Me: Alright who has been waiting for some battle scenes? Well there finally here and I hope you all enjoy what I believe should be some epic battles. I do not own Pokemon or Final Fantasy, but I do own one OC out of the 3 OCs who will be in this chapter.

"Ah man I'm ready to kick some ass." May exclaims punching the air.

"You always want to kick something in battle, but see here is the problem we may end up fighting each other at some point." Leaf said this all with a smirk.

"You guys let's just get to the arena and find out who we're fighting." Misty said while walking away.

As Leaf and May race for the arena, Misty walks slowly behind them. Dawn can be seen lagging behind watching the people around her closely. She paused when she saw a darkly dressed man run by into the crowd before she had a chance to chase him.

"You guys," Dawn said once she finally caught up to them, then in a whisper she told them, "Team Conquest is here, I don't know how many but we must be ready for any event they may cause."

They all nod to each other then went to look at who they are to battle in the first battle round.

"Dang it they've got me battling Brendan in the first round." May said very upset. "I want a challenge not someone who will go easy on me."

"Ha-ha, I'm fighting Rudy so it should be interesting." Leaf said.

"Huh I wonder who Xavier is. I hope he is a challenge." Dawn said while looking closely at Xavier's picture.

"Yup and I'm battling Nando. It looks like Ash is battling someone named Alicia, Paul is battling a guy named Devon, Gary is battling Jessica, and Drew is battling a girl named Alex." Misty read off the list.

"Oh, Gary against his girly girlfriend this should be good." Leaf said whistling with a grin.

"Come on you guys lets go it's going to start." May said while walking to the waiting room for battlers.

While they were waiting for the first of them to be called there were two battles. First Paul won against Devon and Gary beat Jessica in a record time of 5 seconds.

"Alright you guys ready for the next battle," Lilian yells to the crowd as they roar in response, "great then let's hear it for May and Brendan."

"Glaceon, let's go." Yelled May with a twirl.

"I pick you, Aggron." Brendan yells while running out.

"Aggron use Double Edge." Brendan shouts while pointing at Glaceon.

"Glaceon lets freeze this stage, Blizzard and Icy Wind." Shouts May.

As Aggron ran towards Glaceon it slipped on the ice caused by Glaceon's combo of Blizzard and Icy Wind.

"Alright Glaceon while he is down use Ice Shard." May shouted.

"Shit Aggron use Metal Claw to break the Ice Shards." Brendan yelled in a hurry trying to best May's Glaceon.

Although Aggron's Metal Claw destroyed most of the Ice Shards some still hit him causing it to be difficult for him to stay standing.

"Aggron come on lets finish this with Hyper Beam." Brendan shouted in determination.

"Alright Glaceon this is what we've been waiting for use your strongest Mirror Coat." May calls to Glaceon.

As Aggron is charging his final move, Hyper Beam, Glaceon was beginning to glow a brilliant white. Aggron's Hyper Beam finally shot off towards Glaceon. Glaceon hit it head on slowly pushing it back towards Aggron. The impact caused a great exposition that made everyone hold their breath. Finally the smoke clears and the crowd burst into cheers for Glaceon stands while Aggron is out cold on the floor.

"Good job Glaceon and great battle Brendon. May says as she walks across the field to shake Brendon's hand.

"Don't expect it to happen again because I won't lose a second time." Brendan said confidently.

"We'll see." May says with a smile as she returns to her friends to watch some more battles.

During the second round of waiting we saw Brianna's battle against Vincent were she lost and freaked out at the same time. Harley won his battle against a newbie. Barry won against Ashley and Valerie won against another newbie.

"Alrighty everyone let's give it up for Drew and Alex." Lilian yelled to the crowd with her arms in the air.

"Let's go, Absol." Drew flicked his hair and yelled while throwing the pokeball.

"Let's kick some ass, Lucario." Alex yells after running out.

"Alright Lucario surround Absol with Aura Spheres then use Bone Rush to hit them at him fast." Alex yells pointing as Lucario rushes to do what she wanted.

"Absol use Water Pulse around you then use Razor Wind." Drew says calmly. Absol created a large tornado Water Pulse around him then used Razor Wind which caused slices of wind and water to destroy the Aura Sphere.

