Authors Note: Originally chapters 1 - 5 were one long chapter, but have since been separated. For those of you who have already read the LONG chapter, chapter 6 is the newest update. Thank you for reading!

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news. Just over 4 years ago on the 1st of June, two teenage girls from Lima, Ohio -Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray, both 18 at the time, disappeared from their local high school, William McKinley High just hours after graduating in the class of 2012. And just over 2 years ago, Beth Corcoran, aged 4 at the time was abducted from her foster home in the downtown Lima area. WOHN News 8 can now confirm that all 3 girls, now aged 22 and 6, were rescued early this morning. No other information has been released at this moment in time, but stay with us as we bring you all the latest news, right here on WOHN News 8."


4 years prior

"Stupid Berry" Quinn grumbled as she scrubbed the paint off the rear wall of the school. She took a look across from her, where Rachel was standing on her tippy toes, trying to reach the top of the gold star that had been spray painted onto the building. They had both received clean up duty when Coach Sylvester had stormed into the choir room, where the Glee club were gathered after the graduation ceremony and demanded that both of them be expelled. Obviously that wasn't possible since they had just graduated. Of course it wasn't until Figgin's had gotten the woman to calm down from her ranting that they had all be shown the 'art work' that had been painted on the rear wall of the school, where from the street below, the words "Fabray Rules" and "Rachel Berry *gold star*" had been written in giant letters.

Both girls had tried to plea their case of innocence, but Sue had just received news that the school board were once again trying to cut money from the Cheerios, and she was in a fowl mood. Both girls had been informed that they would be cleaning up the mess 'they' had made or the school would involve the police and both collages that the girls were set to attend would be informed of their actions.

Quinn was about to snap at Rachel, demand to know why the girl had to get her involved in one of her ridiculous schemes to get attention, when she noticed that the girl had disappeared. Turning around to look for her and demand she get back to work, a cloth was placed over Quinn's mouth and then the darkness came...


Both girls had the same reactions when they came to. Grogginess, confusion and then fear when they took in their surroundings and realized that they were no longer on McKinley property. In fact, they didn't know where they were.

"Quinn" Rachel whispered, looking around her, taking in the bedroom that they were in.

Quinn looked quickly to Rachel, who was in a sitting position next to her on the bed where they had both woken up. Quinn quickly sat and up looked around the room also.

"Where are we?" Quinn asked, her voice breaking.

"I don't know"

"Ladies. Nice of you to finally wake up"

Both girls jumped and Quinn shifted closer to Rachel, who had also shifted closer to Quinn, so now they were touching side by side.

"Have no fear. I'm have no wish to harm you. Only to observe" The automated voice said, no emotion present. The sound reminded Quinn of the voice used in the Saw movies. Obviously a voice changer was being used, and this seemed to be the case now.

"I've watched the two of you for the past 4 years of highschool. You've both come along way since freshman year. And now I'd like to watch you some more"

By now, Rachel had begun to silently cry, only alerting Quinn to her emotions when the blonde felt the body next to her begin to shake. Quinn reached over and pulled the other girl into her and held her while she cried. Rachel sobbed into Quinn's neck as Quinn supported a trembling lip and tears in her eyes that were threatening to break loose as she buried her face into Rachel's hair.

"How nice. You're comforting each other"

"What do you want from us?" She cried.

"I've already told you. I just want to observe"

"Please. Let us go. We'll give you anything. Money! My dad's rich. You can have as much as you want" Quinn pleaded with the voice, as she held Rachel tighter.

"I don't want your money. I simply just want the pleasure of watching you two lovely ladies interact with each other. Don't worry. I'll make your stay here very comfortable"

Rachel squeezed Quinn tighter around her waist, where she had latched on.

"Please" She whimpered out. "Don't hurt us"

"Oh you silly girl. I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, I'm not even going to make any physical contact with either of you. We will never meet face to face. As I've already said. I just want to observe. And then when I'm done, however long until that will be, I will let you both go. Unharmed"

It wasn't relief to either of them, but it wasn't the worst thing they could have been told as they both broke down again and held each other tighter, shielding their faces.

"Whenever the two of you finish with your dramatics, there is a letter placed on the left bedside cabnit. Follow the instructions and I will contact you two ladies again tomorrow"

The speaker, which Quinn had spotted, was located on the roof, with a plastic protection box placed over it.

The room went silent. The only sounds that could be heard were the deep breathes that both girls were taking as their crying subsided.


"Do you think we should read the letter?" Rachel mumbled, still being held by the blonde.

Quinn didn't answer, but reached over and grabbed the letter from the table.

