A story that was inspired by Boyce Avenue's song, "Dare to Believe".

When I first heard the song, I planned on making a HitsuHina fanfic. But nothing formed in my mind for this pairing. so I decided to focus on my second fave couple, Ichigo and Rukia. This is the result. :D

Please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I'll only say this once, because it is obvious. I do not own Bleach.

Moonlit Tears

A Bleach Fanfic

Chapter 1-Rukia: Again

The moon was at its fullest. Its bright rays illuminated everything underneath it.

It illuminated his grim face.

It illuminated her pained expression.

It illuminated their comrades' determined looks.

It illuminated the bloodstained battlefield.

The two of them stood a few meters apart, at the center of the battle. All around them were their companions fighting, not only for the world, but also for their lives. But the two of them weren't moving. They just stood there, staring into each other's eyes, swords lowered.

A few moments before, they were fighting. Until both their enemies pushed them to their current position. Both froze the moment they caught each other's eyes.

She shivered under his murderous gaze. She mentally slapped herself, to remind her that he was possessed by the enemy.

But then, that bloodthirsty look only lasted for a second. His eyes widened in recognition, the moment their eyes met. Then they filled with anguish-no, anguish was too weak a word. His zanpakutou fell to the ground as his grip slackened.

Realizing that he was back to himself, she ran towards him. But before she could get nearer than a meter, he shouted, "No, don't! Raise your sword; don't let your guard down!"

Startled, she skidded to a stop. Tears blurred her sight, as she watched him struggle with the enemy within him. She did as she was told, albeit reluctantly. She raised Sode no Shirayuki, and pointed it towards his chest.

"Ichigo," she whispered. She fought to keep both her voice calm and her tears back. She looked back into his eyes, trying to find a trace of recognition in its depths. Her heart swelled a little with relief when he turned back to her, once again in control of his body.

It was her voice that helped him gain control once again.

"Rukia," he called out softly. He tentatively took a step towards her. "Rukia, I need your help."

"That's all I'm trying to do now," she replied. He looked at her earnestly through eyes that were pleading. Deep creases appeared on his forehead. Then he gave her a grim smile, and told her, "Good. I need you to kill me."

Silence met his words.

She stood there, eyes wide with shock. Did she hear him right? Yes, she did. He asked her to end his life. She took a step back, as she shook her head. But she never lowered her sword. She exclaimed, "No, Ichigo! I can't!"

"Yes, you can," he said, his voice more determined and encouraging than ever, "You can, and you will, because you need to. Rukia, I can't hold him back much longer. He's very strong. Even my hollow self is helping me to fight, but we just can't defeat him. Please."

"But why me?" she cried out. Pain filled her voice as she asked, "why me? Why not your father, or Urahara-san, or any of the captains? Why not them, who are stronger?"

"I do not need somebody who is strong to kill me," he replied. He continued, "This is a matter of control. I lose my control when I face anybody but you."

His words anguished her more. She said, "No, I can't. I really can't kill you, Ichigo. I've done this once, and I don't want to do this again."

"What happened to the brave Rukia I've known?"

"She's gone. Because of you saying those words, she's gone," She answered bitterly. "Aren't there other ways to help you?"

The moment he shook his head, her chest constricted, making her have difficulty breathing. He replied, "His life is very much joined with mine now. As long as I live, he lives. And my control over him is getting weaker and weaker, as seconds pass by. It's not a matter of reiatsu anymore; no matter how much reiatsu you lend me, I still won't defeat him. I cannot separate him from me."

She looked deep into his usually warm brown eyes. Soon she was lost in her thoughts. She just snapped back to reality, when she felt big warm hands grasp hers.

Violet met brown once again. She took a deep, shaky breathe, as she understood what needed to be done. Determination clouded her eyes and hid her anguish.

She tightened her grip, and so did he. She asked quietly, "Now?"


She closed her eyes, as she pushed the blade against his chest. There was a sharp intake of breathe, something that caught the attention of everybody else. They all stopped, enemy and comrade alike, as they watched them.

She opened her eyes to see his one last time. They were full of suffering, but they were also grateful. Sad smiles appeared on their lips.

"Thank you, Rukia," he quietly said. She fought back the tears, as she felt his hands slacken their grip. He took a step forward, but stumbled. She caught him, and he slumped against her, letting his head rest on her shoulder.

"I love you."

His last words, said through his last breath. She buckled under his weight, and fell to her knees. But she never changed her position.

She let go of the sword. Then she raised her arms, embracing him. Her hands, which were stained with his blood, gripped the back of his clothes tightly.

All the memories they had-the first time they met, the times he saved her, everything—flashed through her mind. A bitter smile appeared for a few moments on her grief-stricken features. It was caused by a realization.

She stabbed him then to transfer her powers, so that he could save the world. She stabbed him again, to bring back the power he lost.

And then, there she was again, her sword through him. But this time, it was not to help him.

She rested her head on his shoulder, and whispered, "I know. I've always known. And I do too. I love you."

The moon was at its fullest. Its bright rays illuminated everything underneath it.

It illuminated the continuing battle that was nearing its end.

It illuminated his dead body, and the sword through him.

It illuminated the tears that rolled quietly down her cheeks.

If I made a mistake, please do tell me. Thank you.

I'm not sure if this will stay as a oneshot, or not. I already have an idea for the whole story, but unfortunately, I don't have the time to do the next chapters, because I decided to focus on my studies this semester.

But it will help me decide if you tell me what you think! So please review!

I hope you enjoyed it. :D Thank you for reading!