Harry Potter Fanfic-
I do not own the awesomeness that is Harry Potter but I really wish I did! I randomly decided to read some of the other stories then I got bored of some Egyptian book I was reading and decided to read Harry Potter again and BAM I got a plot line. I hope you like it! I also apologize If I get anything wrong, in the timeline of rereading I'm on book one so…ya.
Chapter 1-
"Goodbye Father, Mother." I said softly at the two people standing next to me. My 'mother' was average height with brown hair and brown eyes with a cold look in her eyes, especially when she looked at me, and then my 'father' was a tall, strict man but a little on the chubby side, I knew he wouldn't hesitate to threaten me if I took one step out of line, and he always followed up on his threats.
These two people, along with my adoptive sister and brother, were the bane of my existence, they were physically cruel to me and never bothered to hide it, mostly because they hated what I was, they hated that I was a wizard.
Yes, Wizards, I am the last surviving member of one of the most powerful wizarding families of all time: the Vulpes family. My family has a strange genetic ability to transform into a fox, as my last name suggests. Most of the members of my family have red hair with a single white streak in their hair, but I am different. My hair is black as night ( I still have that white streak but it makes me look like a damn skunk) so my fox form is as well.
I found out from Ollivander the wand maker that I was supposed to defeat some dangerous world-elimination-sized threat because of the wand I got. It is a 10 inch hawthorn wand but there were carvings of symbols all over it that had then been painted in with silver with a phoenix tail center, a very powerful wand that has gotten me through quite a lot of tests… and other spells, jinxes and hexes I need to get through the day of being the worst Slytherin in the history of history. I think I am the only Slytherin Gryfinndor students like.
At the moment I was ready to board on the Hogwarts express to go to my fourth year at my wonderful school of Hogwarts. This was the best time of the year for me, I got away from these devils for an entire year, and never had to deal with them.
"I promise to be as good as possible." I said in a low submissive voice. My father nodded stiffly and I heard someone walk up behind me.
"Hey Morgan." I smiled at my friend and nodded,
"Hi Harry, Ron, Hermione. How're things?" Ron chuckled,
"Things are good." I laughed,
"We should get going. The train is leaving soon!" she said panicking,
"We'll be fine. But we should be going. Ready?" He nodded and nodded his goodbye to my parents then the four of us walked onto the train.
I grabbed my bag and forced my trunk into the compartments below the train and walked on, forcing my way through the students and getting them to move with a famous Slytherin Sneer, not that I used it much.
We walked through and found an empty compartment and immediately claimed it. After we settled in the three of them started to tell me, in explicit detail, what happened at the Quidditch World Cup. I 'oohed' and 'ahhed' when it was needed but I was only halfway paying attention, the other half of my mind was on the upcoming pranks I had in store and I think they finally got that,
"You're thinking about pranks aren't you?" Harry asked with a chuckle. An evil smirk smeared across my face and I nodded,
"Oh ya, I read some great books with some great new spells." Harry sighed,
"You're like an evil version of Hermione, you use your love of books for evil." Hermione nodded in agreement and Ron just laughed.
"I wouldn't call it evil..." I smiled and now Harry laughed,
"If you say so." I nodded importantly and looked out the window,
"So how was the other part of your summers?" I asked, my eyes scanning the group.
"Not much happened with me, Fred and George found some new tricks too." My eyes shined,
"Ooo, I'm going to need to talk to them." Ron smiled nervously and nodded,
"Well I had a summer filled with torment thanks to Dudley." Harry said with a shrug. I frowned,
"At least he doesn't beat you." I muttered under my breath. Harry looked at me in confusion,
"What?" I waved my hands in distress,
"I went to America and visited Washington D.C.!" And then we got caught up in a long story about the fascinating things that happened in America,
"I personally don't see what's so great about America, they all seem like gits." I said tiredly, raising a finger. (A/N- NO FLAMES FOR THAT I AM AN AMERICAN!)
"Hmph, it was still interesting." I nodded and yawned,
"Well I'm tried and I am going to sleep, you know the drill: wake me up for an uneventful reason you get a face full of jinx." I muttered and leaned against the window, falling asleep.
The next thing I was aware of someone was shaking my shoulder,
"You need to get up and change Morgan." I groggily opened my eyes and looked around, I was the only one still in my street clothes. I nodded and grabbed my robes, walking to the changing room.
I gently folded up my clothes and pulled on my uniform piece by piece. I left my jewelry on and smiled down at them. I only had my necklace and ring on. The necklace had a snake skull on it and two wings that stretched from my right collar bone to my left and my ring looked like a fox wrapped around my middle finger. After that I had finally assembled my uniform, I think it takes to long but I shrugged it off and walked back in. All three of them flinched, it was barely visible but still there, at the sight of my emerald robes. I shifted awkwardly at being surrounded by the ruby robes of Gryfinndor and sat back down. After I changed everything always got a teeny bit awkward but they got over it soon,
"I still don't think I'll ever get used to having a friend in Slytherin." Ron said, breaking the awkwardness. I laughed,
"I still don't think I'll ever get used to being surrounded by Gryffindors." We all laughed and started talking about the homework we had to do, hated student of not I still did my homework.
