AN: happy LaviYu day! :)


~ scarf ~


Lavi loves scarves, and it's no secret. In fact, it's common knowledge. He loves them in all lengths and colours, and gives street merchants fond looks when they have it on display, even if he's not getting any of it that day. It's a little fascinating how something so simple can be so warm, that's all. And style. Lavi's a mighty jolly fellow and he prefers to look the part, especially if it's practical as well.

Not everyone thinks the same way, of course.

"Doesn't that scarf get in the way?" Kanda asks as they head to the train station after a mission, and tugs on the end of the battered accessory. There are a few holes and stains on it, and, in Kanda's absolute and amazing opinion, it's hardly presentable. And Exorcists should look presentable, yes?

Lavi makes a hardly presentable face, the pout only maybe fitting a spoiled child. "Doesn't that hair get in the way?" he asks in return and tugs on Kanda's ponytail, like the mature, presentable Exorcist that he is.

"No," Kanda says superiorly, "because it's a part of me."

The redhead beams. "So is my scarf."

Kanda grabs the ends of that scarf and proves Lavi wrong by choking him.

It doesn't take a genius to notice that Lavi loves scarves. Kanda is not by any means a genius, so maybe that's why he catches on so quickly. When Lavi's old white scarf gets so holey that it's barely holding together and its place is on display in the Foster Home For Scarf Veterans on his birthday, Kanda approaches him with a paper bag, looking like a midschooler who's just found a tooth in his bread. He grumbles something that must be a slightly more offensive equivalent of "happy birthday" and tries to piss off, but Lavi catches him by the ponytail and holds him steady while he unwraps the First Ever Gift From Yu, nevermind that they may or may not have a Thing going on for a while now.

It's a new scarf, coloured bright orange. Lavi's favourite colour, and also something that will make him shine like a Christmas carrot, but he cares little. There's an excited yelp, and he's hugging the daylights out of Kanda. Kanda returns it by strangling the redhead, now with the new scarf he's just bought for him.

It's practical after all, Kanda thinks.

Year after year, it becomes a tradition. Kanda will give Lavi a new scarf and in return get his old one, claiming it's for polishing Mugen and denying any kind of sentimental value. It's not entirely true, though; when Lavi's away on a different mission for a longer while, he can pull that old, tattered cloth from under his mattress and feel Lavi's presence, if just for a moment. Kanda's a mighty instinctive kind of a guy, and unlike taste, his sense of smell is quite excellent. And the piece of fabric has a rather strong Lavi scent to it, having been on him for a year with small breaks and maybe a few washings. The scent fades a little over time, but it's still enough. It makes being apart a little easier.

It's just a bit of a shame that once a day comes that Lavi leaves, whether it's the Order or this world, the scent will no longer be renewed. It will fade and fade and finally fade away, leaving nothing. No comforting illusion of a presence, no memory of that familiar aroma. If Kanda's the first to go, though, it will mean that Lavi will never wear a new scarf. It might be a small memorial, but it's meaningful to the both of them. It's no longer just a scarf anymore, after all. It's also a bond. And, well, the new Bookman won't have any need for it anymore anyway.

Kanda thinks it's stupid to plan ahead when you live in a war. There is no point to expect things nor take things slow when you can die tomorrow. Lavi sometimes does it anyway, because intends to live Forever, or at least as close to it as possible, even if it means developing Panda eyes like the old man. Either way, they're not all that concerned for the Gloomy Future, and continues their scarf-ful adventure.

One day, Lavi presents Kanda with a scarf as well, announcing that it's very important for him to wear it. It's a little funny, white and with fluffy ends, but Kanda accepts it anyway. If Lavi loves scarves, he might as well tolerate it, too. Maybe even exchange it every now and then to enjoy the always fresh scent of the other.

It's not just a scarf, after all. It's warmth that ties them both together.


~ e n d ~
