Disclaimer: NOT MINE!
Now that that's out of the way, This was a homework assignment for my media writing class. The writing prompt was: Take a popular story and change something, be it character death, or time travel, or era shifting. Then follow the story line to a new ending. I chose to parody the very popular story type: Obi-Wan get killed only to wake up back in time. I love this story type but I think it really needs to be aped just a bit. In this story Obi-Wan is facing down Darth Vador on the death star and has reached the end of his line. He's a tired old jedI that spent the last twenty years hiding his and Luke's Force signatures. All he's thinking about is joining the Force, but the Force is not done with him yet. It has one more mission for it Chosen One, and Obi-Wan is really not going to like it. This is "The Force's Negotiator"
Obi-Wan ignited his old but trusted lightsaber for what he hoped would be the last time. He knew he would be joining the ranks of the JedI that had fallen before him by becoming one with the Force. It had been almost twenty years since he picked up a saber, and he knew it wouldn't have mattered if he had practiced ever day for the past twenty years. After denying the Force for so long his connection to the Force was very erratic. Just mind tricking the Storm Troopers on Tatooine had taken absolute concentration and all of his skills. Even now with the familiar feel of his trusted saber hilt, the one that served at his side for the whole clone wars, and all of his Force masking down he still felt as weak as a Padawan. Thinking about Padawans made him look at his former Padawan. He had trained him to be the best JedI in the Order and now look at him, he was a twisted angry, shadow of his former self. Obi-Wan shook his head and sighed. He had long ago released his remorse for Anakin's fall into the Force and he had made his peace with it. It was not his fault for his apprentice's fall, it was Anakin's. it was his need to control things out of his control that had caused the fall of a once grate Knight.
"I've been waiting for you Obi-Wan, we meet again at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but a learner now I am the master." Vader said and Obi-Wan could still hear the whiny edge to his voice.
"Only a master of evil Darth." Obi-Wan said before taking the first swing at his former apprentice. After a few swings Obi-Wan felt the strain on his old arms. He also knew Vador was just toying with him.
"Your powers are weak old man." And there is that overconfidence Obi-Wan remembered from his time in the Clone Wars.
"You can't win Darth, if you strike me down I shale become more powerful then you can possibly imagine." I just need to hold off until Luke gets off the ship, then my mission will be complete, and I can take my rest.
"You should not have come back." Anakin replied in a cocky tone. Obi-Wan knew he couldn't hold off too much longer. Then he saw them out of the corner of his eye. Luke and Leia had made it to the ship. With a smile on his face and his Masters words running through his head he held his saber in a salute and waited for his former Padawan to finish his Sai Cha. At the last moment he closed his eyes and held his breath knowing he would feel a short sharp pain… but nothing happened.
In the throne room of the Nubian Royal Yacht The Queen sat on her throne listening to the reports from her head of security. Standing around her were Two JedI and three handmaidens.
"The hyperdrive is leaking your Highness we must land some where and get a replacement." Capitan Panaka said.
"We must land on Tatooine your Highness, it is the only place out of the trade federations hold in the region." Qui-Gon said.
"You would put the life of the Queen in the hands of the Hutts?" Panaka asked in protest.
"It is the only…" Qui-Gon stopped talking as his Padawan's eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out. "Obi-Wan !" He called out as he caught the falling young man. Qui-Gon checked for a pulse and sighed when he found a weak one. He next checked the training bond and found nothing, it was like it was severed. Qui-Gon picked up Obi-Wan and moved for the door. "We will continue this when I get back."
"That wont be necessary Master JedI, we will land on Tatooine." Queen Amidala said gently.
Qui-Gon nodded and left the room.
