Title: "An Unlikely Pairing"
Author: Pirate Turner
Dedicated To: My beloved, inspiring Jack, whose an even bigger Alek fan than I
Rating: G
Summary: Chloe knows she and Alek are an unlikely pairing.
Warnings: Drabble, Het
Word Count: 300
Date Written: 27 October, 2011
Challenge: For my Drabble123 LJ comm table
Disclaimer: Alek, Chloe, all other characters mentioned within, and The Nine Lives of Chloe King are ᄅ & TM ABC Family and any other rightful owners, none of whom are the author. Everything else is ᄅ & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
They were an unlikely pairing, and Chloe knew it even if Alek seemed blissfully unaware of the fact. He was the star of the school's basketball team while she was just another face in the crowd. She saw the way the other girls looked at him and heard their envious whispers when he spoke to her. She'd been the victim of more than one slander since he'd started spending time with her and had even seen her name scrawled on the bathroom wall after he'd kissed her in the hallway for the first time. All the other girls except Amy hated her simply because she held Alek's affection for which they all strove so hard.
There was no reason for it that they could believe, Chloe knew, for they'd never know the real reason he was drawn to her was because she wasn't human like the rest of them. She was not just Mai, either. She was the Uniter, and that was the only reason why Alek liked her. She sighed, wishing there could be something more to her that would draw him to her for herself rather than for being the Uniter, but she knew, and accepted, the sad truth.
A basketball whizzed by her head. Chloe reacted instinctively, catching the ball in mid-air and turning to face the smiling hunk who had thrown it. "Good catch," Alek congratulated. He walked forward and started to lean down to kiss her. The air instantly started buzzing with gossip, and Chloe felt the whole school staring at her. Wincing inwardly, Chloe threw the ball back at Alek and walked off. Every one thought she was the luckiest girl in the world to have his attention, and she would have been - if only he'd loved her for her and not the Uniter.
The End