Author's notes: So hello again guys, I'm starting my second story and I hope you will all enjoy it! I would like to thank my beta: geekisthenewawesome for doing a wonderful job editing and giving suggestions for the chapter.

Discalimer: I do not own Hetalia or any of the characters.


Alfred was running as fast as his legs could carry him, his honey-blonde hair whipping in the wind as he pushed himself forward. He didn't look back as heard the sounds of the burning building and the blazing of the sirens. He kept moving forward. He had to escape. He had to get away. There was no going back.

Alfred had run for what seemed like hours, not at all growing tired or paying any attention to the world around him, not really noticing that the vast barren landscape had soon given way to small little buildings and houses, or that the deserted streets suddenly grew into inhabited ones. He didn't even notice when he could barely hear the sirens any more. The only thing on Alfred's mind was to keep moving. They would be looking for him, and he had to keep moving. He couldn't let them find him.

Alfred's feet finally stopped when he collided roughly with another body, sending them both to the ground.

"Bloody hell!" a young and accented voice growled out from beside him. "Watch where you're going would you?"

Alfred's eyes darted over to the owner of the voice, but he instantly froze as he saw the person's eyes. They were green. Those familiar green eyes that made Alfred's blood run cold. The eyes that he had seen back when it had all started.

"Oi, are you even listening to me?" the voice called out. "Hey…are you all right?" But Alfred wasn't listening as he became lost inside his mind.

Alfred banged against the door of his room; his hands continued to make harsh, loud, booming noises as he pounded against the metal. There were tears streaming down his face, as he sobbed and shouted. His face took on an expression of great sorrow, and anger.

"Where did you take them?" Alfred shouted as his banging grew more forceful. "What did you do to them? Bring them back, damn it!"

Alfred sank to the floor, and curled up into a tight ball. He then peeked and looked over at the line of empty beds that were in the now-barren room. Just looking at the stiff sheets, looking as if they had never be used was driving him mad.

"Hey, did you hear?" Mathias's voice rang in his head, causing Alfred to whimper. "Some of the kids from down the hall disappeared. Spooky, huh?"

Alfred cringed as he saw the blonde's bright, wide smile. He had disappeared a few days later.

"West!" Gilbert's voice was heard next in his mind. "Where the hell are you taking him? Bring my brother back!"

Gilbert and his brother Ludwig were the next to go. Alfred could recall when the men in the white coats came and took Ludwig away, the stern boy's legs kicking and flailing as they carried him away. Gilbert was gone a day after, trying to look for his brother, only for the albino to be caught and was never seen again.

"Al!" A shy boy's voice rang out in Alfred's head. He could see the boy, violet blue eyes wide with fear behind his glasses, weakly struggling to get free. He tried to stop them, but was always thrown back.

"Mattie…," Alfred whispered weakly as he curled up more. His own brother was the next to be taken away from the small room they called home.

"Damn it, take me with them!" Alfred shouted into the madding silence of the white room. He then stood up and started to turn in all directions, knowing that he was being watched. "I know you can hear me, you bastards!"

Alfred then took a deep breath in before walking over to the locked, metal door and started to beat on it again, though his strikes were weaker then before. "Bring them back…" Alfred's voice turned weak and pleading. "Please…"

Alfred soon gave up and then retreated to a corner of the room, where he sat in a little ball. His eyes stared blankly ahead, filled with nothing but deep sorrow, and a tint of fear.

Hours seemed to tick by as Alfred was left alone. The only sound was that of his breathing, or the weak sniffles he gave, until he heard the sound of the metal door sliding open.

Alfred didn't bother to look over as he heard the sound of two pairs of heavy footsteps approach him. He didn't need to look to know that the men in white coats were back. The two men grabbed a hold of him harshly, forced him to his feet, and started to lead him out of the room, and down the hallway that held the other homes for the rest of the children and teens: though it seemed entirely empty now…

Alfred didn't speak as he was led down some steps, and pushed into another white room, where the door closed tightly behind him.

He looked around and saw that he was not alone; there was a young woman in a white uniform standing there. If it wasn't for her pinkish skin color, the clipboard she was holding, or the pens sticking out of her front pocket, she would have blended in with the rest of the white in the room.

"Where are they?" Alfred finally decided to speak, as he stared at the young brown haired woman.

"Hello, Alfred." The woman responded with a smile, not at all answering his questions. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Come have a seat on the bed." The woman moved and motioned to the hospital-like bed behind her.

He didn't believe the woman for a moment. Her smile was fake and too sweet.

Alfred crossed his arms and didn't move from his spot. "Where are they?" he asked again, with a bit more force and anger.

The woman stood her ground, but seemed to clutch her clipboard a little tighter. She stared at Alfred with her smile never leaving her face as she once again motioned to the bed. But once she saw that Alfred wasn't going to move, she slowly reached into her pocket, her smile still unmoving.

Alfred jumped then as he heard the door behind him open again. He turned to see that one of the men in the white coats was back. He stiffened as the man placed a hard hand on him and forced him over to the bed, before he was roughly forced onto it, his back laying on the cold surface of the white sheets. Alfred grunted and struggled, trying to get back up. His eyes widened as he watched and felt the man bind his limbs to the bed with strong attached ropes.

"Thank you," the woman said calmly as the man in the white coat stepped back. She walked closer to Alfred and started to write down something on her clipboard, before starting to hook Alfred up to some of the small machines and computers that were next to the bed. He could hear the beep of a heart monitor as it recorded his pulse, and the other noises of different machines.

"Subject 256 is ready for preparation," The woman suddenly spoke out.

The door slid open again this time to reveal another man. This one wore a white lab coat and had messy blonde hair that was starting to grey. There were wrinkles on his face, showing that age had affected him, and he wore a tight scowl. But the thing that stood out was his green familiar eyes. Eyes that were cold and dark and held fake warmth when Alfred first saw them.

"Thank you." The man's voice was cold as he walked over to the bed, his eyes trained on Alfred.

Alfred couldn't hold back his rage as he started to thrash about, and tried to do anything to get rid of the binds forcing him to the bed. He knew this man had taken away his friends, taken away his brother.

"What did you do with them?" Alfred shouted out. "Answer me!"

The man's response was to only smirk and watch as the nurse took a cotton ball and stated to wipe at Alfred's arm.

"Subject 256 Alfred F. Jones, codename: America; is ready, Dr. Kirkland." The woman spoke again, and stepped away from Alfred, and stood beside one of the machines.

The man known as Dr. Kirkland moved away before coming back with a syringe. He moved closer to Alfred, whose eyes were widened with fear, watching as Dr. Kirkland flicked the needle for a few seconds.

Then Dr. Kirkland leaned forward, his smirk growing and his cold, green eyes flashing. He whispered softly into Alfred's ear causing him to shiver. "They helped their country, just like you're going to do…"

Alfred gasped as he could feel the needle pierce his skin and injected a foreign substance into his body. He struggled for a moment before he felt a burning sensation. Alfred looked up as his vision started to dim, causing everything to fade around him. The last things he saw were the man's green eyes, and that malicious smirk before his entire world went black.

Author's notes: First Mathias is Denmark incase anyone was confused.

Well I hoped you guys liked the first chapter. So what did you guys think? What happened to Alfred? Who did he bump into? What happened to his friends and brother? You will only find out in the next update! :D As always reviews are always welcomed and apprechiated!