Obi-Wan regained consciousness and felt the Force flow through him very strongly again, Keeping his eyes closed he let out a sigh and basked in the feeling of the Force. Letting himself just breath, and feel the pulse of the Force. The first thing he took notice of was the pain in his left shoulder, it was gone. It had been there for the last ten years and now it was gone. He flexed all of his old battle wounds and found almost all of them healed. He opened his eyes and found himself in a small room that looked vaguely familiar to him. He look down and saw he was dressed in a light tan tunic and brown robe. He looked at his hand and saw all of the wrinkles were gone. He smiled at that. He sat up and found all of the stress and weariness gone from his bones, he felt energetic and refreshed. Standing up with no effort at all he smiled as he looked around the room. He found a lightsaber on the table next to the bed. Picking it up he ignited it with the snip-hiss of power. He saw the blade was blue but was very off balance. "I remember this hunk of junk." he said as he gave it a few swings. "This was my first saber, I dropped it down that huge ventilation shaft on Naboo." He deactivated it and hooked it to his belt. "I guess I can remake my Master blade at some point?" he said with a shrug. As he moved around the room the overwhelming urge to empty his bladder overtook him and he walked out of the door and crossed the hall to the fresher. Had he not needed the fresher so bad he would have questioned how he knew where it was, but when you had to piss like a gondark, such things were not as important.
After doing his business he turned to the sink to wash his hands. When he looked up for a hand towel he cought his refection in the mirror and smiled. He picked up the hand towel and stoped, he turned around and took another look at his reflection. Staring back at him was the face of a twenty-five year old Padawan. His wet hand flue to his face with a loud wet smack, do to the lack of beard. Moving closer to the mirror he looked at his reflection: young, unwrinkled skin, clean sheven, dumb ass hair cut, and yes that was a Padawan braid. He reached up and gave the braid a tug and felt the sharp pain. He laughed, and pulled it again laughing harded at the sharp pain. Opening the door to the fresher he bumped into a handmaiden, on seeing Padme he laughter started to get out of control.
"Are you okay?" She asked with real concern.
"Oh yeah, I'm just great!" He said between laughs.
Qui-Gon walked into the hallway at that moment "I'm glad to see you up and about my Padawan!" he said as he aproched them.
Obi-Wan turned to him and hugged him hard. "So this is the Force. It's great! Is Bant here?" He asked still holding Qui-Gon tightly.
"What are you talking about Padawan?" Qui-Gon asked with cancern in his eyes.
"You know the afterlife, the next step, becoming one with the Force?" Obi-Wan asked.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. We're on our way to Tatooine to fix the hyperdrive. You calapsed. I put you in your bed. Are you felling okay Obi-Wan, maybe you hit you head during our escape?" Qui-Gon asked.
"What do you mean? This is not the afterlife?" Obi-Wan asked scraching his head.
"No it's not. Are you shure your okay? Why would you think this was the afterlife?" Qui-Gon asked.
"Um I, well… um I had a vision and in it I died. So I was confused for a minute there. Maybe I need to try to meditate on it? Yeah that's it. That's what I need to do, meditate." Obi-Wan said as he moved to the room he woke up in.
"Now I know something is wrong with you, you never want to meditate." Qui-Gon said shocked.
"I just need to think about it for a minute that's all. I'll find you when I have more answers." he said as he kept walking, just before going into the room he spun around and added a hasty "Master!" Before going into his room and shuting the door.
"That was very strange." Qui-Gon said shaking his head and walking away.
Inside his room Obi-Wan was pacing the small space trying to come up with a solution to what happened to him. He remembered the red blade coming at his neck, and the next thing he knew he was thirty-three years in the past on a mission he rembered very well. "I have no idea what's going on!" he said angrily. He blew out a breath and sank to his knees. Calling on the Force he fell into a deep medatation. /Why am I here?/ He asked the Force.
/To right the wrongs of the galaxy/ can the response he was not expecting.
/Hello?/ he thought back.
/Hello my Negotaitor/ came the response sounding like a soft feminen voice.
/So I've been sent back to wright the wrongs? Why? Why me? Why not Yoda? Or Mace? Why me? I have no power over anything, and haven't I given enough already?/ he asked tersely.
/I know my child, but you do have the power to change the past. You are the only one that dose. For you are my greatest creation. A man that gave everything he had to the Force, The Order, and The Republic. And with your death the balance of the Force tipped to the dark side, and the Sith became all powerful. For you alone were holding the balance equal. You must stop that from happening, for you are now the child of prophesy. The one born of the Force, the one to bring balance to the Force./
/What? No I'm not, that was Anakin. He's your Chosen One. Not me! I was looking forward to the afterlife you know? I'm tired, I'm tired of being a servant, of being used as a weapon, a baby sitter, and a monk. My whole life has been spent in service to something, and denying myself true happiness. Well no more! I will have my peace Now. You find someone else to be your hand of faith!/ Obi-Wan thought back in frustration.
