a/n: i just had to do this for all of you that requested it. I'm intending it just to be fluffy but we see how it works out! I have a feeling it will end up being pure smut for entertainment purposes only. If you want true literary reading go back to the first chapter and indulge there! Haha otherwise, sit back and enjoy! Happy Reading!
Spot the drabble!
Damon couldn't believe this was real. He hugged Elena tighter to him as they kissed, amazed at how solid she felt, how incredible she smelled. She felt warm, and soft and comforting and he did his best not to squish her to death as he held her close. Her lips slanted against his welcomingly and the momentary flash of fear, the wonder if she'd regretted what happened between them, it all faded away. She whimpered slightly and pulled back, her morning hair a little more mussed, her lips red and slightly swollen from the torture he'd already put them through. "Let me put these down." She said gesturing at the mugs in her hands.
She was amazed she hadn't spilled the steaming coffee when he'd grabbed her and started kissing her. He nodded and stepped back, hands up slightly in surrender. She noticed then, that he was still completely naked and the sight of him standing there in the early morning light had the faint fires of lust already burning low in her stomach. She looked away and scolded herself, before anything more, anything else could happen between them they had to have a conversation about what had happened last night. He sat back on the bed and pulled her sheet over his lap, holding out his hand for the mug.
She gave it over as she moved to sit next to him, and desperately wished she had pulled her shorts on before going downstairs. She felt slightly uncomfortable wearing only his shirt, but it smelled like him and that had been what she couldn't resist. She'd practically been singing downstairs as she'd brewed the coffee. There was no regret, no humiliation, but there were questions she had and answers he had to give. She took a deep breath and blew steam from the dark brown surface of her milk and sugar mixture. "This is great." He said, saluting her with the mug. "How did you know I like it black?"
She smiled a little and shrugged. "Lucky guess."
"Pretty good guess." He tilted his head, doing his best to read the emotions that were flashing over her face. "Is it time for the ranting and the screaming now?"
She laughed slightly and shook her head. "No, you did what you thought was best. Stefan is your brother, and I meant what I said last night."
"Did you mean everything you said?" he asked, referring to when she had admitted her love. His eyes stared deeply into the half full black liquid.
"Damon." She sighed, tightening her grip on the mug between her hands. If she said no, if she took it back he honestly wasn't sure that he would be able to handle it. "I regret nothing about last night, except for the fact that I said those words, in that way."
It took Damon a moment for the jumble of her words to sort themselves out in his panicked mind. When he quickly realized the bottom line of her statement was that she did love him, he quickly set his mug down on the end table, took hers and pulled her up off the bed again, holding her tightly against his body. She twisted her head so her cheek was pressed to his bare chest as she held him right back, unable to talk from the pressure of his arms around her. When he finally released, she let out a breath and looked up at him smiling, her face slightly pink.
"Say it again will you?" he asked, his hands gripping her arms.
"I love you, Damon Salvatore." She murmured, his lips crushing hers before she even fully finished saying his name.
"I may ask you to repeat that a dozen more times today." He whispered, leading her back to the bed and pushing her down on the mattress.
"I'm sure I will be able to oblige." She smiled, her tone immediately fading into a moan when his hands slid up her thighs, under the shirt and found her breasts.
She hadn't truly realized how turned on, how desperate for another round with him she was until she felt his lips on her neck, his hands on her body and heard the incredible sound that was her name falling from his lips in a constant murmur. He kissed everywhere, all at once and he was moving so fast she was sure he was tapping into his vampire powers at least a little. And then he would stop, slow down and gently run his tongue along the exposed flesh he could reach.
She ached to feel his hands all over her body, his tongue everywhere. She ached to have him back inside her, and when she felt him lifting his shirt from her body, she responded immediately and lifted her arms from where they had locked around his neck. The shirt was discarded to the floor once more, but he didn't return to kissing her as she'd hoped, instead his eyes were transfixed on her bare body, and she remembered how she'd only pulled his shirt on this morning.
"We're you planning this or something?" he teased, an incredible glint of lust and mischief in his eyes as he slowly ran one finger between her breasts, over her stomach and past her belly button.
"I was in a hurry." Her voice was strained, her eyes closed, her head back as she waited in patient agony for him touch her. The point of distance from her hip, where finger sat to the wetness that was desperately aching for him, seemed to take forever for him to travel too.
When she finally felt his finger inside her she whimpered and cried out his name. "Is that what you wanted?" he asked, his voice intensely dark and erotic.