This room will be your sleeping quarters from now on. You will find clothing in the closet and toiletry in the bathroom. The kitchen is fully stocked and to the right of the oven you will find a storage room. This room will be stocked once a week on Saturday. You may go through the inventory book and make a list of items you require. The TV and computer both work. Security has been placed on the computer so that you are unable to have contact with the outside world other than to view web pages. If you co operate and cause no trouble, you will not be harmed. Do not try to escape. Do not try to open any doors that are locked. Do not tamper with any devices that you find in this house including cameras and/or power boxes. You have been warned.

When Quinn finished reading the letter out loud to Rachel, she placed it on the bed. They both sat, starring at the paper unable to move.

"Quinn, what are we going to do?" Rachel asked in a shaky voice. She kept her face buried in Quinn's neck, seeking comfort from the cheerleader.

"Lets just... Let's just sleep Rachel" She didn't know what to say really. She didn't know what to do or say to Rachel. She didn't know how to help them or how to help Rachel. She didn't know what was happening. She couldn't control what was happening.


When Rachel woke some hours later, she decided not to wake the blonde up. She wanted to do some exploring. So she got up from the bed, removing Quinn's arms from around her waist. Before leaving the room, she looked back at the blonde that laid on the bed. Quinn was so beautiful. And strong. The blonde had always been strong. Stronger than she could ever be. And if she had to choose anyone to be with her right now, she was glad it was the blonde.

Opening the door of the room slowly, she was met with a large open living room. And behind that, she spotted what looked to be a kitchen. She opened the door wider and took a few steps into the room. To her left, the entire wall was a glass wall. She quickly ran to the sliding glass door and opened it. Running outside, she looked all around for maybe someway to escape.

The garden was surrounded by a large wall maybe 10ft higher than Rachel herself. Above the wall sat another maybe 6ft of barbed wire. There was no way that they were escaping over the fence. She looked to under the wall. Maybe they could tunnel their way out? But no. The surround area of the wall was concrete. In the center of the garden, a large swimming pool sat. On a patio beside the pool, hidden under a shelter, sat a Jacuzzi. Does this sick bastard really expect us to leisure ourselves? She thought, disgusted.

Nothing else but deck chairs and a barbeque was in the garden. As far as Rachel could see, no escape route was visible. So she headed back in side. She took a look in on Quinn and found the blonde still sleeping. So she looked around the living room. Two large couches, a coffee table, a grand piano, a TV and a fire place. Rachel did feel that even in the situation she was in, the room had a homely atmosphere. On her way into the kitchen, she spotted two doors. She pushed open the first door and took a look inside. The entire room was filled with books. On a side of a shelf hung a single piece of paper.

Reading material to keep you ladies busy.

Rachel felt sick. Shaking her head, she left the room and continued onto the next. A gym. There was a fucking gym in this house. And by the looks of it, it was a fully stocked gym.

"Rachel?" A panicked Quinn ran past the room, stopping suddenly to look into the opened door. When she spotted Rachel, she ran over and held the girl.

"Don't you ever disappear on me like that ever again"

"I'm sorry Quinn. I just wanted to look around. You were still sleeping. I never meant to worry you." Rachel said as she pulled back from the blonde. She actually hadn't even thought to worry Quinn.

"It's okay. Just... just don't do it again," Quinn said, pulling the girl back into her chest. "I can't do this alone Rachel. I don't know what's happening but I know I can't do it without you."


After Quinn looked around the gym, library and garden with Rachel, they continued onto the kitchen. Of course, it would be large and luxurious just like the rest of the house.

Pieces of art hung on the walls of every room, along with expensive decorations and ornaments. Whoever was keeping them there obviously wanted them to be comfortable. Live comfortable. But how could they? How could they live, go on living, while being trapped in this house.

Quinn found the computer on the coffee table of the living room. Pulling Rachel over to the couch, they sat down and Quinn powered up the computer. Just like their capturer had said, they were unable to make contact with the outside world. They could visit multiple sites, even those like twitter and Facebook where you had to have accounts to be able to view profiles. But no. They could see everything. They checked the local news and found that they had been alerted of the girls disappearance which turned out to be yesterday.

Looking at the time, they discovered that it was just after 3 o'clock, meaning they had been missing almost exactly 24 hours. When they attempted to email and leave comments on the news pages or Facebook profiles, they found that they were unable to access the comment sections. All attempts failed.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" Quinn screamed. Rachel took the computer from Quinn as the girl began to shake and placed it on the table in front of them. She then pulled Quinn into her and let the girl scream and cry into her chest.

"What are we going to do? What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. I don't know" Rachel whispered as she rocked herself and Quinn side to side.