/I can not my son, I chose you. You were one with the Force and I gave you life again./
/Well I didn't wan't life. I wanted peace. I wanted… I don't know? I wanted to be free of the burdens of my service./ Obi-Wan thought.
/I know, but if you don't take action then the galaxy will fall to the dark side, and all of it's inhabadents will sufer. I know you are tired my child, but I know you wouldn't let the whole galaxy suffer if you could do something to stop it. And with this I have reset the time line. You could do it all over again, you can save the order, you can save your Padawan from falling./
/Fine! But if I do this I'm not fighting the Clone Wars again. No way, No how! I also will not be stuck traning that whiny ass kid again. That bourdon will fall on Qui-Gon like it should have in the first place. If I'm going to do this then I'm going to do this on my terms./
/That will be fine, as long as you stop Darth Sidious from taking power. You have to stop his aprentices from gaining power. You have to make sure the skywalker children are born. And you have to reform The JedI Order. There stance on attachment goes against the very heart of the Force./
/If I'm doing this then I'm taking a vacation after, and that's if I come back to the JedI order at all./ Obi-Wan sated with finality.
/You deserve it my child. You will not be alone this time I will help you with your tasks. Stay open to me and I will guide you./
Obi-Wan opened his eyes, bliking as they adjusted to the light. He stood and left his room in serch of his former Master. He found him in the mess hall, sitting at a table sharing a meal with two of the Handmadens. Obi-Wan smirked when he saw his master was talking about some of their battles and impressing the hell out of the girls. He saw that one of them was Padme, and he found it funny that Qui-Gon didn't know he was hitting on the Queen. He took a plate and loaded it up with the space rations they had laied out, and sat next to his Master. He opened up the old bond he used to share with him and thought out a massage /I need to talk to you about something important, after we are done can we talk in the cargo hold?/
/Yes, we can, and you can tell me what happened to you./ Qui-Gon thought back in what Obi-Wan used to call his "I'm in troble" voice.
They finished eating and walked to the Cargo bay in silence. When thay shut the door and were alone in the room Qui-Gon turned to Obi-Wan and gave him a questioning look. Obi-Wan sighed. "What I'm about to tell you will sound crazy but it's all true and I will let you see my memories of some of the events to prove it." Qui-Gon nodded and waited for Obi-Wan to speak. "I was sent back in time by The Force to fix things." Obi-Wan said taking a seat on one of the crates in the room.
"Um. Okay. So your saying that you…. what?" Qui-Gon asked in an unbelieving tone.
"I was sent back in time to fix things." Obi-Wan repeated.
"Okay, lets say I belive you. When were you sent back from?" Qui-Gon asked.
"About 33 years from now." Obi-Wan said.
"How? And Why?" Qui-Gon asked, thinking this was crazy.
"I died and the Force sent me back to fix the mistakes we are going to make in the next twelve years." Obi-Wan said.
"So your saying that you have 33 years more experience then you do now?" Qui-Gon asked.
"Yes, I was Knighted, I had a padawan, I fought in a galactic war, I became a council member, and I spent twenty years in hiding." Obi-Wan said playing with his light saber hilt.
"Can you prove it?" Qui-Gon asked.
"How about I show you some of my memories?" Obi-Wan asked getting on his knees and gesturing for Qui-Gon to do the same.
"Okay lets see them then" Qui-Gon said dropping to his knees in front of his Padawan.
Obi-Wan opened the training bound and started to project the memories. "This is the fight you are going to have with a Sith apprentes" Obi-Wan said showing the duel. "This is the Queen failing to get the senate to side with her forcing her to call a vote of no confedance." Obi-Wan said as he showed his Master the memory. "This is us dueling the Sith apprentice Darth Maul on Naboo." Obi-Wan said showing his Master his death. "This is me…" This went on for the next two hours ending in "And lastly this is me Facing Darth Vador." Qui-Gon recoiled at the death strike the Sith delivered.
"So it is true, you have been sent back. How can I help you my Pada… um Master Kenobi." Qui-Gon asked as Obi-Wan stood gracefully.
"The first thing I'm going to do is get the parts for the ship on Tatooine." Obi-Wan said as he striched out his legs.
"How will you do that?" Qui-Gon asked.
