A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who has ever reviewed.

Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers

"Whoa!" Bryce yelped, as he lost his footing and fell down the last five feet of the mountain. Dust flew around him causing him to let out a few harsh coughs.

"Nice landing," Lew smiled, as he leaned up against a nearby tree. He still held the box that held the crystals.

Nathalie laughed as she slid down the last few feet next to Bryce. "See that wasn't so bad," she said, as she got up and dusted the dirt from her jeans. On the other side of Bryce, Marissa landed gracefully on her feet.

"Well, well, well… what do we have here?" Phoebus sneered, as he walked out of the shadows with Diana on his flank. Unlike in the past, the two of them were demorphed for the first time. Diana and Phoebus looked like exact copies of Artemis and Apollo, except for their pure black eyes.

Diana crossed her arms. "Let's make this easy shall we. If you hand over yourselves and the crystals now we promise to make your deaths not as painful."

"Never!" Lew yelled, as he shielded the crystals to the side of his body and tightened his grip on the box.

"Ready?" Nathalie asked, as she held her morpher up to the side of her face.

"Ready!" Lew and Bryce yelled back, coping Nathalie.

"Olympian Force, Protectors of Earth!"

Lew flew up towards the sky with his right hand extended forward. As he looked up, he jumped through a group of clouds and landed gracefully. As he knelt and looked up as a part of the cloud blew up and covered his body. When it disappeared Lew's body was replaced with his Ranger suit. "As swift as Hermes, Blue Olympian Ranger!"

Bryce landed on the top of a mountain just as the sun started to rise in the background. As the sun broke out over the top of the mountain, a large ball of light flew up into the sky. Suddenly, the ball flew back down and smashed into Bryce's body. As the light was absorbed into his body, Bryce morphed into his Ranger suit. "As clever as Apollo, Green Olympian Ranger!"

Nathalie jumped up into the air and landed in the middle of a forest. In the background the sun was almost completely set. As darkness fell over the land, a dark purple ball flew up from the distance and smashed down into Nathalie's body. As the ball was absorbed into her body, Nathalie finished morphing. "As skillful as Artemis, Red Olympian Ranger!"

The three Rangers stood together as they each morphed. Suddenly, sparks started to fly out of each Ranger's suit, causing the Rangers to fall to the ground in pain. As the Rangers laid on the ground their suits flickered in and out of existence before they lost their morpher completely. The Roman Rangers laughed as they watched the Rangers groan on the ground.

"I guess this is going to be easier than we thought," Diana said cracking her knuckles, as she laughed looking at her partner.

Marissa ran over to her fellow Rangers and carefully helped Bryce up. "Are you okay?" Bryce nodded as he stood up. Groaning, Lew and Nathalie made their way over to the two.

"What happened?" Bryce asked, as he rubbed his head.

"We must still be too close to Mt. Olympus," Lew said. "That's probably why Diana and Phoebus aren't morphed either."

"I guess we are just going to have to fight this battle the ancient fashioned way," Nathalie said, as she stepped forward. Suddenly, about twenty or so Dwellers surrounded Phoebus and Diana.

"The old fashioned way," Bryce corrected, as he joined Nathalie. He nodded to her before they ran after their opposite evil Ranger.

Nathalie quickly threw her right fist towards Diana, who instead caught it and flipped Nathalie on her back. Nathalie jumped from her back and landed on her two feet drawing her fist into a defensive position. She ducked as Diana threw a punch back at her. As she crouched down, Nathalie tried to sweep kicked the Roman Ranger off her feet. Diana jumped up in time, dodging Nathalie's attack.

Off to the right, Bryce rolled to the ground to avoid another one of Phoebus' balls of lights. The blast fell just to the right of the Green Rangers and pushed large chunks of rocks up. Bryce quickly strung to his feet and threw three balls of lights one after another towards Phoebe. The Roman Ranger punched the first two blasts into the ground and the third one he punched to the right.

Lew shielded the crystals with his back as a Dweller tried to kick the box out of his hands. He fell forwards but was caught by Marissa. More Dwellers started to surround the two as they backed up towards the edge of the cliff.

"There's too many of them!" Marissa cried, as she looked over the edge. Waves crashed along the side of the cliff at the base of the river.

"Hold on," Lew said, as he grabbed Marissa's arm and teleported the two of them into a tree above.

"What should we do?" Marissa shrieked, as she watched the Dwellers start to climb their way up. "We won't be able to beat them with just our raw powers."

