Chapter Three: Flight

"Help me..."


Scorpius sat straight up in his bed, his heart beating ten times faster than normal and his skin coated in a thin layer of cold sweat. He blinked his eyes several times, making sure he was in the safety of his dorm room, and not in the tiny stone prison cell he had just seen in his dream.

"Just a dream," he mumbled to himself. "It was only a stupid dream."

Instead of going back to sleep, the blond haired boy threw off his covers and headed for the door. His roommates were still snoring away; his outburst obviously had no effect on them whatsoever. Scorpius made sure to grab his wand and slip it inside his pajama pocket before leaving the room.

Despite it being a dream, Scorpius couldn't help but shake the feeling that it was real. The vision of the girl with yellow eyes was so vivid in his mind, he felt as though he already met her. A part of him yearned to go to her, as if being near her would make him somehow complete in a way he couldn't understand.

And the way she seemed to look right at him as she asked for help...

Scorpius groaned and left the Slytherin common room quickly. He had never felt anything like this before. It wasn't a want to save this girl, it was a need.

His skin tingled. He looked around the empty corridor, making sure no one was near him. He hadn't done this in so long, but the dream had provoked something inside of him.

Scorpius closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could feel himself becoming lighter, and he could hear a rush of wind echoing in his ears. Despite it being in the middle of the night and he was wearing naught but his pajamas, warmth enveloped him like a summer breeze. He smiled to himself when he felt his feet leave the ground.

He opened his eyes, and the world was brighter. He could see every spec of dust in the air, every draft of cold air as if tunnels were running through the space before him. He watched the warmer air currents rise towards the high ceiling, where they danced in spirals as they raced down the halls.

Scorpius looked down at his body, and grinned. He was completely transparent, floating higher above the floor as if being levitated. He moved his arm in front of his face, watching the air ripple though he couldn't actually see his limb. He could still feel his clothes on him and his wand in his pocket, but they, too, were invisible.

Scorpius remembered the first time he did this. It was a few weeks after his mother had watched him fly down from the chandelier. He had woken up in the middle of the night to find himself floating above his bed and his pajamas in a pile on the mattress. He thought he had died, and started crying. His mother had come in, and when she couldn't see him, he got more upset and willed himself to be seen.

When his naked self fell down on his bed a moment later, making his mother scream loudly, he realized that he could, in fact, control this strange invisibility. He practiced at night until he was able to make his clothes disappear with him.

Now, eleven years later, Scorpius was a professional. He glided down the halls, feeling the buzz of adrenaline pumping through his veins. He let the winds guide him, not caring where he went as long as he kept moving through the air. He passed teachers and prefects unnoticed, smirking when he made a small breeze lift up a girl's skirt.

He never said he was a saint.

Scorpius felt a slight tug in his gut, and the image of the Black Lake swarmed in his mind. Outside... Have to go outside...

Confusion about why he suddenly had the need to go outside filled his head, but he listened to his instincts and glided towards a window. There was the tiniest of cracks in the upper corner, and Scorpius hovered before it. He lifted his hand towards the crack and pushed through it; his molecules spreading out to make his body fit ever so slowly through it.

Once he was outside, he grinned. He loved doing that.

Black Lake...

It was dark outside, but Scorpius could see everything crystal clear. He saw pollen drifting around, saw the moonlight shimmer off of every particle invisible to the normal eye. The Black Lake was smooth as glass, but the water vapor above the surface made it seem almost fuzzy.

Scorpius flew over to a large, gnarly tree that sat right on the shore of the lake and headed for the top most branches. When he was nestled behind some leaves, letting him see the world but no random passerbys would see him, he willed his body to become dense and a nanosecond later he was whole again.

The grey eyed boy stared out across the lake, and the dream that has awoken him plagued his mind once more. Who was the girl? He had never seen anyone like her in all his years at Hogwarts. She had the strangest colored eyes, he was sure he would never have forgotten those.

More importantly, why was she being kept as a prisoner? And where? Scorpius had been to Azkaban with his father to meet his paternal grandfather before he died. The dungeons there were cold, large and dark. The prison that held the girl was much smaller.

There was a sudden noise, and Scorpius tensed. It was a splash, and he looked down towards the shore of the lake, expecting to see one of the giant squid's tentacles breaking the surface.

What he saw completely blew his mind.

Rose Weasley stood at the shore, her bare feet ankle deep in the water. She kicked a foot gently, making the same splashing noise Scorpius had just heard. He watched her, curiously.

What the hell is she doing out here at three in the morning?

She dropped a bundle of silvery fabric on the ground, and Scorpius saw that it was an invisibility cloak. No wonder he hadn't seen her until now.

Rose looked around cautiously, but Scorpius knew there was no one out there but the two of them. He wanted to become invisible and leave, but his curiosity got the better of him.

His eyes widened as Rose quickly started to remove all her clothing. Her body, which seemed so frumpy underneath all her robes, was tiny and lithe. Her legs were muscular, but that worked for her. Scorpius did look away when she dropped her undergarments; he was not a complete pervert.

When he heard the water splashing once more, Scorpius dared to peek. She was facing away from him and her waist was already beneath the surface, so he felt it was appropriate to watch again. Rose sighed happily, tilting her head back and letting her red curls bounce down her back. Her eyes were closed, and the moonlight danced across her face.

The water must be freezing, but Rose looked completely unaffected by the temperature. Scorpius wondered if the lake was magically warmed just for the purpose of night time swimming, and made a mental note to ask one of the staff.

Suddenly, Rose opened her eyes and Scorpius almost fell from the branch.

Her eyes were glowing.

Just like her cousin's.

Just like Scorpius'.

The orbs were a bright blue, stunning and bright like a sapphire. Rose giggled and the water lapped up around her body, as if a whirlpool was forming around her. She arched her body and dove forward, slipping through the waves as nimble as a seal would. Scorpius saw the bright blue light become fainter and fainter as Rose went deeper and deeper, until at last the light was gone, and Rose Weasley with it.

Immediately, Scorpius leaped from the tree, landing quietly and perfectly twenty feet below without so much as a scratch. He rushed towards the lake, the cold water licking his bare feet and destroying his theory of magically warmed water.

"Weasley!" He called, panic suddenly filling his body. He might have not liked the girl, but he didn't want her dead. How long has she been under? How deep did she go? Surely she couldn't take the pressure, or the fact that she had no air.


Scorpius' strange power over the element.

His eyes widened once more.

Albus Potter, with his glowing green eyes and the ability to control plants.


Rose Weasley; glowing blue eyes and her disappearance into the depths of the lake.


The girl in his dream, the one needing to be rescued. Her glowing eyes the color of heated amber.


What the hell?

Ahhhhh I am so sorry. You have no idea how time consuming it is working 40 plus hours a week while going to school full time to become a doctor of medicine. And if you do, I feel for you. Review, loves and I promise to try and do the next chapter quicker!