Another one that was inspired by BlaineAGLEE's tweets. Seriously, if you have twitter y'all should follow him, his tweets make me laugh. Also KurtHummelGLEE, RachelBerryGLEE, S_SylvesterGLEE, and BrittanyGLEE. Also, partly inspired by the fact that it's Movember. Now, on with the chapter…
Blaine Anderson
This week's glee club assignment made me consider growing a moustache in the future.
-Sent via Twitter
-Noah Puckerman and Mike Chang like this.
Noah Puckerman Dude I'm totally with you on this one moustaches are badass just like Burt Reynolds
Mike Chang I would too, but I don't think I can grow a moustache :(
Blaine Anderson Awesome! Lets do this
Kurt Hummel no.
Blaine Anderson say what?
Kurt Hummel I said no. you will not grow a moustache
Blaine Anderson uh, it's my face
Kurt Hummel Next time I see you I'll show you just who that face belongs to
Santana Lopez Oh so much WANKY! Hobbit's gonna get a facial
Finn Hudson wahts so wanky about that Kurt gives me facials sometimes
Santana Lopez dear lord how I wish that was true
-Noah Puckerman likes this
Finn Hudson I don't get it he gives the girls facials all the time
Santana Lopez Finnocence you crack me up http:/www. urbandictionary .com/ ?term=facial
Finn Hudson EWWW Kurt does NOT do that to me D:
Blaine Anderson thank god… that would be weird
Wes Montgomery, Mercedes Jones and 12 others like this.
Kurt Hummel Santana that's not what I meant
Santana Lopez sure sure
Sebastian Smythe Blaine, I would let you grow a moustache, it's totally hot
Kurt Hummel
It's unfortunate that my lovely boyfriend Blaine Anderson vowed not to shave his 'moustache' for at least a month at the same time that I vowed not to kiss any moustached boys for at least a month.
Blaine Anderson what? Kurt that's not faaaiiiir
Kurt Hummel I refuse to get moustache burn on my sensitive face. And that goes for any other part of my body as well. As long as there is hair on it, you mouth is coming nowhere near my body
Blaine Anderson D: but baaaaabbbyyyyy
Sebastian Smythe my body is available Blaine ;)
Finn Hudson to Blaine Anderson
Don't worry about Kurt, dude. I'll totally be moustache bros with you and Puck
-Blaine Anderson and Noah Puckerman like this.
Noah Puckerman Hell yeah, we will be so badass
Blaine Anderson We will be totally awesome
Finn Hudson We will rule this school
Rachel Berry You will all be single
-Kurt Hummel and Quinn Fabray like this.
Kurt Hummel Uh… Quinn?
Quinn Fabray oops…
Will Schuester
Yet again inspired by my students. I will be growing a moustache this month for prostate cancer awareness
-Emma Pillsbury likes this
Sue Sylvester Oh dear god no!
Quinn Fabray and Noah Puckerman are now in a relationship.
Kurt Hummel When did this happen?
Quinn Fabray Just a couple days ago
Kurt Hummel I see, well I'm happy for you two :)
Quinn Fabray thanks Kurt :)
Blaine Anderson
I thought Kurt would be excited for me and my idea of growing a mustache but he actually threw toilet paper at me. I'm oppressed everyday.
Mercedes Jones LOL
Kurt Hummel Dear, you had dirt on your face, I was simply helping you clean it off
Blaine Anderson IT WASN'T DIRT it was my awesome moustache
Kurt Hummel a smattering of straggly hairs does not a moustache make
Blaine Anderson you're just jealous
Kurt Hummel you keep thinking that, darling
Noah Puckerman Dude, your moustache is kinda lame… just sayin
Finn Hudson yeah, man its weak
Blaine Anderson Y U BE SO MEAN?
Santana Lopez Blainers, Berry can grow a better moustache than you
Rachel Berry HEY!
Blaine Anderson changed his profile picture
Kurt Hummel Did you seriously just change your picture from me and you, to you and your 'moustache'?
Blaine Anderson you refused to take a picture with me AND my moustache
David Summers that really is a pathetic moustache
-Jeff Sterling, Trent Nixon and 17 others like this.
Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson are no longer in a relationship.
-Sebastian Smythe likes this.
Blaine Anderson WHAT?
Mercedes Jones WHAT?
Wes Montgomery WHAT?
Nick Duval DISLIKE!
-Jeff Sterling, Thad Hardwood and 37 others like this.
Sebastian Smythe YES! Blaine, call me!
Kurt Hummel It's me or the moustache
Blaine Anderson because of the moustache?
Kurt Hummel because of the moustache.
Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson are no longer in a relationship.
Finn Hudson WHAT?
Rachel Berry what Kurt said…
Quinn Fabray and Noah Puckerman are no longer in a relationship
Noah Puckerman did you put us as in a relationship just so you could break up with me over fb?
Quinn Fabray maybe…
Tina Cohen-Chang
Is glad her boyfriend Mike Change can't grow a moustache… all this moustache relationship drama is getting crazy.
