Disclaimers: NCIS, the rights to the show and its characters do not belong to me. No money was made by this.
A/N: English is not my native language. So please forgive me my grammar and spelling mistakes.
Spoilers: everything and nothing, proceed with caution
Pairing: Tim McGee/Ziva David [McGiva]
Those are the fills for the requests I got on tumblr for the Tim/Ziva pairing. Some are friendship, others are established relationship. Reviews are greatly appreciated. I apologize for spamming your inboxes with new stories and chapters like that.
Ziva frowned at the box on the floor, looking for any markings on it. She found none, causing her to furrow her brow even more. This wasn't typical for either her or Tim. They had taken great care to label each of their boxes with which room it was supposed to go in.
Her boyfriend walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. She rested her hands on his and closed her eyes, leaning into his touch.
"I think we're pretty much done for today." Tim muttered, resting his head on her shoulder.
"You unpacked all your stuff already?" she asked him and felt him shake his head slowly.
"Not everything but most of my things. I got enough clothes out to last two days, we can do the rest tomorrow. I'm tired. Exhausted." he said, his voice soft. Ziva chuckled lightly.
"Then go to bed." she told him, turning in his arms and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
"Can't. It's our first night in our apartment, I don't wanna go to bed without you." he told her, resting his forehead against hers. Ziva smiled and gently stroked his cheek.
"Okay, then help me figure out where this box belongs and I will come to bed with you." she told him. Tim let go of her with a dramatic sigh and bent down to pick the moving box up, setting it onto the dinner table and pulling out his knife to open it. Both peered inside, Tim frowning at the contents while Ziva reached inside and gently withdrew a soft blanket, inhaling the scent of it before rubbing her cheek against it.
"My guess is that this is yours." Tim softly said and Ziva opened her eyes to look at him. She swallow thickly and placed the blanket back inside before closing the box and carrying it into their bedroom, placing it down on the floor of their walk-in closet.
"Ziva?" he asked her, catching her wrist gently when she moved to brush past him again. "What's in it?"
Ziva looked up at him, drawing a shuddering breath.
"My aunt Nettie sent it after I came to live here permanently. It's… everything… I have left of Tali and Ari." she muttered, blinking at the tears that were suddenly welling up in her eyes. "Her baby blanket, drawings, pictures, gifts and mementos… I didn't know where to put them when I first came here, so she offered to keep them safe for me."
Tim pulled her close and hugged her to him, cradling her head in his hand and rubbing soft circles on her back with the other as she held onto him tightly.
"Wanna show me?" he asked her, kissing her temple. Ziva blinked up at him, her face slowly brightening as she nodded and pointed to the bed. He sat down and waited for her to carry the box over and then watched as she withdrew the items and showed them to him, telling him what they were and who they belonged to once and why she had kept them.