Disclaimer: I do not own any characters, places, or ideas relating to or pertaining to the world of Harry Potter and JK Rowling. I graciously thank JK for her life-changing works and our ability as faithful readers to use her creations as our own for pure fanfic pleasure. Because honestly, if I did own the rights to Draco and Ginny, obviously they would end up together forever and always.

It had only been six months since Draco had returned but Ginny felt as if it had been just yesterday that he had waltzed back into her life. After Blaise and Luna's wedding the couple decided to take things slow, despite their electric chemistry and their inability to keep their hands off each other whenever they were in the same room, they agreed that rushing into a physical relationship could blind them to what was really needed to build their relationship. But because of the remaining Quidditch season, Ginny was forced to travel and at first they had not spent much time together before she was demanded elsewhere. Draco was aching for some sort of sexual contact but kept it in his pants for the sole reason that every morning that they awoke next to each other, Ginny stared at him like a child on Christmas morning, lightly touching his face to make sure he was real. He too wondered at his timely luck in capturing her heart, the flame haired beauty always catching his breath when he saw her, even in sleep when she was most serene.

After the first span of days spent apart, Draco thought he was going mad - he had just gotten her back and although she maintained their relationship while abroad, Ginny was still gone from his arms and away from his reach. When she returned from a seemingly endless match with their rival, an all-female German team, he decided they would never be apart for so long again. Draco proposed before orchestrating a romantic meal on the back terrace overlooking Ginny's favorite portion of the Manor, the house elves lighting up the maze-like garden with fairy lights to guide her through the hedges until she reached him at the end, waiting patiently for her with a small velvet box behind his back. Thinking it was part of some game, Ginny ran into the secluded space before slowing with excited surprise as Draco bent down on one knee.

She strolled forward to pause in front of him, frowning with unsatisfaction at how this little charade was ending when Draco grinned emphatically and bent forward more to swiftly tie the thin strings of his leather shoe.

"Look who finally made it," he jested easily, his arms folding across his bent thigh as he leaned onto his elbows.

"What's this all about, Draco? I'm tired, I need to sleep," Ginny complained halfheartedly.

Reaching into his coat pocket, he produced the small square box and tossed his between his hands, her chocolate eyes suddenly wide as they followed the object. "Well. . . I was planning on asking you to marry me," he started, spacing out the words as if she had a problem understanding him. His leg pressed forward and he shifted his weight to stand up, drawing to his full height as the velvet cube was trapped beneath his closed fist. "But there's really no point in asking." Draco smirked lovingly when Ginny's dark eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "I already know you'll say yes," he clarified. "I wanted to be conventional and give you the fairytale proposal and wedding and such but - we are not like normal witches and wizards, and I am perfectly happy with that. Because, Ginny, you give me reason to get out of bed every morning. You drive me absolutely crazy sometimes but you also push me to be the man that you deserve. I can't see my life progressing any further without you in it, Ginny, and I would be honored if you would be my wife."

Tears had leaked off the edges of her almond shaped eyes, the salty drops falling past her flushed cheeks as she grinned radiantly, nodding her fiery head several times as she held Draco's silver stare.

"Yes! Yes!" She replied, over joyous as she pushed forward to press against his chest and swiftly assault his lips with her own as an arm snaked around his neck to pull him closer to her grasping mouth. "Yes - forever and always, yes!" Ginny whispered against his parted lips as Draco returned the wide smile and captured her mouth once more.

True to his promise, Draco began traveling with the Harpies to matches, loudly cheering in the stands for his flaming Chaser as she flew up and down the pitch, game after game. It was barely two months later when the season ended the couple was able to return to England full-time as preparations for their hasty wedding commenced. Neither Draco nor Ginny wanted to make their engagement longer than it needed to be and they agreed on a date with only four months to plan. At first the Weasley clan had not been pleasant about the idea of their only daughter and sister marrying their once rival but Ginny left no room for argument and threatened not to invite the whole lot to the wedding. Molly and Fleur were the first to come around, the women begging to help her with the many arrangements and necessary issues while the rest of the family slowly came around as weeks dragged on and Ginny was still not speaking to them. George and Angelina threw them an engagement party to settle their differences and she was immensely happy when every red headed face she knew and loved was in attendance as Draco toasted to his beautiful fiancé.