His tone alone sent shivers up her spine as her blood rushed through her veins, not sure where to go, only knowing that it was boiling and her body ached for some kind of release. "I want you." She gasped, sitting up to claw at his chest.
She could remember how incredible it had felt to have him inside her, and at the moment that was all she could think about. Her body throbbed with pained pleasure as she writhed and danced under his touch. "Not yet I'm afraid." He shook his head and smirked evilly. "I waited for you to come to your senses about loving me. I think a little anticipation will do you some good."
"If it doesn't kill me first." She gasped, she could feel the first tingles of pleasure begin to erupt inside of her like white hot waves, and then it all ended and she felt empty.
Her eyes opened and she looked up at him, part disappointment and part red, pure anger. "What?" he asked, doing his best to play the innocent. "Was that torture not enough to please you? Does it only leave you wanting more?"
"Damn right it does." She pushed herself up as he moved to sit beside her on the bed. She could smell herself in the air, on his fingers. She could also see that she was not the only one invested in making this morning a reply of last night's events. She didn't understand how he could so obviously crave her, and yet only tease. "Just what game are you playing this time?"
"No game." He shook his head, the smirk twisting his lips turning wilder as he licked his lips. "Just giving you a taste of your own medicine." Before she could speak again, he was on top of her, their bodies pressed tightly together. He locked both of her arms above her head with one hand, a familiar position from last night. "The way you just felt, how close you were to the pleasure, to the release...that is how I felt every time you would smile at me, touch my arm, given even the tiniest hint that you saw me the way I saw you."
"So..." she spoke slowly as realization and an idea came to her mind. "you're punishing me for everything I put you through?"
"I think it's only fair." Damon shrugged, the lust he was feeling glinting in his eyes again. "That time you kissed me when we thought I was dying..." he let his voice fade into nothing as he dipped his head to kiss her, but their lips never touched.
She opened her eyes to see what the problem was and found his mouth hovering an inch from hers. "I can't take this." She said, lifting her head to reach his, but he only pulled away as she moved forward.
"The time we were in the bathroom at the Grill and you were trying to make me be the better man, you reached out and touched my arm." He slipped his free hand up her arm to join the other that was locked around her wrists. He switched grips and let the other hand trail down the opposite arm, until it came to the rise of her breast. "All those times you slapped me, and how ridiculous it was for me to crave the pain just because it meant that you at least touched me for a moment, felt some kind of passion for me, even if it was hate."
His fingers twisted and teased her nipple slightly, his smirk deepening when she moaned again. "Please Damon, please stop."
He shook his head and ignored her, doing his best to keep control of his body as he fought through his mind for memories. "The night you hugged me in the woods, when you put your arms around me in the living room, the way you smiled on my arm when I led you into your birthday party." He bent his neck to the side, letting only the tip of his tongue trail across her neck.
She bucked up against him, desperate to relieve the all new, high intense ache that had begun to heat her all over again. She shivered, even though she was hot, beads of sweat erupted over her skin even as she craved for the blanket to be around them. "I get it." She cried, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist. "I get it, I'm sorry. Please, don't torture me anymore."
He leaned up a little on one arm, watching her eyes. She did look desperate, and he could tell from the reaction her body was having to him that she was close to losing her mind before him, but close was not at the end yet, and he had one more move to make before giving into her, and himself. Even as he teased her, the touches as excuses for kisses drove him just as crazy. "The look in your eyes, sometimes just for a moment, but I would see it there, and I would memorize it and replay it over and over in my mind at night, as I thought of you and dreamed of what it would be like to have you."
Elena bit her lip, did her best not to beg as his fingers moved over her thigh and parted her legs just enough so that his fingers could tease her. The pressure built up inside her had been painfully slow at first, and up until now she was sure that she could stand it until his ridiculous game was over, but as his middle finger slipped inside her and his thumb brushed against her clit, she cried out, gasping for air and digging her nails into his hand. "You lost." She panted, a moment after she'd regained her voice, the orgasm's effects slowly slipping away as he moved them up higher on the bed. Every inch of her body still tingled however, and when he rolled her on top of him, she was sure she had the upper hand now.
"It seems I did." He smiled up at her, watching how her hands still trembled, even as they rested on his chest. Her eyes were slightly heavy as she regained control of her body. "And you won, what would you like as your prize?"
