Now if you've read my other story then you should know by now that I despise Gwen with a passion, but if I include her in my stories I won't bash her. I know some people are fans of her and I can respect that. Alright y'all time for the craziest Total Drama ever. This is going to feature one great cast and of course you're favorite host Chris McLean. I may tweak some things but not much, just a few things to fit my story and make things funnier. Set your engines because the story starts now

Disclaimer: all characters used in this fic belong to their rightful owners, except my OC's

Total Drama Around the World

Chapter 1: The Invitation

" NO Courtney it's too dangerous, you'll get killed "

" nooo my mother and father are still in there we have to help them "

" if you get any closer the fire will kill you too "

" let me go! "

" get back everyone it's going to collapse "

" nooooooo mom, dadddddd! "

" ahh " Courtney woke up from her dream with beads of sweat running down her face " that damn dream again, it still haunts me even after seven years ". With one last look at the clock she got out of her bed and decided on getting ready, so she headed to the bathroom. The now turned nineteen year old Courtney no longer resembled her old sixteen year old self. She had matured out of her old ways, which everyone use to find irritating. She no longer was uptight or controlling, instead she was more relaxed and serious about things.

" Hey Courtney you're up already " came the voice of a 25 year old

" what a surprise to see you up this early Mark, I usually have to smack you awake for work "

Mark has been with Courtney ever since the accident that occurred after the end of World Tour. During the volcano incident that happened in Hawaii, he was the one who had saved Courtney after she had drifted away from the others. Once he realized that Courtney had absolutely nobody, he made it his goal to take care of Courtney. Through tremendous hardwork he had managed to get an apartment for the two and now he has it in stability. To Courtney he was like the brother she never had and occasionally he even felt like a father.

" well life is full of surprises Court " Mark replied

" seeing as how you're up I'll make us some breakfast okay "

" yeehaawww I'm starving, in the meantime I'll hit the showers "

" you do that " she yelled out as he dashed out the hallway and into the bathroom

Courtney went and began cooking up some eggs and bacon for him and her. If there's one thing that pleases Mark besides the ladies it's food. He ate almost as much as Owen. Suddenly what she had just thought of hit her. It had been a long a long time since she thought about anyone from that god awful show. The show that she wished she never took part in. If it weren't for the money involved she never would of taken part in it. Three times she tried and failed miserably to get even one cent of the money and that wasn't even the worst of what she went through. She had went through insane challenges, slept in the wilderness, but the worst of it all was when she lost him.

" stop it Courtney " she said as she hit both hands to her face, a new habit she had picked up " you're over those days this is the new you ". After that horrendous show she returned back to her birthplace in Brooklyn, New York with Mark. She use to live in Canada, but she moved to New York after Mark landed a good deal in his work, although she knew he only wanted to get her away from where the accident that took her parents away had occurred.

" this will be a fresh start for us "

That's what he told her once they had arrived to New York.

" oh yeah the food "

She returned to her task at hand and began placing the food on two plates and right on time Mark entered with a towel draped on his head " Courtney everything looks great "

" thanks Mark I even made you pancakes "

" aww this is why I love you so much Court, I should wake up early more often "

" I love you too Marky and yeah you should, then I wouldn't have to literally drag you out of bed "

" but that's what makes us, 'us' Court "

" hehe oh stuff it you, before you're late for work " Courtney said while laughing lightly. The two ate while chatting up and after a while Mark rose up from his seat " aaahh that hit the spot thanks Court now I gotta head out "

" don't worry I'll clean up here, so you go on okay "

Mark walked up to Courtney and wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace " see you when I get back alright and remember Marky loves you okay ". She returned the hug " I know I love you too Marky, so so much " and with one last hug he was out the door.

She truly did love that guy, he was what kept her going through her hard times. He was there for her when she graduated high school, when she was sick, when she told him about how her parents had died, when she became the class president, and he was there for her when she had been broken hearted after Total Drama World Tour ended. He meant the world to Courtney. It turned out that he had been abandoned by his parents when he was ten, and he had told her she understood her pain.

