DISCLAIMER: All...You know what? Screw it, you oughta know the drill by now.

As Luke Lynch walked down Main Street in Brockton, MA, to the local therapist's office, he took a look around at the beautiful day that was taking shape.

Almost a perfect contrast to what my mind is going through, he thought sadly as he reached the front door. Taking a quick look at his cell phone before crossing the threshold, he saw the date displayed: It was Sunday, the tenth of July 2089. He felt a small twinge of pain: Next week would have been his mother's birthday, were she alive today.

I still miss you, Mom. See you again someday. With this thought fresh in his head, he stepped into the reception area and walked directly to the desk.

"Good morning," greeted the young receptionist. "You here to see the head doctor?"

"Yes, ma'am," replied Luke with a small smile he didn't really feel.

"Have a seat; I'll bring him right out," she instructed, and moved to the phone.

As Luke went to sit down, he noticed something weird: All of the pictures along the walls showed a young girl with long, flowing auburn hair (though leaning more towards the red side) who bore a scary resemblance to the girl he'd been seeing everywhere for the last three weeks. But just as he went to sit down, a man came out from the hallway leading to the offices. Walking briskly towards Luke, he held out his hand, smiling broadly.

"Good morning," he said brightly. "Arthur Ross, M.D., and I hear you're looking for me."

"You hear right," answered Luke, taking the doctor's hand and shaking it. "Luke Lynch, drummer/background vocalist for Nightmare Cinema. (1) Pleasure to meet you, Doc."

"The pleasure is mine," said Ross. "As it happens, I am something of a fan of your band, and have been for quite a while now."

"Well, thank you," answered Luke. "Glad to know we're good enough to warrant your fanhood."

"Of course, of course," chuckled Ross. "Please, come this way," he added, gesturing with his hand.

Infinity Entertainment Presents:

An Insanity Works Production

A Luke Lynch Story

Kim Possible: Scenes From A Memory

Chapter One: Regression

Not long thereafter, Luke was laying on the couch in Ross' office, describing the girl he'd been seeing for what seemed like forever.

"Did this woman have a name?" asked Ross.

"You know, Arthur, until you asked me that question, I had no clue. Now, however, I can tell you with all certainty that her first name is Kim. Don't remember her last name at present," answered Luke.

"I see," noted Ross. "Luke, could you lie all the way back, like you're going to sleep?"

"Sure, Doc," replied Luke, as he began to recline on the couch. "What do you have in mind?"

"Nothing more than a theory, but it's one that's definitely worth taking a look at," explained Ross. "I'm going to attempt to hypnotize you. Your subconscious will do the rest."

"Do whatever you feel you need to do," urged Luke, "to get this woman out of my head."

Without further ado, Ross pulled out a gold pocketwatch and began swinging it back and forth slowly in front of Luke's face, perfectly in synch with the sound of the clock ticking.

"Close your eyes and begin to relax,"

instructed Ross softly.

"Take a deep breath...and let it out slowly.
Concentrate on your breathing.
With each breath, you will become more relaxed."

Luke was already feeling his eyes starting to become heavy. His mind was now a completely blank slate, and he was beginning to feel the sensation of being completely detached from his body.

"Imagine a brilliant white light above you."

Luke was already miles ahead of Ross, rising up through the shaft of white light that had now completely engulfed his spiritual form.

"Focus in on this light as it flows through your body.
Allow yourself to drift off as you fall deeper and deeper into a more relaxed state of mind."

Relaxed, nothing: Luke was already long gone at this point.

"Now, as I count back from ten to one, you will feel more peaceful and calm."

Luke braced himself for the countdown that, little did he know, would start him out on the journey of his life.


You will enter a safe place, where nothing can harm you. Five...
If, at any time, you need to come back, all you must do is open your eyes. One."

Luke's spirit opened its eyes to reveal white mist, though not like any he had been trapped in before: His surroundings were not hidden by the white vapor; rather, the white vapor had not yet formed into surroundings. Yet, strangely, he felt...comfortable here. A small smile began to grace his features.

Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My subconscious mind
Starts spinning through time
To rejoin the past once again

Nothing seems real
I'm starting to feel
Lost in the haze of a dream

And as I draw near
The scene becomes clear
Like watching my life on a screen

Just then, Luke felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see the woman from his visions standing there with a big smile on her face. Eyes of a deep emerald-jade mix seemed to pierce his very soul. As she embraced him like they were the oldest of friends, Luke said:

"Hello there, Kimberly
So glad to see you...
My friend."

"Luke Lynch, right? Great to finally meet you, as well," replied Kim, and, much to Luke's surprise, gave him a light but lingering kiss on his lips. As the two mouths made contact, Luke felt and heard a gust of wind begin to pick up. Soon, it was reaching up past Gale Force 12, yet the two stayed lip-to-lip, as if glued to the spot, for they were not moving an inch despite the ungodly strong winds. Luke wanted desperately to open his eyes and break the kiss, so as to better understand what was happening, but instinct told him to stay in the embrace, to wait.

A/N: OK, just so you guys know, I've run into a mild case of writer's block on my Ace Combat story. This is something to tide you guys over until the next chapter of that comes out (not that I don't plan on continuing this).

(1) The name of a joke band featuring the members of Dream Theater on different instruments. Folded when then-keyboardist Derek Sherinian was replaced by Jordan Rudess (aka Mr. Wizard).

I hope all those who read this story will join me in dedicating this story to the three prominent members of the Kimmunity who have shuffled off this mortal coil in the past three years: Commander Argus, cpneb, and screaming phoenix. Rest In Peace, our friends and brethren. You are sorely missed.


NEXT: Overture 2011