Within Tamriel existed a large number of prophesies. Many of them relating to the royal family of Tiber Septim who was said to posses a soul of a dragon. It was told that one would rise and save Tamriel from the return of the Dragons. However 200 years prior the emperor was slain and the prophecy was thought false due to his death and was discarded to the large archive of prophecies that had happened, are going to happen, and are to happen.

It was during this time that an old scholar uncovered a new prophecy that the next heir to the throne would defeat Mehrunes Dagon, one of sixteen Daedric princes that inhabited the harsh lands of Oblivion. It told of the defeat of the prince and told of a time of peace that would settle across Tamriel for many years to come.

200 years had passed since then and Tamriel had known a time of peace. The people of Cyrodil had rebuilt the Imperial city, Kvatch; now restored to its former glory and little to no signs of the Daedra Invasion existed.

However North of Cyrodil in the snowy mountain region of Skyrim; a lone woman has been captured by the Imperials in Skyrim, Her reasons her own and her business her own. Little did she know that her future had been written for her and that this was the start of her new life.

She did not know that she was Dragonborn. A person who has been born with the soul of a dragon and that when she placed her first foot in Skyrim, she would begin her adventure to save Tamriel from the fearsome dragons.

A new Elder Scroll means a new adventure! While I cannot make a midnight launch I'm picking it up as soon as physically possible the following morning and spending the rest of the day playing!.

This is a new writing project that a friend dared me to undertake. Skyrim is going to be so rich in RPG elements and story. The dare? Do a let's play Skyrim but with a twist, I can not record gameplay and I have to use my writing talents to record my adventures. Needless to say I'm doing it!

This is going to be another warning. This project is going to have spoilers and it's going to have violence. I'm bumping it up to M rating just in-case but I hope everyone joins me for the biggest adventure of 2011!