"Our raw powers…." Lew's voice dragged on as he thought. "That's it! When you morphed for the first time the white crystal bonded with your DNA. Like ours, your crystal's powers should have rearranged parts of your DNA and allowed for mutations. These mutations are the reasons why I can teleport and track things. You're DNA should have given you a power too."

"Well how do I know what my power is-" Marissa stopped mid sentence and shrieked as a Dweller grabbed her leg and pulled her down. Lew grabbed Marissa's hand and held her as the Dweller tried to pull her down. "Don't let go!"

"Wasn't planning on it," Lew said, as he tried to pull Marissa up. Lew gasped as Marissa's hands starting to glow a unique mix of white and purple. Suddenly, the Dweller's hand was pried off with some invisible force. The Dweller's body floated in the air before it smashed into the side of the mountain, turning to dust with contact.

"D-did you j-just d-do t-that?" Marissa stuttered, as Lew pulled her body up.

"No-" he said, as he looked down. "I think we just found out what your power is." Lew looked over and saw Nathalie and Bryce struggling. Lew's eyes glowed bright neon blue as they scan the forest, now battle field. "If we can drive the Roman Rangers just to that opening over there we should be able to morphed."

"Let's go!" Marissa said. Her hands started to glow again as she pushed the Dwellers back once they had jumped down. "Run!" the two quickly ran off towards the clearing.

"Bryce! Nathalie! Run!" Lew shouted, as he zigged and zagged through a group of Dwellers. He ducked down and slid as a Dweller tried to punch him. Lew held the crystals tighter against his body as he ran. Both Nathalie and Bryce looked up from their fights as they saw Lew and Marissa run.

Taking advantage of the distracted Nathalie, Diana threw a punch square at Nathalie's nose. Nathalie gasped and grabbed her nose as her eyes started to water. After she whipped the blood from her nose on her sleeve, she ran after Lew and Marissa.

Phoebus held Bryce's arms above his head as the two wrestled on the ground. Bryce's hands lit up and burned Phoebus, forcing the Roman Ranger to let go of his grip. Quickly, Bryce kicked Phoebus in the stomach and rolled to the side. He jumped up and he ran after his fellow Rangers.

"Where are we going?" Bryce asked, as he caught up to Marissa.

"To the clearing up ahead," Lew said, as he swung his arms faster trying to gain more speed. "We'll be far enough away to morph." The four of them ran ahead before they darted through the trees and ran out into a large open field. "Now!"

"Olympian Force, Protectors of Earth!" the three Rangers shouted as they ran. Their bodies each lit up in their respective color before they each successfully morphed. Besides them, Marissa had jumped up into the air and morphed into a cheetah. Shooting out of the woods behind them, Diana and Phoebus ran out towards the Rangers, now also morphed.

"Let's finish this," Diana growled, as she drew her Roman Bow.

"I agree!" Nathalie snarled back. Bryce and Lew ran after Phoebus, while Nathalie and Marissa ran after Diana.

Nathalie slid to a stop and quickly grabbed an arrow out of her quiver. She slid the arrow into her bow and pulled back. Her chest rose as she breathed in slowly and closed one eye. Nathalie let go of the string with her right hand and just as the arrow was about to hit Diana, Marissa jumped into the Roman Ranger, knocking her to the ground.

Marissa pounced on top of Diana, rolling to the ground as she fell. Diana, who was designed to know Nathalie inside out and not Marissa, had not seen the attack coming.

"Get off me you mangy mutt," Diana screamed, as she kicked Marissa off with her enhanced strength. Diana reached into her quiver and grabbed an arrow and without her bow she hurled it at Marissa. Marissa whimpered as the arrow landed in her arm.

While Diana was occupied with Marissa, Nathalie had run up from behind and had drawn her sword. Diana saw Nathalie out of the corner of her eye and quickly spun around and kicked the sword out of the Red Ranger's hand. Diana grabbed Nathalie's wrist and flipped the Red Ranger on her back.

"Diana!" Phoebus shouted from across the field. On the opposite side, closer to the tree line, Phoebus was trapped between Lew and Bryce. Diana rolled her eyes and ignored the Green Roman Ranger.

"Deal with it yourself, I have other things to deal with," Diana growled, as she grabbed her sword out of her utility belt. Without having Diana holding her arms down, Nathalie was able to flip the two of them over. Diana kicked Nathalie in the chest, but in the processes, her sword was also kicked out of her hand. Nathalie smirked, before she quickly got up and raced Diana to the sword. The two dove to the ground for Diana's sword.