"You." She bent down, letting her lips over his as she lifted her hips. He felt the tip of his hardness slip into the wetness, but she quickly twisted slightly, and he lost the already familiar and addicting pleasure that was being inside her. "Is that what you wanted?" she mirrored his question from earlier, and he did his best to glare at her. There was no way he would be able to withstand anymore forms of torture, from either of them.
"Yes." He nodded, grapsing her hips roughly in his palms. "And don't go getting any wicked ideas into your head about paying me back just yet."
The idea was tempting, so tempting that Elena almost seriously considered it, but the slight taste of being joined again had been too much for her as well, and she felt herself losing grip on the plan to torture him right back. "No, Damon, not this time."
He sucked in a breath he didn't need, as she lifted herself again and positioned over top of him. He could feel her heat calling to him, and as if they were one, as if they had done this a hundred times before, they slipped together. She tightened around him possessively as he cursed her name. She bent down to kiss him, slowly rolling her hips against his at first, and then sitting back up so she could move with more freedom. Damon merely watched her for a few moments, enjoying the sight and the feel of having her be in control. The morning light peeked through the lace curtains, playing wonderful designs over her skin. She clenched around him, and for a moment all he could see was stars, but then they would clear and the all too true expression of unexpressed pleasure would twist her face beautifully.
Again, he wondered if this was all a dream. Then she lost herself completly in the sensation of pleasure and let her head fall back, showing him the long, tempting lines of her throat. He licked his lips, the bloodlust, the thrill of tasting her was almost too much for him to control, but he didn't dare stop her as she moved over him. Instead, he took her arm and brought her wrist to his lips, kissing lightly around the vein. She didn't open her eyes, and when he nibbled lightly she didn't protest.
His fangs slid into place, and into her skin a moment later. She cried out a little, but the momentary plain was soon replaced by low, pleased moans as he drank from her. She moved faster, almost as if the new connection between them was feeding her a new found energy. His rolled back under his closed lids as he felt the warm liquid trail down his throat. Nothing had ever tasted more incredible, neither in his human life, or since he had been turned. That only told him just how priceless she was to him, and the new bond would only intensify his need to protect her and keep her safe, she was his now.
He thrust up as she rode down, and when he heard the skip in the beat of her heart, saw the rapid rise and fall of her breasts as she moved faster, he knew she was close. She cried out his name, her nails digging into his chest. He wished he wouldn't heal so quickly, having war wounds from her would be nice to remember by, but then his own control slipped and he released right along with her. Elena felt him stiffen and tighten under her, inside her and she was suddenly pulled down to his lips, their mutual cries of pleasure muffled in their kisses.
Damon Salvatore was not sure how he had gotten so damn lucky. In fact, he had pinched himself twice already since waking up an hour ago. That was the only movement he allowed himself, in fear that any real disturbance would wake the sleeping girl next to him. Somehow, along the course of the night he had managed to get himself into her bed, got her to admit that she was in love with him and they'd made love. Then, she'd come upstairs and they'd rocked the world together all over again. She sighed and snuggled closer to him, her nose pressing against his chest, cold just like her feet. He couldn't help the laugh that rumbled in his throat.
Truth was, he'd slept with a lot of women…well not a lot…yeah, okay a lot. He rarely ever woke up with them however, and he certainly never cuddled with them afterwards. He had to admit (and since it was only himself he was admitting it to, it was alright), that he really liked waking up with someone. Especially when that someone was Elena. "Is it time to get up yet?" she asked, her voice sleepy.
Damon turned his head to look at the clock and read that it was well past noon. "Not yet." He lied and let his eyes close.
"Thank you for staying last night." She mumbled, letting the sleep take over her again.
"My pleasure." He smirked at the ceiling, and squeezed her tight.
a/n: there you go! The second chapter! Sorry it took me so long to get to this! But i was so enraptured with writing 'then we'll have to let him go' and absorbing all the wonderful reviews that i got side tracked, but as always i found my way back! Aside from a few other loose reviews, I believe that I am all caught up, and will be working on my one shots (as always) and my new chaptered crossover fic! Let me know if this smutty chapter satisfied any of you! ;)
p.s. i realized after, when i was re-reading the end of ch 1 that it described Damon seeing/smelling blood on Elena's pillow, but I did not write him biting her during the smutty experience before hand. Apologies to anyone that noticed that, the morning coffee scene was written as a drabble in which i intended for him to bite her, but when i went to write, the words never came to me and i forgot to fix it. Please forgive me!