"I don't wanna eat this," Dean said as he poked the little rolls of rice wrapped up in seaweed with the tip of one of the sticks he was holding. What were their names again?

He didn't know why he had agreed to go out for sushi with Cas, but he certainly hadn't been considering the fact that he'd actually have to put raw fish and sea plants in his mouth. He also had no idea how he was supposed to be coordinated enough to pick up food with those two little stick things that had come with the meal instead of forks and knives.

"Just try it," Dean stared at Cas and scrunched his nose as the other man.

"But it's not even cooked!"

"Dean," Castiel scowls, tilting his head a little bit, "stop playing with it. If you weren't comfortable enough with the prospect of trying different types of food than those you are used to, why did you agree to come with me?"

Because I like to spend time with you. "Fine," Dean goes for the roll that looks less terrifying and has less weird shit in it, dipping it into the dark liquid thing beside his plate like he saw Cas doing it with his own little rolls, and takes a tentative bite.

"Well?" Castiel asks, a hopeful look on his face.

"That's actually not half bad," the raw fish didn't have the awful taste Dean was expecting, which was a pleasant surprise. "You know, once you stop thinking of it as ex-buddies of the Little Mermaid and start thinking of it as food."

"The Little Mermaid?" Castiel stated at him, face carefully blank.

"Yeah," Dean starts. How can Cas not know who the Little Mermaid is? "Red-haired chick, purple bra, green merm-"

Castiel starts laughing then, hiding his face behind his napkin.

"Dude, that's not funny!"

"And yet were the one who brought up the Little Mermaid in the conversation," Castiel looks at him with a raised eyebrow, obviously making an effort not to laugh at his face again, but barely managing.

Dean is busy pouting at his food when Cas reaches across the table, puts his hand on the back of his neck and leans in, tracing his tongue against Dean's bottom lip. Startled, Dean looks up.

"You had a little bit of shoyo there," Castiel says between a small smile, looking fondly at Dean and settling back in his seat.

Yeah, Dean thought, smiling back. Sushi is not so bad after all.