-Mike Chang, Santana Lopez and 3 others like this.
Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel are now in a relationship.
Rachel Berry sorry Quinny, fb won't let us have a threesome but you are included
-Kurt Hummel and Quinn Fabray like this.
Santana Lopez wanky
Rachel Berry not like that Santana
Santana Lopez whatever you say
Emma Pillsbury I still have those pamphlets if you two need them
Kurt Hummel uh, it's fine Miss Pillsbury, we're okay
Kurt Hummel to Blaine Anderson
Love, I miss your face, please shave your 'moustache'
Blaine Anderson why are you putting ''s around moustache?
Kurt Hummel I still refuse to acknowledge that thing on your upper lip as a real moustache
Blaine Anderson :'(
Sebastian Smythe Ya, sorry Blaine, but Kurt's right. I thought it would be sexy, but its not
Kurt Hummel SHUT U—wait… did you just agree with me? O.o
Sebastian Smythe ;)
Blaine Anderson H8RZ GON H8!
Kurt Hummel Dear, you are not a gangster, nor are you badass. Please stop
Quinn Fabray and Noah Puckerman are now in a relationship.
-Noah Puckerman likes this.
Rachel Berry Traitor! The anti-moustache front needs you
Quinn Fabray Changed my mind, Puck's moustache is actually kinda hot…
Noah Puckerman Q loves the moustache rides ;)
Rachel Berry o.O
Quinn Fabray :|
Noah Puckerman :{P
Blaine Anderson added5 new photos to the album Totally Awesome Moustache Bros
Blaine Anderson tagged Noah Puckerman and Finn Hudson in 5 photos
Finn Hudson dude, I thought that said mario bros when I first read it… who wants to come over to play some mario party?
-Artie Abrams, Mike Chang and 2 others like this.
Will Schuester
My moustache raised over $100 for prostate cancer research! #curlpower
Emma Pillsbury I'm proud of you, sweetie!
Sue Sylvester I'll give you another $100 to shave it off!
Will Schuester I appreciate your generosity Sue! I will shave it off on Thursday.
-Sue Sylvester likes this.
Noah Puckerman whoa, hold up, I coulda been makin money off my 'stache? Why did nobody tell me this?
-Finn Hudson and Blaine Anderson like this.
Finn Hudson
HA! Kurt Hummel cheated!
-Blaine Anderson likes this.
Kurt Hummel What are you talking about Finn?
-Blaine Anderson likes this.
Finn Hudson Dont think I dont recognize a moustache burn! You been making out with Anderson
-Blaine Anderson likes this.
Kurt Hummel Shut up! And Blaine, do you have to like everything?
-Blaine Anderson likes this.
Finn Hudson I will NOT shut up.
-Blaine Anderson likes this.
Finn Hudson this is me not shutting up… and leaving this conversation because I CHOOSE to, and have nothing to say, NOT because Kurt told me to shut up…
Kurt Hummel I win
Finn Hudson no you don't. shut up.
Kurt Hummel No, you shut up.
Finn Hudson no you shut up
Burt Hummel Both of you shut up!
Kurt Hummel … him first
Finn Hudson … no, him first
Carole Hudson-Hummel Next person to comment on this status doesn't get dinner.
-Burt Hummel likes this.
Kurt Hummel
Shut up Finn Hudson
Finn Hudson
Shut Up Kurt Hummel
Mercedes Jones
If Kurt Hummel and Finn Hudson don't shut their faces, I'mma do it for them!
-Tina Cohen-Chang, Quinn Fabray and 9 others like this.
Blaine Anderson
Is now moustacheless
-Kurt Hummel likes this.
Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry are no longer in a relationship.
Rachel Berry :(
Kurt Hummel Sorry sweetie, but you and I both knew that it wouldn't last forever. My heart belongs to another. Cherish the good times we had, love
Emma Pillsbury I'm sorry you two didn't work out. If you need help coping with this, you know where to find me
Rachel Berry Err… thanks Miss Pillsbury O.o
Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson are now in a relationship.
-Blaine Anderson likes this.
Blaine Anderson YAY!
Kurt Hummel Love you *heart*
Blaine Anderson Love you more *heart*
Finn Hudson to Noah Puckerman
Dude, looks like its just you and me now, anderson bailed and now he's in Kurt's room sucking his face off :/
Noah Puckerman Uh.. sorry bro, I had to ditch the 'stache too…
Finn Hudson What? Why?
Noah Puckerman Quinn said if I didn't have to shave she didn't have to shave…
Finn Hudson :(
Noah Puckerman and Quinn Fabray are now in a relationship.
Finn Hudson
Fine, I'll get rid of the stache :(
-Rachel Berry likes this.
Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson are now in a relationship.
Burt Hummel
Thinking I might look pretty good with a moustache
-Finn Hudson and Blaine Anderson like this.
Carole Hudson-Hummel Not you too…
Kurt Hummel likes this.
(Just to be clear, me picking on Blaine's moustache is in no way indicative of my feelings on Darren Criss with facial hair. That's just effin sexy...)