, Zoyarose, Aunt Jo, ILoveTiva, Ncis Best, left my heart in Paris, TivaLover, Frisbe Ninja, Lolly, 1FAN, saragiup and Chloe!
P.S. I don't know if I got you all. I am glad you are enjoying the story. You are all amazing! x
Tony could hear people walking in the corridors, thankfully walking past his room. No one had tried to socialise with him since he shouted at the last person that attempted to.
That was until now. He could hear someone at the door. Their hand was on the handle, slowly turning it as if they were nervous.
The door opened as Tony got ready to shout, "Go aw... Ziva?"
Tony was sure he had heard Ziva's voice; that was until the door opened. "Mr DiNozzo," It was a nurse; Tony had been hallucinating.
Tony didn't reply, only grunted to say he was listening.
"You have a visitor, but in your current... mood, we thought it would be best if we asked you first," The nurse, whose name was Holly, informed him.
Again Tony just grunted, he had had enough of the rest of the team. Seeing them just reminded him that he wouldn't see Ziva.
The nurse thought a visitor would be good for him, "She said it was important. Her name was Ziva David," The nurse told him, pronouncing her name wrong.
At the sound of her name Tony's breath hitched... please say he wasn't dreaming. He managed to ask the nurse, "Ziva's here?" When she nodded, he realised it was her voice he had heard, "I would like to see her." He need to see her.
With that the nurse exited his room.
Tony couldn't believe she had just said what she had... he actually had to pinch himself.
When he didn't awake he knew it was real. Ziva had come to visit him!
Then suddenly the door opened to reveal Ziva, she came and sat on the chair next to his bed.
They sat in silence for what seemed like hours but in actual fact was only a few minutes. That was until Tony broke the silence, "Where's Gracie?"
"I left her with Jenny, I thought it was best for us to talk first," Ziva said.
"Ziva, I just need to know, why did you leave?" He asked, the hurt so evident in his voice that it hurt Ziva.
"You know why, I have already told you," Ziva said exasperated. But she saw that Tony just wanted to hear her say it, "When I was here all we did was argue, it was just for the best!"
"And now, is it for the best now? Why did you come back?" Tony asked, not sure whether to be angry.
Ziva's eyes welled up, glistering with unshed tears. "It isn't for the best. I just felt lonely without all of you guys. Gracie missed you. I missed you. I just couldn't take it!" Ziva said and a lone tear ran down her cheek.
Tony understood just how she felt, "I missed you too," He told her and gave her a hug, telling her to be strong, "But where do we go from now?"
"I am looking for an apartment in DC, and a job. I also need to get Gracie into a preschool this September," Ziva told him, "Until I find somewhere I am staying in the same hotel as last week."
Then an idea hit Tony, "What's the point of staying in a hotel, I am in hospital so until I am discharged my apartment is empty, stay there."
"Erm... I don't want to confuse Gracie but I guess we could stay there until you are discharged," Ziva said.
"Perfect, she loves her bedroom!" Tony told her and she smiled.
"I will bring her to see you later," Ziva told him, she could tell he wanted to see her.
"Thank you," Tony said with a nod.
For a while they talked, reminiscing about well everything. From when they first met to when Ziva returned. For hours they talked in peace; in harmony.
That was until 4pm, when the peace was broken. They had just been sat there talking, laughing, having fun. When there was a knock at the door and a nurse, the same one as earlier, told Tony he had visitors. Tony told her they could come in.
Then a minute later Gibbs, Abby, McGee, Ducky and Palmer all walked in. That was when all hell broke loose.
As soon as Gibbs saw Ziva he felt angry. She had walked away with a care and then came back as if nothing was wrong! Everyone was angry. Even Abby!
There anger was evident on their faces. It made Ziva feel uncomfortable. So she turned to Tony and kissed his forehead, "Get better soon! I am going to collect Gracie and bring her to see you later."
But the other weren't going to let her go that easily and when she went to leave the room Gibbs remained in front of the door; not moving.
Ziva was about to talk when Abby interrupted, "Why are you avoiding us?"
Abby sounded hurt. It killed Ziva inside, she didn't want to hurt her friends more than she already had.
"I am not. I need to pick Gracie up. I am already late as it is," Ziva said, it was half true. She did have to pick Gracie up but she also wanted to avoid them.
Gibbs didn't believe her, "Why come back Ziva? Haven't you caused enough damage already?"
Gibbs' comment anger Ziva, "You can't talk" Jenny called me yesterday. You were hard on her. It wasn't her fault! You can't see how much she loves you. She wouldn't have forgiven you this morning if she didn't love you!"
Gibbs was shocked by what Ziva had said, "How do you know?"
"Because Jenny is the only one of you that isn't a hypocrite! She knows people do things wrong and she knows not to judge." Ziva told them.
They were silent so Ziva took this chance to confront them, "I can't believe that after some of the things I have done for some of you, that you still don't stand by my actions! You don't even know why I left in the first place!"
A/N: Looks like there is going to be an argument!... Hehehe! I was mean, making you think that Ziva hadn't come back!
If I get 10 reviews I will update on Friday (if I am at home, which I should be) and remember that more reviews equal faster and longer updates.
Lauren :D x