" now what to do ". It was now June and that meant it was a nice day out. " oh I know, I'm going to do some shopping in the city "

Throughout her time in Canada Courtney had gotten a little job, but seeing as how Mark never asked for a penny from her despite her pleas she had managed to save up a lot of her money. Courtney readied her bag and went out the door. It really was a nice day out. Mark had bought a car and insisted she use it so she won't have to use busses and other transportation, but she told him that he needed it more because he worked. He had done enough for her and she wasn't going to take advantage of his kindness, so she told him to take it. Honestly she didn't really mind taking the long way at all.

She arrived to New York City and she let out a big smile " ok it's time for some shopping, momma needs a new pair of shoes "

" momma needs a new pair of Cody "

Courtney stopped walking when she suddenly remembered that a certain stalker had once said a similar phrase to what Courtney had just said. It was during that fake marriage challenge Chris had made them do. Why did she have to be paired up with him of all people? Anyone else would of been better. She hit her hands to her face again " enough Courtney get a damn grip " she thought

Luck wasn't with her today as she realized that her aimless walking led her to Lower Central Park. It made her even more frustrated " argg god damn it what is it with my luck today ". Maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea. It had bad memories written everywhere she looked. She had even sung a song about New York for crying out loud. It was as if she were taking a long walk down memory lane. A very long walk.

" shopping, I came here for shopping " she thought and mentally scolded herself for letting her mind wander to unnecessary things. That was all put behind her.

Courtney had long since forgotten about everybody from that dreaded show. She didn't stay in contact with any of them. Why should she stay in contact with them if none of them even liked her. She didn't need anymore reminders of that place or the losers that once inhabited it.

" I need a cappuccino " and she made her way over to a little cafe and began sipping on her drink. It definitely eased her mind and she continued drinking it, as she stared out the window. She had to admit that New York was definitely a beautiful place. Even in the morning it was filled with people, especially in the summer time.

The day began to start getting smoother for her as it progressed. She stopped having the annoying flashbacks and began getting some shopping done.

" thank you have a nice day " the clerk told her

" oh I will and you have a nice day too " Courtney replied as she exited her seventh store. She had went to just about every famous district in the city going from Soho, to Fifth Avenue, Times Square, the mall, Chinatown, you name it. She was now resting on one of the benches from completely exhausting herself.

" man I needed that " she said taking a sip of her soda

" well if it isn't my favorite C.I.T, mind if I sit with you of course you don't " a voice said from behind

Courtney froze at the sound of that very familiar voice "it can't be " she thought. Her nightmares came true when she turned around and saw him

" CHRIS MCLEAN! what the hell, wha-what are y-you doing here " Courtney said in complete shock

" what no hello to your favorite host, and can you believe it us meeting in New York how nostalgic or is it fate "

" you were never my favorite host now answer me "

" whoa you don't waste time do you " and she glared at him " okay I'll get down to business, you know you were very hard to locate but that's neither here nor there. I came to tell you that a great opportunity has opened up for you "

" what are you talking about Chris "

" you see I'm doing a whole new Total Drama and I want you to be a part of it "

" let me get this straight, you're saying you want me to be part of you're show again after you put me through three seasons of crap "

" correctumundo Courtney " Chris said as if it were the answer to a very obvious question

" hah get real Chris you might as well enjoy your sightseeing here so your whole trip here wasn't a complete waste " she retorted

" Courtney you were the only one who managed to find a loophole in the contracts, so that means I can't bind you to join in like the rest of the other suckers and- "

" from the sound of it, it looks like you already have your dogs on the leash so why the hell do you need me "

" Courtney this is going to be the hugest season of Total Drama the world has ever seen and for that I need the world's greatest cast, which includes you "

" so how much are we talking here Chris "

" I thought you'd never ask. This time around Courtney should you decide to enter you'll be going for not one, not two, not fifty,'ll be going for ten million dollars "

" whhaatt I thought it was gonna be more then fifty million and then you go and drop the price, you snake you tricked me "