Meanwhile, Phoebus gulped nervously as he backed up. Lew smirked as he swung his giant hammer around in his hands.

"Rangers, are you there?" Phoebe's voice asked coming through Lew's morph.

"Yeah, I'm here," Lew said, and Bryce ran towards Phoebus to fight him one on one. Phoebus looked around frantically for his sword. He caught sight of the sword as the sun reflected off of its shiny surface. "Do you have anything that could help us out over here?"

"Yeah! Try combining your hammer with Bryce's scimitar. I've been working on an upgrade that should allow you guys to create different combinations with your power weapons instead of only being allowed to create the Irenic Blaster."

"Thanks!" Lew said, as he turned to the Green Ranger who held not only his scimitar but also Phoebus'. "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, let's try it! Olympic Scimitar!" Bryce shouted as he threw his sword up into the air.

"Olympic Hammer!" Lew shouted. The two power weapons each broke apart and recombined themselves to create a mix between the Lew's hammer and Bryce's sword. Instead of the handle being on the bottom, the new power weapon had a handle in the middle. Attached to one side was the blade of Bryce's scimitar and on the other side was the head of Lew's hammer.

"This is awesome!" Bryce said, as the power weapon landed in his hands. He spun it around a few times before he slung it over his shoulders. Lew teleported to Phoebus' side and pushed the Roman Ranger to the ground on his knees and held his hands behind his back as if he was being hand cuffed. Bryce ran forward and slashed down on Phoebus' with the sword side and then slashed back up with the hammer side.

Lew quickly teleported to Bryce's side as Phoebus blew up. The two high fived each other as they saw a miniature version of Phoebus scream on the ground. Bryce grabbed his Asclepius cube out of his belt and pushed the center button. He popped the top and placed the squirming Roman Ranger inside.

"One down, five to go," Bryce said, as he screwed the top back on. He pushed the center button and put the cube back on his utility belt.

Diana grabbed Nathalie by the helmet and pushed the Red Ranger back. Just as she was about to grab her sword, a hawk flew in and grabbed the sword. The hawk had one injured wing and had a hard time flying. It landed in a tree and transformed into a teenage girl. Marissa smirked as she held Diana's sword.

"NO!" Diana screamed. She looked over to her right to see the two other Rangers celebrating their victory. "This isn't over!" Diana said, before she transported away. The sword in Marissa's hands also disappeared when Diana did.

"Power down!" Nathalie said, as she walked over to Marissa. Marissa jumped down out of the tree, but collapsed from using up most of her strength transforming between her human form and animal form. Nathalie grabbed Marissa's arm with her glowing hand. Marissa yelped in pain when Nathalie grabbed her leg harshly and scowled.

"Thanks," Marissa said once her arm was all healed. She stood up and joined the other Rangers.

"Are the crystals safe?" Nathalie asked Lew. He nodded. "Okay, let's hurry up and get to the Zords before nightfall comes." The others nodded and they walked off towards the beach.

"Watch it bumble bee," Kennedi yelled, as she threw one of her daggers at Venus. Venus fell backwards as the dagger landed in her thigh. She pulled it out of her leg showing no signs in pain. "Are you okay?" Kennedi asked, as she helped Charley up.

"Yeah," Charley said, as she stood up. "Watch out!" she shouted, as she pushed Kennedi down and jumped in front of the Orange Ranger. Venus had grabbed her blaster and started to fire at the two female Rangers. Charley quickly waved her hand in front of her body to generate a force field to protect both herself and Kennedi.

From behind the force field, Kennedi had reached down and touched the ground. Venus started to feel a pull at her leg and when she looked down her whole left leg had been captured by a vine. Suddenly, a second vine shot up out of the ground and wrapped itself around Venus' neck. The Roman Ranger struggled to free herself against the vines. Venus shut her eyes underneath her helmet and generated a forced field to surround herself. The vines turned brown and shriveled away under the power of Venus' force field.

"Hey Venus!" Jet shouted, as he threw the last Dweller up against a tree causing it to turn to dust. "Can you're force field protect you from this." Jet reached over and grabbed one of the large rocks that the younger children of Olympian Heights liked to play on and threw in towards her. The boulder smashed into Venus' shield but didn't break it.

