* Yes, I have decided to make a sequel. By the way, I am doing one-word requests for this. Meaning, if you want me to do a one-shot based around one word (Ie: rollercoaster, platypus, cupcakes, etc etc.) put it through a review and I'll see what I can do.

As the summary explains, this is a bunch of one-shots based around the trio, a sequel/companion fiction to "Back Across". There will most likely be little romance, and I will involve the other characters in a few one-shots.

I referenced "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across The Second Dimension". I referenced the episodes "Bullseye", "Magic Carpet Ride", "Candace Loses Her Head", "My Fair Goalie", "Rollercoaster", and "The Great Indoors". I do not own the movie and I do not own any of the episodes. The title of this fiction is a reference to the episode "Phineas and Ferb Interrupted" as well as the song "With These Blueprints". I don't own the episode "Phineas and Ferb Interrupted" and I don't own the song "With These Blueprints".


As Ferb held the book, Phineas squared the picture onto a page.

"Hmm," The boy mused as he gazed at the photo. "The best part was definitely getting the bulls eye at the end of the day. What do you think Ferb?"

His brother nodded in agreement before taking out another picture. "What's this?" Phineas asked. The boy smiled and stuck it onto the next page. "Our Other Dimension-ator. I guess we forgot to add it."

Both boys yawned at the same time as they set the book on a nightstand. The door hinges creaked, and their pet platypus entered the room. "Oh, there you are, Perry." Phineas greeted with a bright smile. Exchanging the grin, Perry stood up on his hind legs and hopped on Ferb's bed.

He chattered and pointed a teal finger at the thick hardback. "That," Phineas began explaining as he passed the book to the mammal. "is our book of inventions. Everything we've ever made is saved in it." Perry nodded and started flipping through the pages, Phineas and Ferb sitting on either side of him.

Perry stopped on the most recent page. "Our giant game of darts. We launched ourselves across the city to meet Baljeet and Buford at a target in the park." Perry gave them a semi-accusing look. "Don't worry," The redhead tried to assure. "We ruled out every possible way we could've gotten hurt on it. It was completely safe. Plus," He continued. "We did add an anti-gravity feature in case we were going to crash."

Perry shook his head, trying to push away the worry. Besides, looking back on it, what was more dangerous: shooting darts across Danville, or landing them directly in the middle of a pageant surround by evil scientists?

"By the way," Phineas asked. "What's L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.?"

Taking some paper and a pencil off the desk, Perry wrote, "League Of Villainous Evildoers Maniacally United For Frightening Investments in Naughtiness. Okay," Phineas dragged out the word. "So it wasn't a pharmacist contest?"

Perry shook his head 'no'.

For the next hour, Phineas, Ferb, and Perry went through the scrapbook. They told their platypus about the time they made a magic carpet, the re-modeling of a portion of Mount Rushmore, the recent creation of the football stadium, and the boys couldn't help but talk about the rollercoaster in fullest detail.

"And that's the time we hang-glided in a giant biodome," Phineas continued to go on about that project. However, Perry was occupied with something else. He reached under Ferb's bed and, from a secret compartment under the mattress, pulled out a shoebox, a stack of photos lying within.

"Ferb, look," Phineas laughed as he looked through the pictures. "Remember when we were almost fed to that hairy beast?"

Ferb glanced over another. "And when you attached the 'Reboot Me' sign to the back of the robot."

"I can't believe you kept these photos," He didn't actually mean to print the photos, but earlier, Carl the intern had said that he was going to be making updates on Agent P's computer. Not wanting to delete them or having the teenager find the pictures, Perry decided to copy them and store them away. "Even photographs from our last visit are in here." His boys smiled as they looked at the pictures of the recent robot fight. There was even a scene with one of the agents carrying Planty the potted plant out of the dungeons.

Phineas had questioned why these were hidden under Ferb's bed, and all Perry did was shrug. It seemed like the safest place. Before they put them back in the box, Ferb held a picture in one hand and the scrapbook in the other. After laying the photo down inside the pages, the silent one gave the book to his friends. Perry smiled nostalgically as Phineas gave his brother a thumbs-up.

"Okay, Ferb," The sentence was almost inaudible over the yawn. The boy pulled the covers over him. "What do you want to do tomorrow?" However, Ferb was already fast asleep, in fact, as was Phineas.

Perry smiled proudly as he slipped the shoebox back under the bed and the scrapbook into the bookcase. The platypus snuggled under the blanket as Phineas draped an arm over him.

Though many blank pages were skipped, on the very last page of the book sat the picture of the three of them, just before getting their minds erased.