" hey Courtney you trying getting ten million dollars in this economy " he responded slightly hurt

" whatever, I hope your idiots make even bigger idiots of themselves trying to win that impossible money. Now were done here so send me a postcard when all of your cast members die " and with that she began walking away but he called out to her again causing her to stop " Courtney this could be a big chance for you "

" oh really, why don't you enlighten me "

" after you left the season you managed to leave with a pre-tty bad image, well this could be your chance to show the world your redemption, show the world the real you, and take a crack at the money while you're at it "

This made Courtney ponder for a minute. He was kind of right, she had made a complete fool of herself in that show. People had looked down on her too. Maybe she could change all that, but what if she screws up again...she couldn't take that chance.

" thanks but no thanks Chris "

" so you're gonna run away fine suit yourself, guess I can't force ya to go. One last thing before I go " and he walked up to Courtney and pulled something out of his pocket " here ya go it's my card, in case you change your mind "

She looked down at the card in her hand and back up to his face. He was smirking...almost as if he was sure she'd call him.

" don't bother waiting up for me Chris " Courtney replied in sarcasm " now I'm gonna get on with my life and pretend this never occurred "

" sure, just remember Courtney you may never get a chance like this again " and with that he left her

" asshole " Courtney muttered and began making her way home. Her whole shopping mood was suddenly drained down the toilet. Once she arrived home she discarded her bags on her room and sunk down on her bed. It was around 7:30 PM, so Mark should be back soon. Todays earlier events had been bugging Courtney ever since her conversation with the sadistic host had ended.

" yoooo Court I'm home "

" oh I'm coming Mark " she responded. She hadn't even heard the door open. This thing was REALLY getting to her. Maybe this was fate.

" hey Courtney is something up you seem tense "

" actually...there's something I wanna tell you "

" what's wrong " he asked now concerned

" do you know who I met up with today while I was out shopping " and he shook his head " no I have no clue "

" it was Chris "

" you don't mean Chris McLean right? " he said now in shock. Mark knew damn well who that guy was.

" Mark...I got something coming up...something big "

" I don't know what he told you Court, but if you're determined about it and serious about it...then I'll support what ever it is you choose "

" Mark I've been offered to partake in a whole new season of Total Drama, it's a big chance to redeem myself...but I'm scared. What if I fail and make things even worse "

" you're already an adult Courtney and...and I've come to realize that I can't always try to hold your hand. There are just times where you have to do things on your own...things that I have no control over, so...I won't stop you or encourage you to go...but I'll stand by you and your decision no matter what you choose "

Courtney was touched by his words " Marky you... " she was speechless, so she just ran up to him and gave him a hug " thank you Mark...for everything you've done for me I couldn't ask for a better brother "

" hey you can repay me by cooking me something, please Courtney please " he asked in a childlike manner

" alright, alright I'll cook you something nice "

Mark was happily enjoying his food and he noticed Courtney was eating her food quickly.

" what's up Courtney, you okay? "

" I'm anxious Mark...I just can't shake this's overwhelming "

He smiled at her determination. It was obvious to him now what she wanted to do " go for it Courtney, show them what you've got, show the world how you've grown "

" I'll be back " and she dashed to her room and rummaged through her pocket. She found the card and stared at for a moment " is this what I want... I can't back down now and Mark believes in me " she began punching in the numbers on her phone. She waited for a few seconds until a person she knew too well answered.

" aaahhh is this you Courtney, and here I thought you were gonna make me wait all night. Now how can I help you "

" yeah this is the Courtney...I'm in "

" sound your existence Courtney a new adventure starts now "


That part in the beginning was Courtney's past. Mark is the person who rescued Courtney and the two have developed a brother/sister bond. She goes out for a walk and bumps into our favorite host who offers her a chance to join the new Total Drama season. Mark is so sweet and supportive to her, although he is saddened by Courtney's eventual departure. Hehe this was just a little piece to get things started the real fun part comes next. You'll meet the cast next.