"Lucario use Metal Claw." Alex yelled.

"Match it with Iron Tail Absol then push Lucario back." Drew yelled as Lucario rushes towards Absol with his Claw glowing. Right before he gets there Absol swings his glowing tail. They start evenly matched in till Absol starts to push back Lucario soon sending him to the other side of the arena.

"Absol finish it with Psycho Cut." Drew shouted.

"Lucario stop it with Force Palm." Alex yells as Force Palm and Psycho Cut collide with each but in the end Psycho Cut won knocking Lucario out.

"Great battle." Alex smirks while walking off stage to rejoin her friend.

"It was great to battle you too." Drew says as he walks off to sit with Ash, Paul, and Gary again.

During this wait time Leaf had won against Rudy, Soledad defeated Conway, and Ash beat a girl named Alicia.

"Now it's time for the battle between Dawn and Xavier." Lilian shouted.

"Luxray, spotlight." Dawn shouted.

"Dusknoir it's your turn." Xavier yells.

"Alright Luxray use Charge." Dawn yells in excitement.

"Dusknoir use Shadow Sneak." Xavier commands.

"Perfect Luxray focus that Charge into an Iron Tail then use Discharge." Dawn shouts with a smirk. Luxray went from his whole body glowing with sparks to only his tail now glows a bright yellowish white. Dusknoir got sent flying when Discharge came three times stronger from Luxray's tail.

"Dusknoir use Thunder Punch on Luxray." Xavier says.

"Luxray use swift to avoid the thunder punch." Dawn yells. Luxray's swift caused the Thunder Punch to hit and explode instead of striking Luxray.

"Dusknoir lets finish this with Shadow Ball." Xavier shouts.

"Luxray surround the Shadow Ball with swift then use shock wave to send it back over Dusknoir." Dawn yells to Luxray. The swift sent the shadow ball back over Dusknoir and when the shock wave struck the shadow ball it exploded in raining sparks knocking Dusknoir out.

"Incredible battle Xavier." Dawn said shaking his hand.

"Ya same, hope we can have a rematch someday." Xavier says with a smile.

During the break we saw Zoey beat Ursula badly and Nando was defeated by Misty.

"Let's give it up for Brock and Ayla." Lilian shouts to the crowd.

"Sudowoodo." Brock yelled while releasing Sudowoodo.

"Umbreon it's your time to shine." Ayla calls while throwing a pokeball that released an Umbreon with red rings instead of yellow.

"Sudowoodo use Rock Throw." Brock yells.

"Umbreon use Quick Attack to dodge the rocks." Ayla commands calmly.

"Sudowoodo use Slam." Brock yells.

"Umbreon dodge." Ayla called.

"Sudowoodo finish this with Double-Edge." Brock shouted.

"Umbreon jump up and use Dark Pulse, Moonlight, and Iron Tail." Ayla yells as Sudowoodo runs towards Umbreon glowing white. Umbreon jumps high then starts spinning down using Dark Pulse causing him to be surrounded in darkness. Half way down he used Moonlight making him glow white under the darkness. At the last minute before the attack struck Sudowoodo, Umbreon used Iron Tail knocking Sudowoodo clean out.

"That must have taken a lot of training to work out such a combo." Brocks said to Ayla from where she was kneeling praising Umbreon.

"It did but it's still not perfect we were lucky it worked for this battle." Ayla said before returning Umbreon and walking away to be greeted half-way by Alex.

The first battle round has ended with 16 winners. The next battle happened with 8 winners; Drew, Misty, Leaf, Dawn, Ash, Paul, May, and Gary.

"The next day shall be our last appeal round and our final two battle rounds." Lilian announced.

"We've made it today but we still have a second round of appeals to make it through." Misty says as she walks back to the Pokemon Center.

"Yes but we still made it." May shouted with her arms in the air.

"Hey May ill race you." Leaf says with a smirk before she, May, and Misty started running.

Dawn watches them then turns around to look at the boys who were following.

"Don't think that if you say you're sorry we will forgive you so easily." Dawn tells them with a glare before turning to follow the girls.

You have broken our hearts once and it shall not happen again. Dawn thought in anger.

Me: Hoped you enjoyed this large round of battles. I'm very glad to give you another update so please rate and review.