The Shock of Something New

By: Nikkii-Love706

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto… or do I?


Smoke curled up around a pineapple-shaped head as Shikamaru slowly moved towards his latest missions house. He sighed as he flicked away the ash from his cig then bringing it to his lips again to inhale deeply. He was asked (coughcough FORCED cough) to retrieve Naruto because the blue-eyed boy was 3 hours late to meet with the Hokage. He let out another sigh as he stepped up to the blondes apartment door, knocking loudly. And of course there was no answer. He huffed and looked at the window next to the door with its curtains drawn completely closed. Annoyed, he picked the doors lock while he plotted what he was going to do to Naruto once he gets inside. With a click the door opened and Shikamaru stepped in and headed towards the bathroom where he could hear noise coming from. He walked over and brought his hand up to knock when all of a sudden the door flew open and something short and soft crashed in to him. Grunting from the impact, he looked down in to large blue eyes and nearly choked when he saw the skimpy towel around the tan female, barely covering anything. Shikamaru blinked, "Naruto?"…..


Authors Note: This is a small one-shot that is basically a signal that tells my faithful readers that I am returning. Im deeply sorry about not updating anything these past months but I will now be updating everything I can soon. Love ya' readers! R&R! But no flames!