Now, here they were - six months after being reunited and only hours away from their wedding. Ginny had not seen Draco since the night before when Luna had barged into their private chambers as they sat cuddled by the fireplace and dragged her out of the bedroom, saying that it was bad luck for the bride and groom to spend their last night before the ceremony together. There was no stopping the blonde haired witch as she pulled Ginny away, Draco jumping to his feet to protest before his soon-to-be wife rushed back in and left him with his a dizzying kiss to hold him over until the next day. Luna had planned an elaborate slumber party for the bridal party and the bridesmaids eagerly waited for Ginny, ready to stay up all night and gossip about their husbands and social happenings as the bride easily slipped into the lavatory for a steaming bath, her sisters-in-law huddled around a small table of finger foods and alcoholic beverages.

The sun rose and brought the dawning of the day Ginny had been anticipating since she was a little girl, sandwiched between all of her brothers as they rambled on about women and love. There was nothing for Ginny to be nervous about - she was more anxious to see Draco than she was to greet and entertain their many guests during and after the ceremony, and Hermione was relieved to see that she would not have to put out any metaphorical fires concerning her friend's notorious temper. The spacious lounge that had been converted into a dressing room for the women was aflutter with panicked witches as they dressed for the wedding, each giggling and slowly dressing for the ceremony as Ginny patiently stared out the glass window to watch the remaining preparations in the garden that were being completed by Molly and an exuberant Narcissa.

As the fashionably attired guests began to arrive, the butterflies swirled in her stomach and for a moment's hesitation, Ginny wondered if she was doing the right thing, only for those thoughts to be dispelled as a platinum head of hair ambled around the overlooking patio, glancing about as he wordlessly examined the layout for the ceremony. Draco made sure to keep his gaze away from the large picture window just behind him that saw into the bridal room, grinning widely as he felt Ginny's ever-present stare on his back as he waved at longtime friends and the slight acquaintances that were filling in the hundreds of seats in the Manor's backyard. He only had one groomsman to Ginny's five bridesmaids but Draco was more than comfortable with having only Blaise standing behind him rather than allowing the Weasley brothers to mockingly stand up on his behalf. When a majority of the seats were filled and he looked down to make sure the time was coming up to the designated hour, Draco followed Blaise down the winding stairs to stride to the front of the appropriate area to stand tall at the end of the cream aisle, knowing grin in place as he waited for the orchestra to begin their melody that would ultimately end with Ginny standing next to him.

Penelope, Angelina, Fleur, and Hermione grazed down the aisle slowly in their matching golden gowns, each holding a small bouquet of colored roses as they proceeded to the front, Luna just behind the witches with a radiant smile that beamed happily for all to see as they prepared to rise for the bridal march.

"Now are you absolutely sure about this, Ginnybean?" Arthur Weasley asked softly, a hand covering his daughter's freckled fingers as he questioned again if she wanted to marry the Malfoy heir. "Because its still not too late for you to change your mind."

"Yes, daddy," Ginny tightly responded, agitation biting at her words as she wondered exactly how many times it had been that one of her trusting family members asked her if she really wanted to bind herself to Draco for all eternity. "I am one hundred and fifty percent sure. He makes me happy," she reassured Arthur with a growing glimmer in her brown eyes.

Pressing his thin lips together, a genuine smile pulling up the cracked corners, he squeezed a hand over Ginny's fingers wrapped around his elbow and nodded agreeably. "That's all I want to know," Arthur responded and took the next step forward to stand at the beginning of the creamy aisle, Ginny pausing before turning to face the long carpet and the future that awaited her at the end of a slow walk.

All she saw at the front of the assembled guests was Draco openly gaping, his mercury eyes focused on his curvy bride as Ginny nearly tugged her father behind her to get to the waiting groom and ceremony official.

"Who gives this witch away to be married to this wizard?" The booming voice of Kingsley Shacklebot questioned predictably.

"Her mother and I," Arthur replied, red head shaking once in confirmation as Draco stepped forward to take Ginny's hand.

A slight murmur went through the crowd when Arthur stepped back, sitting down with his arm around a crying Molly to watch as the young couple wrapped an arm around each other and faced Kingsley with over joyous anticipation. Time seemed to slow and speed up in the same instant, the ceremonial vows sealing their nuptials before a passionate kiss finished their words and an uproarious applause deafened their already distant hearing, Draco and Ginny only recognizing each other as their guests laughed and cheered at their prolonged smooch.

