
"Saito?" the boy turned to the girl who had called him, Saito Hiragi age nine, was sitting by the lake he beamed at the girl, "hello siesta."

She was his cousin born on the same year, they were both close and everyone always joked that the two would marry, she looked at him frowning, "what are you doing here? Isn't it boring being here alone?" she asked as she walked towards him, he smiled and shook his head, "nope! This is a nice quiet place isn't it beautiful siesta?" he said pointing towards the glowing lake.

she looked at him and then giggled, "your such a romantic saito, some of the village boys think you act to girly sometimes and I have to agree with them," she said smiling, he huffed and scowled at that, "there is nothing girly about admiring nature siesta, in fact my father said that only true men find beauty in life," siesta frowned and cocked her head, "what does that mean?" she asked a little annoyed.

saito always was to mature for his age he always started talking about complicated stuff, he jus grinned smugly at siesta but said nothing, siesta annoyed by this growls and pounces on him wrestling, there fight soon turned playful and the two were left giggling as they breathed exhausted looking up at the sky.

They both said nothing as they watched the clouds go by, saito then sat up, "siesta you're my friend right?" the little girl replied, "of course," frowning wondering what brought that on, she looked at saito and he had the expression that he usually has when he is itching to clear his conscious, siesta remembered he had the same expression when he broke her fathers watch, "siesta, you know how only nobles are chosen to use magic don't you?" siesta nodded huffing a bit, "of course, everyone knows that! The noble houses all have some connection to the founder, even the minor lords, why do you ask?" she said frowning.

he grinned sheepishly and brought out something from behind him when she saw it her eyes widened in shock, "saito! That's a nobles wand how did you get that," saito smiled and said, "I found it," siesta gave a disbelieving look, "you found a wand! Saito that means a noble is looking for it, don't you know the punishment for stealing a nobles wand is Death! What will you do if he comes here!" saito backed away from the panicking girl and frowned, "I didn't steal it I found it, besides the noble probably has more he wont miss it," he added.

siesta was about to throw her hands in the air, "saito what could you possibly do with a nobles wand anyway?" she snappishly through gritted teeth, saito had no reply he shook his head, "I don't know," he said and sighed, "I guess I have to give it back," she smiled at finally getting through to him she grabbed his hand and smiled. Together they walked back to the village.

Meanwhile just on the outskirts of tarbes, "count talisan!" a guard shouted, the count talisan de vaile a former dragon knight looked at the guard who hastily bowed, "we have found a clue on your families wand! Apparently it was last seen in Tarbes when you were visiting," talisan frowned, "we will have to turn back it seems," he sighed he had not liked the atmosphere in there it was to rural for his liking…

When saito saw talisan he thought the urge to run and hide, the mans eyes were icy blue and he was not happy, he found himself remembering what siesta had said, 'what will you do if he comes here', he silently cursed her for jinxing him, he heard the guard say, "we will ask the villagers, we will be as patient as possible," he said the man had a cold smile that made saito step back.

Siesta was with her little sisters when the door was knocked, she opened the door and a man she quickly recognised as the visiting counts guard smiled at her, "hello, is your father at home?" she stepped back.

why is he looking for father, she thought the man spoke politely but something about him frightened her, "siesta?" she froze and turned when she saw her father looking at her, "ah so you are Richard?" the guard said still polite, her father nodded, "yes I am?" .

at the confirmation the guards entire attitude changed, he and 5 more guards stormed the house, knocking siesta's father to the ground, siesta let out a small cry, "where is the wand?" the guard growled, the wand! Siesta thought realising her fears were coming true, this is your fault saito, she fumed but did not say anything fearing the trouble he would get into, her father growled, "what wand?" and the guards lifted him while the other punched him, "do not play games with us, that wand is an heirloom and the count wants it back!" he spat, siesta's father glared through gritted teeth, "I have no idea what you are talking about," he said, siesta was in awe of her fathers defiance but also scared for his life, she was going to step forward but a meaningful look from her father stopped her, does he know? She thought, the guard snarled, "we know all about you! You cannot fool us, you were once quite notorious for selling wands on the black market! Now where is it!" he shouted and connected with siesta's fathers jaw, he spat out blood and roared "I don't know!".

The guard pulled out the sword at his waist and siesta jumped, she ran in between them, "please stop! I will tell you where the wand is just don't hurt father!".

Count Talisan sat in the mayors house as the guards entered, to his surprise they were dragging a small boy with them, he raised an eyebrow at the lead guard and he pushed the boy forward, "the wand thief sir," he frowned as he looked at the boy, his guards seemed to have taken it upon themselves to rough him up, the boy clutched the counts wand in front of him looking terrified, he sighed, "boy give me the wand," the boy jumped at the sound of his voice and looked at him wide eyed, the count sighed and held out a hand.

the boy immediately understood and passed the wand to him, the count froze, he could not believe it but he had sworn he had felt something when the boy passed the wand to him, "boy take the wand and pass it to me again but don't let go until I tell you to," the count commanded, the boy looked at him oddly but did as he was told, this time he was sure, how is this possible? He thought, "tell me boy do you have any relations to a noble house? Any at all?" the boy shook his head confused and the count nodded, I don't know what this is but this child has magic in him. The count got up and walked out, "pack up we are leaving, and we are taking the child with us." He said and left the boy who was now wailing behind as he went to his horse.

6 years later…

"saito are you listening to me?", the boy was now almost a man, saito had been taken by the count and trained in the ways of a noble, he was now always drifting off paying no attention to anyone, he had grown handsome his black eyes shone with intelligence and held an air of unconscious command.

"saito!", the young man snapped his attention to the man who was in front of him, "I apologise count Talison, my mind was elsewhere", the count sighed, he had grown used to saito's occasional detachments so he did not really care, "I was saying saito that you will be representing the vaile family name, so you must be sure not to shame me while you attend the academy, I am putting my faith in you seeing as I have no child of my own you seed, you will need to train to become my successor," saito blinked at the count, he seemed to be quite worried, he had been with the man for six years and not once did he talk this much.

sighing he sat up straight and stared the man in the eye, "count Talisan, do not worry I will be a gentleman respectful to all my piers I will do honour to your family name," at this the count seemed to relax and gave a small smile, "I know you will saito, you have been an incredible student and will no doubt be a great mage, I am proud of you." Saito stared at the man feeling his eyes bulge out of his sockets, had the count jus said those words.

he worked his mouth but before he could say anything the carriage stopped and the count reverted to his usual impassive self, and saito follow suit, "well saito this is the academy I went to, tristains magic academy," he said as they left the carriage, saito's mouth nearly dropped the school looked like a palace, he could tell this would be a very interesting experience…