Title: Harlequin (HARLEY QUINN)

Pairing: Erza/Jellal

Rating: R, K+

Genre: Horror/Supernatural, AU

Length: Oneshot/Drabble

Summary: Nap time was especially rough, because in his dreams he was the 'hunted one,' he was the one screaming for help with eyes wide and filled with horror. He was the one being killed.




This crack of dawn he had to make an early run to the store-opened-for-24/7 to pick up some cheap cigarettes and cheap alcohol. As he drove down the road, he noticed that there were absolutely no other cars to be seen; ahead of him, there was a rather creepy wall of fog. Rain began to gently patter on his windshield and gradually turned into a torrential downpour in just a matter of seconds, to make matters worse, the downpour was so hard that he could hardly see where he was heading. This made him uneasy. His driving slowed to a mere crawl then. He was crawling down the road, so as not to run into anything, when he saw a young woman, maybe in her late teens or early twenties, standing still beside a lamppost, with no umbrella to shield herself from getting wet. Simply put, devoid of any kind of shelter from the rain. What is she doing out so early in this storm all by herself? His forehead creased as he recognized the lone figure already soaked. Erza. The mechanical devices in his head churned and clicked as it worked its way to remind him of who the person was with that given name. Erza—pretty, young, smart—she was the infamous woman in her Trigonometry class who caused most of the trouble that nobody ever seemed to know what, and could point out, and just as far as the rumors would stretch. Not that he cared, mind you. He can only sympathize with his fool classmates as they firmly believed that she was brewing trouble, the only feeble proof they would hang themselves into just to explain her aloofness and awkwardness in the crowd. Plus, as his mind already stated, she was a beauty, and maybe those rumors sprouted from the guys she had rejected dating with? Nonetheless, she looked cold. He decided to pull over to where Erza was to see if he can help her.

"Hey," he said as he rolled down the window at his left side.

"J–Jellal?" she seemed to be awaken from a stupor when he called out to her.

That one surprised him. He never knew that the 'Ice Queen,' as she was dubbed by their classmates, knew him. "You looked like you could use some shelter. Get in the car," he offered as a silent 'click' wound its way to their ears, suggesting that the lock in the front passenger seat was already unlocked for her.

Erza seemed to fidget as she politely decline to Jellal, "But… but I'm wet, very much soaked actually."

"I can see that," said Jellal with eyebrows arched. "It can't be helped," he beckoned her as he moved from his seat to push open the door.

Erza gnashed her teeth from the cold and slightly bowed her head to him as she finally accepted his invitation to get inside his car. She peeled her drenched sweater that was very much sticking to her skin off of her and proceeded to strip—wait what?

Jellal's eyes fluttered widely, he moved further ahead and snaked an alarming arm around her hands. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting out of my wet clothes," she answered him with the most innocent eyes he had ever seen.

Jellal felt like face-palming, for someone as intelligent as her, she could be dangerously ignorant at times. Why must she state the obvious?


She cut him off with a quaint smile, one that petrified him for a bit, because the 'Ice Queen' never smiled so openly. "You don't want the interior of your car to be ruined because I get in there all wet, right? Plus, I could see a trench coat at the back seat, you won't mind lending that to me for a while, no? And well, I'd be very much delighted if you could close your eyes while I strip off here and get changed into your clothes once I'm inside, okay?"

Jellal answered her with rushed shakings of his head—up, down and sideward, all the while keeping his eyes closed and being as still as a portrait hanged on the wall. He could only listen to the pitter-patter of the rain on his car's hood, Erza's movements and the 'thuds' of the clothes being thrown on the ground. He heard then the closing of the front passenger's door and the rustling of a huge garment over bare skin—was he really that keen in hearing or was he just ingeniously imaginative? His face contorted into a frown, he didn't like what that thought would imply to his self, at that instant he heard someone laughing. His eyes involuntarily moved to open themselves and see if his companion, his only companion in that deserted road was indeed laughing at him. The 'Ice Queen' was full of surprises for him today. Who would've thought she could laugh like that?

"Well?" he said, his mind a bit confused.

"It's been a while since I last saw that frown of yours," she said, immediately wiping traces of her 'merry self' on her gorgeous innocent-looking face to replace it with her usual serious façade.

"You just transferred here five days ago…" he trailed off. She spoke as if she knew him from such a long time ago. And well, he could appear bored with his life, but he was never a frown-person to begin with, in fact, he rarely does that kind of reaction to his facial features. What was she talking about?

"It's time…" she said in a deadpan manner while fastening Jellal's huge trench coat over her thin frame.


"It's time you remember, I can't stand being this lonely you know…" Leaving no room for Jellal to react, Erza hastily placed her palm on Jellal's forehead. Another surprise, he never knew the woman could move in such agility. What was she talking about, really? Why is she speaking in a confusing manner? Why—and his vision went black.




Nap time was especially rough, because in his dreams he was the 'hunted one,' he was the one screaming for help with eyes wide and filled with horror. He was the one being killed. By the time he opened his eyes once more, the sky was bright and the storm clouds were already dispersing.

He was currently seated on the passenger seat; he looked at his right side and saw Erza on the driver's seat, maneuvering the car back to his cabin near the lake. He gazed at the back seat and saw four packs of Marlboro lights, two bottles of Bourbon whiskey, and four containers of ready-to-microwave pasta meal.

"H–How long did you look for me?"

With eyes glued on the road she answered, "A century, six months and eighteen days."

He stared at her with tender, a glint of new knowledge in his eyes. "It must have been hard on you. I'm sorry… I'm sorry I was selfish and—" loss for words, he reached out to her and buried his head on her neck.

Erza gave out a chuckle. "I cope because I knew this day would eventually come. The years that had passed were needed to be able to cleanse you from your evil soul… and I'm just glad to have you back," she said softly as she planted a short kiss on top of Jellal's head. "You remember your promise, don't you?"

Erza—beauty not ephemeral, forever-young, and wise due to her being part of the world since time immemorial—was a black-faced emissary of the devil; she roamed the countryside with a group of demons chasing the damned souls of evil people to send them to Hell. One of the Harlequins who fell in love with a condemned soul….

"Yes," Jellal told her with a smile. "I'm here to stay."




A/N: YAY! Another drabble/oneshot finally posted! ...even though this is one month late. I was originally going to post this on the eve of Halloween but never had the time to finish it for the occassion 'cause I got busy at that time D: But anyway, since I'm in a Christmas break, I rushed to finish this story. *Sigh* I want to be showered with enough time for writing fics but my school projects are currently my hindrances. I ask for your understanding dear readers! And oh, if you got confused with this, then feel free to comment your confusions. I'll gladly answer them! ^^ And oh, this story, I recycled it from one Kpop fic I did... because when I'm writing it for another couple, it turned out completely fitting for Erza and Jellal's situation, don't you guys think? And this is in AU, so... but I dunno, is recycling my other stories to fit this couple necessary a bad thing? I hope not... although this may be the last time I'll be doing it since I have new ideas for this couple! ^^ And for the Anon that left a comment the last time, thank you too! I've been considering it, really, but writing an ongoing fic is so much hassle for me right now 'cause I'm really busy with Uni-life. I'm sorry OTL

ANYWAY. Thanks to you guys favoriting this and putting it in your Alerts-list. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Until my next Update!