The moon rose to replace the burning sun in the darkening evening sky while fireflies randomly dotted the shadowed lawn and crickets chirped, a calming peace overwhelming Malfoy Manor as the wedding reception lasted for several hours and the many guests maintained a high level of happiness for the newly married couple. Ginny had been ecstatic to share their special moment with all of their friends and family, whereas Draco had nagged her to just elope at the Ministry instead of waiting even longer. Now that he had been stuck sitting at the head table for a boring stretch of seventy five minutes, listening to his new wife prattle on with guest after guest and watching his inebriated acquaintances dance off beat and rather terribly, Draco wanted nothing more than to have already finished mingling and socializing and to be upstairs with his curvaceously beautiful witch.

"Love," he blankly called to Ginny, an index finger raising against her back to signal she was almost done conversing with her longtime coach from the Harpies. Her rosy cheeks were flushed with adoration, mocha eyes luminescent as she gazed at him once she turned in her seat to face him. "Shouldn't this all be wrapping up soon?" Draco discretely motioned to the full room of people, the stage with the live band off to the right overpowering the deeply serious tone of his voice.

"Oh come off it," Ginny bantered, her breasts dipping close to his thumping chest as her shoulders leaned forward for her mouth to lightly graze his pouting lips, their noses rubbing together affectionately. "One more dance and we'll disappear upstairs."

"It's not going to be a long one," Draco begrudgingly conceded, his long legs pushing his chair back to stand before he offered an open palm to his bride.

Ginny caught the eye of the lead singer of the band as they paraded to the dance floor and he tapped the microphone twice, focusing the room's attention before he stated, "Alright folks, this es goin' ta be tha last song oh tha nigh'. Grab someone ya luve, and get ou' ther'."

A slow, capturing beat echoed through the ballroom the instant Draco led Ginny onto the dance floor, fellow guests parting as the couple folded into each other and began a gentle floating over the polished surface. The lights dimmed and everyone seemed to be hit with a wave of exhaustion as one by one other witches and wizards paired up to dance the last song to its end.

"I could stay like this forever," Ginny murmured against the hollow of Draco's neck, his toned arms tightening around her waist as they swayed in place.

He hummed contently, the reverberations bringing a goofy grin to her face as Ginny tucked her flaming head under his chin. "Well you're in luck - because you're mine now. And I'm never letting you go."

Slipping her small hands underneath the lapels of his black dress robe, she nodded in eager compliance. "I think it's time we ditched these guests. They've overstayed their welcome at this point," Ginny whispered along the seam of his jaw, the words drifting to his ear with a relieved smirk pulling apart the fullness of his lips to reveal the white ridges of his perfectly straight teeth.

"I thought I would never hear you say that," Draco jibbed, his blonde head pulling back to meet Ginny's lusty stare, the barest tip of her pink tongue darting out to pull the middle of her bottom lip between her teeth, her flaming curls tilted backwards as she waited for his prideful resolve to disappear in 5, 4, 3, 2, ...

Without any verbal indication to their hundreds of guests that they were leaving the reception, Draco Apparated himself and Ginny out of the ballroom to land graciously in the darkened hallway before the master suite. As was wizarding tradition, the newly married couple was spending their first night as man and wife in their own home - a needless rule that had been planned as such since neither Draco or Ginny wanted to leave for their honeymoon the moment their wedding and reception were finished. She went to turn the handle on the door to pull her handsome husband into their bedroom but Draco had spent the majority of his morning before the wedding setting up a surprise for Ginny when they did finally make it to the later, intimate events of the evening.

"No, Gin. C'mere," he stated, reaching to pick up his wife to carry her to their wedding bed once she had turned and was within grabbing distance. Holding her light frame to his muscled chest, Draco grunted unnecessarily as if to insinuate that she was too heavy and Ginny swatted at his shoulder good naturedly, a false, irritated frown puckering her lips as she wrapped both arms around the shaggy, blonde hair at his neck and brought her porcelain face within a millimeter of his own.

"I can still change my mind, mister," Ginny smartly whispered. Draco's molten eyes widened a fraction then narrowed suspiciously as if considering if she really would renounce their recent vows.

"That's your call," Draco gruffly replied, arousal tightening his trousers and dilating his pupils as his thickly muscled arms shortly readjusted around her frame and his toned legs took a step forward, a foot kicking the bottom of the wooden door as it softly fell open. "But I wouldn't - if I were you."

Rotating so he could walk them in sideways through the doorway, Draco watched, excited and amused, as Ginny gaped to sassily respond but the instant they passed over the bedroom's threshold, a sudden breeze blew around her torso and she glanced down, utterly surprised when she saw their naked bodies.