"Rangers I might know something that could break Venus' shield," Phoebe said, through Charley's morpher. "Bryce and Lew were able to successfully merge their power weapons together. Try merging yours and Kennedi's weapons."

"Alright, thanks!" Charley nodded to Kennedi who nodded back in understanding. "Olympic Blaster!"

"Olympic Daggers!" Kennedi shouted, as the two threw their weapons up. The two power weapons broke apart and merged. A larger yellow and orange blaster fell into Charley's hands.

"Whoa!" Charley said, as she flipped the new power weapon over in her hands.

"Ha!" Venus laughed. "Like that little blaster is going to do anything to my force field."

"We'll see about that!" Charley said, as she aimed and pulled back the trigger on her new weapon. Normally Charley's blaster shot out rays of yellow light, except this time one of Kennedi's daggers was shot out of the end. A blast of yellow light swirled around the dagger as it neared Venus. As the blast hit Venus' force field, it slowed down suddenly. Charley's breathe hitched in when she saw the blast stop.

"No!" Kennedi cried, as she fell to the ground slowly. Her head looked up as suddenly the blast broke through Venus's force field and hit the Roman Ranger. The blast caused a huge explosion and when the flames settled down, Kennedi saw in Venus' spot a smaller miniature version of Venus.

"Now let's see who's weak," Charley smirked, as she put Venus into her Asclepius cube.

"You're back!" Charley said, as she jumped up out of her chair and pulled Bryce into a hug. "Did you guys get it? Did everything go okay? No one got hurt right?" Charley said fast, everything coming out at once.

"We're all fine," Bryce reassured Charley. "We even brought back a house guest with us." Bryce smirked, as he held the Asclepius cube that held Phoebus in it up.

"No way!" Kennedi said in awe, as she grabbed the cube. "Now we only have four Roman Rangers left." She said, as she put Phoebus next to Venus in the freezer containment.

"Four?" Marissa asked, as she walked over.

"Yeah, while you guys were off on vacation we actually did some hard work and were able to destroy Venus," Jet said, as he jumped off of the table.

"You do work?" Nathalie asked, as she raised an eye brow. "Ha, I would love to see that happen."

"Are all the crystals okay?" Phoebe asked, as she rushed over to Lew. He nodded and handed the box over to her. As she opened the box and the rest of the Rangers gathered around the Titan. "Great! Let's get this show on the road then as you Americans say."

"Now?" Marissa asked.

"Yes," Phoebe said, as she set the box down on the center table. She walked over to one of the shelves of the other side. Her eyes skimmed each shelf before they landed on a silver box. Muttering a few Greek words the box popped open. Inside was a piece of purple chalk.

"Chalk?" Jet asked, as he looked over Phoebe's shoulder. "No offense in all, but don't you think we're a little too old to be playing with chalk."

Phoebe just rolled her eyes as she walked by Jet. She got on the ground and began to draw a large circle. Inside of the circle she drew seven more little ones, all about the size a person could stand comfortably in. Six of them were placed in a circle and the seventh in the middle. All of the circles were connected with lines and around the outside a few words of Greek were sketched in. As Phoebe finished and stepped back, the symbols that Phoebe drew started to glow a deep purple.

"Everyone grab you're crystals and stand in a circle," Phoebe instructed. "Marissa, I have yours. You'll need to stand in the middle." Marissa nodded and Phoebe gave her the white crystal. "Now I need everyone except for Marissa grab hands with whoever is next to you and close your eyes." Phoebe then started to sing a soft lullaby in Greek. Suddenly, a burst of light shot up out of each Ranger in their respective color towards Marissa. Once the light died down, Marissa looked down and saw the white crystal completely restored and glowing.

"Did it work?" Lew asked, as he looked over at Phoebe. Phoebe shrugged and nodded towards Marissa to morph.

"Olympian Force, Protectors of Earth!" Marissa shouted.

Marissa is standing in Athena's temple dressed in a white dress. A white haze falls upon her and covers her whole body. A bright light extends out of the haze and breaks away all the smoke. As the light disappears Marissa's body is replaced with her Ranger suit. "As bright at Athena, White Olympian Ranger!"

Marissa smiled under her helmet as she stood successfully morphed. The other Rangers cheered and high fived each other once they saw Marissa complete and hold her morph.

"I guess we should say welcome to the team now," Bryce said, as he looked over at Nathalie. Nathalie let out a deep sighed and bit her lip.

"Welcome to the team," she said.