Panting, Lexi ran through the strange surroundings. Screams of anger were chasing her and gaining fast. 'Come on! Gotta run faster!'

Her legs began to ache and heart pumped harder than any other cheerleading tryout or mission she's been on. Looking back, the shadows of friends and enemies followed after her. Not seeing where she was going, Lexi tripped.

Attempts to get back up failed as she was much too out of breath. Turning back to the shadows, she pleaded to be left alone. "Stop! Stay back! I'm warning you!" She would have used her brain blast by now, however, she found herself unable to use her powers.

It was like her previous adventure had drained her completely. Tears began to well up, "Stop please! Get back!" Ace walked to the front of the crowding shadows, "Ace please, help me!"

Her pleads stopped after seeing the blank, cold stare he gave her. She was in such a trance, she failed to notice his Guardian Strike Sword heading her way.

Sitting up and gasping for breath, Lexi placed her hand over her heart. She looked around, relived to find herself back in her room. 'What's going on? Why am I having these weird dreams?'

Calming down, Lexi glanced at her clock. The sun wasn't supposed to rise in another half hour, but Lexi got up anyway. Taking a quick shower and putting on her Loonatic uniform, she headed out to the main room. Not feeling hungry after the nightmare she sat on the couch and waited for the others in silence.

One by one they all walked out fully dressing in each of their own uniforms and did their own morning routines.

Rev quickly began making his morning breakfast shake, Duck ate a bowl of cereal, Tech prepared some oatmeal, Ace drank a tall glass of carrot juice with buttered toast, and Slam grabbed the leftover dinner from last night.

Ace was the only one to notice Lexi's odd behavior. Lexi usually came out last since she took awhile to get ready and drank a small glass of orange juice with jellied toast.

"'Notha bad dream last night, Lex?"

She felt all of their eyes on her. Facing them she put on a small smile, "Yeah, unfortunately."

"This is like, what, the fifth time you had a bad dream. Don't they only last one night or something?" Said Duck.

"Well it is technically possible to have the same dream more than once, Duck. Besides, Lexi never said it was the same one. It isn't the same one is it?" Asked Tech.

"Well yeah it kinda is. I wish they'd stop already cause they're costing me my sleep."

"Why don't you head back to bed and get a few more winks. We'll handle the crime fighting 'til ya wake up." Ace told her.

"But what if you guys need me, or it's an important mission that requires all of us?" She argued.

"Don't worry 'bout it, Lex. Like I said we'll handle it." Not arguing any further, Lexi got up and headed for her room. She was rather tiresome, not being able to get a good nights rest in the past few days could cost them on a mission.

"What's the big deal? When ever I'm still sleepy you don't let me go back to bed, but you'll let Lexi go back to bed 'cuz of a few nightmares?" Complained Duck

"Well-for-one-thing-Duck-if-this-keeps-up-then-Lexi-might-not-be-able-to-fight-along-side-with-us-and-just-fall-asleep-on-a-mision-when-we-really-need-her." Rev started.

"Which is exactly why Tech here's got a solution to Lexi's problem. Mind explainin' Tech."

All eyes were on Tech as he explained his plan. He created a machine that would allow them all to enter Lexi's dream. They would be able to view her dream as she views them and find out what's been causing her sleep deprivation. Interacting within her dream was possible, however, they were to only interrupt her dream until a turn of events.

After studying her dream waves, Tech discovered that Lexi's dream starts out good, but later turns bad. Then, and only then, would they interrupt her dream to prevent it from becoming bad and allow her to sleep peacefully.

"Well, now that we have a plan lets tell Lexi and start this dream mission." Said Ace.

"I'm afraid it's not like that Ace. If we tell her we're about to enter her unconscious mind, her sub-conscious would detect an intruder immediately and attack. It's safer if we don't inform her about this, who knows what could be lurking in her dream." Tech corrected.

"Alright then, lets start that mission. With the lack of sleep she's gotten she should be asleep by now."

The guys walked to Lexi's bedroom while Rev and Tech brought the machine and some chairs.

Upon entering,they all saw that Ace was right. Lexi was fast asleep.

Tech attached a headband surrounding her forehead while the others attached a helmet. Putting on his own, Tech began to start the machine and told everyone to take a seat. Entering Lexi's mind would knock all of them out the instant Tech pressed a green button.

"Now remember, we don't interrupt her dream until she begins to feel fear. The machine will alert us when it's the time is right." Tech reminded. Without another word,

Tech pushed the green button and they all fell limp into the chairs.