"Just a little spell I've been working on," Draco confided with a devilish wink. "Removes clothing - somewhat useful I would think."

"Have I told you lately how much I love you, Draco Malfoy?" Ginny breathlessly responded, bare breasts and hardened nipples now pressed against the defined muscles of his lean torso.

Twisting his forearm to briefly glance at his bare wrist and an invisible watch, Draco cheekily said, "Not in about two hours, actually."

Matching grins were erased as their lips heatedly locked, years of pent up sexual aggression coming out while their tongues danced and their bodies melted together. Throbbing dick reminding them that they had some loose ends to tie up, Draco grasped Ginny's knees tighter and held her ribs more firmly as he picked up one foot than the other to steadily walk them to the large bed, their faces suctioned together and his silver eyes closed as he blindly moved. Squeezing her toned curves gently, Draco unlatched his mouth to drop Ginny to the silky black bed, her hips automatically scooting backwards so he had to get on his hands and knees to crawl across the mattress to hover over her.

Two pairs of hands roved over two trembling bodies, Draco easing his touch down her stomach to slip between her legs and part her thighs as Ginny raked her nails up the ridges of his back to fist in his long, silvery locks. There was no romantic interlude or slowed foreplay. She pulled his lips to her own in a frenzied kiss as Draco inched forward, the purpled head of his thick cock pressing against her slippery pussy lips and waiting for permission before he thrust his hips slightly, just enough to bury the first fat inch inside her tight entrance.

"Ahhh Draco," Ginny moaned, her back arching and her hips opening wider to accept his hard member as he delicately twirled his ass in a circle to slowly push his dick inside her velvety confines. "Please Draco - please just fuck me already," she groaned, fingernails cutting half-moons into the pale flesh of his back as she attempted to convey her dire need.

Completely stilling his motions, Draco leaned forward until their chests were pressed firmly together, his silver eyes wide to the point that he almost looked deranged as he throatily whispered, "Say it again."

"Oooooohhhh Draco - fuck me, baby. Fuck me until it hurts," Ginny gruffly responded, her hips squirming and her muscles tightening in an effort to attain more of his hard cock inside her.

Her attempts were futile but were soon satisfied when Draco greedily thrust forward, plowing roughly into her wet pussy without abandon, grunting and groaning as Ginny squealed, her short legs locking at the ankle over the small of his back and heels digging into the soft flesh to encourage his pleasurable motions. Strong orgasms building rapidly, their first mind bending climaxes were shortly eclipsed by the continual, mounting lust fueled in their bellies by their consuming love that exploded in a second, star-filled peak.

Still connected in the most intimate way possible, Draco and Ginny were breathlessly devouring each other's mouths in a moment's pause when she used a punch of adrenaline to rock his momentum, capturing the spilt second to flip their positions as her slick lips slid just a tad further down his hard pole. Seductively moaning, Ginny squeezed her muscles to milk his cock, purring in fulfillment as Draco's eyes rolled into the back of his head and his hips jerked underneath her weighty movements. Taking her opportunity to be in control, Ginny folded her legs against his waist and pressed her knees into the mattress as her hips slowly started their ascent off of his dick before teasingly descending back down. A devouring rush of power trickled across her tightened shoulder blades as Ginny began gently bucking, Draco's wide palms wrapping around the tops of her hipbones in an attempt to speed up her actions, both sexes already tingling with the precursor sensations of an impending orgasm.

"Maybe the honeymoon should wait," he mused aloud once they had climaxed for a third time, Ginny lazily pushing off his cock to fall to the side and curl around his larger body as sweat glistened over naked skin and their chests heaved for air. "I don't think I will be able to bare the sight of your sinful curves covered in clothing just yet," he finished, absolutely serious as she twisted her left thigh completely between Draco's legs and shifted her weight to half lay on top of him.

"Well, Mr. Malfoy," Ginny started, tone equally solemn as she met his silver gaze through the thickness of her dark eyelashes. "I guess it's a good thing then that I don't plan on letting you go."

"I would never allow it, Mrs. Malfoy. You are mine forever," Draco resolutely finished, one hand cupping the side of her face as Ginny sealed the agreement with a scorching kiss, a reminder of the magical vows they had already taken to ensure that they indeed would be together for the rest of their lives.




The End!

Thank you for reading! Pretty please, would you review? I would appreciate some comments on the progress and ending of this story.

Thank you :)