"I will take a few bounty hunter contracts from the Hutts. I can then buy the parts. It should ony take me a few days." Obi-Wan said.
"Your going to be a bounty hunter? Obi-Wan that's a bit, well it's under handed." Qui-Gon said looking shocked.
"It's the fastes way to do this and I know the planet well, I lived there for a long time." Obi-Wan said with a shrug.
"Fine I can see your point, but I don't like it. What do you want me to do while your off doing bad things?" Qui-Gon asked.
"I want you to wait for my call if I need back up, and when I'm all done, on my way back to the ship I want you to call the council. Tell them they need to protect the Senator from Naboo. Tell them we have very important information and we need to present it to them and Palpatine as soon as we land." Obi-Wan said.
"But that will give away our position!" Qui-Gon said confused at Obi-Wan lack of security.
"Yes and by the time I make it back to the ship the Sith will be just ariving. I will take him down, but try to leave him alive. He could then testify his master is Darth Sidous." Obi-Wan said.
"I see so it's a trap?" Qui-Gon asked.
"Yes. Now I need to see if I can use this saber still. Care to spar?" Obi-Wan asked with a smirk.
"Sure I would love to test my skills against a Sith killer." Qui-Gon said wanting to see what kind of a fighter his Padawan had become. They droped their cloaks and moved a few boxes out of the way leaving them with a open space. Obi-Wan activated his old light saber and gave it a few practice swings trying to get used to the poor build quality. Qui-Gon pulled his Green blade and waited. "You ready yet?" Qui-Gon asked with a smirk.
"Yes, bring it." Obi-Wan said raising his blade over his head, and falling in to the stance of Soresu.
Qui-Gon attacked and Obi-Wan just stood there calmly deflecting all of Qui-Gon 's swings with a grace that Qui-Gon didn't think was possible. After five minutes of nonstop attacks Qui-Gon saw an opening, twisting aroung he swung right, but his saber went flying left. Obi-Wan caught his saber and he found himself on the ground with his own green blade pointing at his neck in Obi-Wan-Wan's left hand and Obi-Wan-Wan's blue blade at the ready in his other hand. But it was the absoult calm in Obi-Wan-Wan's eyes and his even breathing that caused Qui-Gon to pause. "Do you yeild?" he asked calmly.
"It's not like I have much of a choice, do it?" Qui-Gon asked with a smirk.
"Yes you do. You could kick out my left leg and force puch your blade away while pulling mine out of my hand. Then it's just a matter of jumping up, catching my saber, and kicking yours out of my hand after I hit the ground. That would reverse the situation." Obi-Wan said as he deactivated the two sabers and helped Qui-Gon up.
"Oh really?" Qui-Gon asked sarcastically. "All I had to do was the impossible."
"It's not imposibal. I've used that same move against both Anakin and Asajj Ventress. It's always funny to see the look of shock on your opponents face when they think thay have you, and then you turn the tables on them." Obi-Wan said looking off to the distance.
"So how did you beat me so easily?" Qui-Gon asked rubbing his brused butt, and pride.
"Well Master you use a mix of forms and you like to switch between attacking and defending. You also expect your opponents to attack you back, giving you the opening you need to take them out. But you can't take on a Master of Soresu. I let you think you had an opening and I took you out hard and fast. I still don't like this saber." Obi-Wan said looking at the weapon with disdain.
"So you took out a veteran Master, with a saber that you don't feel comfortable with?" Qui-Gon asked feeling a whole lot worse.
"Unfortunately Master. But you have to remember that I have more battlefield experience than you do. I was a general, with years in the field. I also fought four Sith apprentices, killing two of them." Obi-Wan said as he pulled apart his lightsaber and made adjustments to the weapon.
"I feel much better. Can you fix it?" Qui-Gon asked sitting next to Obi-Wan on the crate.
"I don't think so, the blue crystal has a hair-line fracture in it that is throwing off the blades balance, but I think I can keep making adjustments until it's half way decent." He said as he put it back together and reactivated it. "Care to go again Master?" Obi-Wan asked in an amused tone.
"Don't mind if I do." Qui-Gon said activating his lightsaber and attacking his former apprentice.
AN: as you can tell I need a Beta. If anyone would like to beta my story please PM me, or Hit the review button and let me know. Thanks for reading, TBH