Me: Alright everyone this is my first story so please be nice. Anyway I do not own Pokemon although I wish I did because I would be very rich.

Legendary Guardians

On a high mountain type hill 4 cloaked people stand watching over a beautiful waterfall. In the distance you can see the bright clear stars in the distance twinkling like they are smiling down at the 4 people.

"It's been a long time since we have been on this land." Said the black cloaked girl. She raises her arms to take off the hood letting down rich blue hair that now reaches her knees. She wears white shorts that reach mid-thigh with belts covering part of her stomach and shorts, she has criss-cross strings which leads to a bathing suit style black top slightly covered by her cloak which goes down to her ankles and pass her hands but with her neck, shoulders, and elbows seen. She has a belt wrapped around her cloak below her shirt. The shoes look like long pink soaks with white over them. (I'm really bad at explaining looks but the link/picture is on my profile).

"We'll be fine, Dawn. They've got nothing on us anymore, we're different." Said the red cloaked girl. Underneath the cloak you can see thigh high brown boots, short shorts, and gloves reaching her wrists. You can see her whole stomach but she has a black sports bra on under the cloak. (once more all there outfit pictures will be on my profile)

"Mays right Dawn we've grown stronger than before even if we do meet them." Said the pale white cloaked girl. This cloak doesn't have a hood, underneath is a leather corset top with shorts and a half skirt underneath. Underneath the corset is a long sleeved shirt that reaches just past her elbows. On her hands are long brown gloves that reach past her wrists she also has thigh high brown boots.

"Misty, May, Dawn, now is not a time for that. The legendaries sent us here to stop all the problems showing up not to fix our past love life." Said the final girl wearing a pink cloak. The cloak had no sleeves and is covered in belts. Under the cloak is a black top wrap with no sleeves and short black shorts. She has thigh high black soaks with boots almost up to her knees. She also has gloves on with no fingers on them and only goes to right below her shoulders.

"Alright Leaf I just can't help but remember all that happen only 5 years ago." Dawn said with a sad expression and down cast eyes.

Flashback 5 years ago

Everyone was in Pallet Town at Ash's house having a reunion. Everyone was there Ash, Brock, Misty, May, Drew, even Harley, Soladad, Dawn, Paul, Gary, Leaf, and more. It so far has been a blast with all kinds of games and pokemon to play with. It was also the party to celebrate Ash and Misty, Paul and Dawn, Drew and May, and Gary and Leaf getting together.

It was only a few hours till dark when everything fell apart for the girls. Dawn, May, Misty, and Leaf were looking for their boyfriends after they had disappeared not long after lunch. They all found there boyfriends in different areas. Leaf found Gary in a meadow, Dawn found Paul in a maze of mirrors, Misty found Ash on the beach, and May found Drew in a rose garden.

With Leaf

Leaf walked out into a large meadow and saw Gary at the edge watching some of the wild pokemon grazing.

"Finally I found you Gary!" Leaf said with a smile.

She starts to run towards him but then pauses once she sees who he is with. Down with Gary; Jessica, a bleach blonde haired girl wearing a pinkish red school uniform, was cuddling up to him. Leaf was only a few feet away when they suddenly kissed and started making out.

Leaf gasped and started crying. Gary heard the gasp and quickly turned around in fear that Leaf found him.

"Leaf its not what it looks, please you got to believe me." Gary said while slightly turning around to look at her.

"Forget it Gary, we are over!" Leaf yelled at him then turned and ran with Gary yelling at her to wait.

Ill never forget what you've done just you wait Gary you wont know what your missing till its gone thought Leaf.

With Dawn

Dawn decided to look for Paul in her favorite place the house of mirrors. She ran through the house using her memory to keep from getting lost, she finally found him at the very center of the house of mirrors making out with none other than Ursula, who is wearing an extremely short frilly dress that barely reach mid-thigh. After Dawn saw them she didn't even make a sound as she turned tail and ran.

I guess this is goodbye Paul. Dawn thought as she ran away crying.

With Misty

"Ash where are you Ash." Misty yelled while walking along the beach.

"Ash you're so funny" giggled a familiar voice.

Misty peeked around a rock and saw Ash playing with Ashley, a girl who thinks that going swimming means she can wear practically nothing she is wearing a skimpy white bikini and she has long brown hair with bleach highlights. Ash finally caught her from where she was running then fell down with her and started making out on the sand.

Misty gasped then ran out from behind the rock and lifted up her mallet over her head then yelled "We're over!" to Ash before slamming it on his head as he tries to say sorry.

To think I ever trusted you Ash. Misty thought as she ran away.

With May

May was walking through a garden of roses smelling some as she went. Soon enough she got to the same spot were Drew asked her out. But instead of seeing an empty bench she saw Drew making out with Brianna who after seeing me had an evil smirk and look in her eyes.

"Drew what are you doing?" May asked confused that he is with another girl when she is his girlfriend.

"May its not what it looks like really." Drew says waving his hands in an expression that she is not seeing what just happen.

"Save it Drew, I already understand." May said with tears in her eyes as she turns and runs while stepping on the rose she had just been smelling.

You've made a mistake Drew, and soon you will come begging on your knees for me back. May thought as she ran away with a determined look to prove him that he made a mistake.

Flashback over

Me: Alrighty everyone thanks for induring my first chapter please Rate and Review. Also please be nice and if you have any advice please message me I would love to know how to make my chapters better.