"I finished mine the first week." Hermione said proudly. I nodded,
"I got locked in the attic so I finished it in a few days, don't worry I got food." I added at their horrified looks, "It was about three weeks ago."
Harry and Ron looked between each other in terror. I sighed; I knew that look perfectly well. That's the 'oh shit I forgot' look,
"What didn't you do?" Ron opened his bag and lifted out a half finished report that we were supposed to do for charms that was in bad shape, it had a corner chewed off by some owl and had something spilled on it. I shook my head,
"What spell did you do yours on? I did the Patronus spell." We were supposed to take a single spell and explain in extreme detail how to use it and what it does. Mine took up two sheets of parchment,
"I uh… did Nox." Ron said hesitantly. Hermione and I nodded,
"Okay… so what's the problem?" he gave me a look and gestured at the parchment,
"It's destroyed!" I looked at Hermione and shook my head, pulling out my wand, which was, and always is, covered by a thin cloth.
"Tergo." I said with a twitch of my wand. The dirt fell from it and the parchment repaired itself,
"There, now quickly finish writing it." He took out a quill and started writing away, with Hermione looking over his shoulder and correcting him. I looked at Harry,
"And you?" his face was pale,
"Well I just didn't check over my essay for Snape." I gave him a sympathetic look, I loved Snape's subject and he was okay I guess. He took out a carefully rolled up parchment and gave it to me. I scanned it over, fixed any minor things and gave it back,
"Looks fine to me." the color returned to his face and he re rolled it,
"Thanks." I smiled,
"No Problem. Now… is anyone else confused why we had to buy dress robes?" I asked in annoyance, thinking about the dress I had been force me to buy, seeing it was my money.
Ron shuddered and glanced at the dress robe he had thrown over his owl's cage,
"I am not wearing that." Hermione shrugged,
"I was able to find something… but I'm not telling." She added as she caught my curious glance. I pouted and Harry seemed to avoid the question. I sighed and suddenly the door opened. I turned and scowled,
"Malfoy." I hissed. He sneered at me,
"Still hanging around with the Gryffindors are you Vulpes?" I smirked,
"Ya, they're much better company that stuck up gits like you." I said cheerfully, Ron had been taking the opportunity to shove his dress robes back in his bag but Pigwidgeon had decided it tasted good and stole one of the sleeves to it.
"What… is that Weasley?" He pointed to the robes and made a grab for it, unfortunately managing to get it.
"Look at this!" he yelled, with the happiest voice I had ever heard from him. I growled at him before he could say another word, and I mean growled using the fox in me. No one but Dumbledore and the Professors knew about it.
"I suggest you give him his robes back before you end up waking up with so many hexes on you no one will even know who you are." I hissed. He paled (Even more if that's possible) and threw the robes back at him,
"They were hideous anyway, now tell me, are you thinking about entering?" I glared at him, totally confused.
"What are you talking about?" Ron snapped, shoving the robes in his bag. Malfoy went on and on, being all secretive until I just got fed up,
"Look, if you're not going to tell us what we are or aren't going to enter I suggest you leave if you value your pretty face." I hissed, sarcasm and malice dripping from my voice. He laughed and walked away, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. We all glared murderously after the blond boy and I sighed,
"He is the reason I am ashamed to be a Slytherin." I said dejectedly.
"Don't worry we don't think you're anything like him." I fake cried and hugged Ron,
"Thank you so much!" I sobbed, "That means so much to me!" he patted my back awkwardly and then I let go, no signs of tears on my face.
"Well we must be near by now." I said and started organizing my bag, trying to shove the questions out of my head that swirled around.
We got off and walked towards the gate where Hagrid greeted us,
"See yeh at the feast if we don' drown!' he bellowed, gesturing to the rough water the poor little first years were going to have to go across. I frowned,
"Poor small children." I muttered and turned to see my Gryffindor friends had abandoned me.
I frowned and looked around for a not fully occupied carriage. I noticed one and ran towards it, wrapping my jacket around myself and jumped in only to immediately regret it. I turned to leave but the doors snapped shut. I swore under my breath and sat down, becoming uncomfortably close to Malfoy. He shifted away from me and I did the same,
"So…" I said awkwardly, I hated awkward silences, with Malfoy or not. I picked the first thing that came to my head,
"I kinda doubt your dress robes are any better than Ron's." I said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes,
"Oh Please, I have the most expensive and fanciest dress robes out there." I scoffed at him,
"So? I'm sure those robes were expensive when they were in style." He glared at me,
"I guess you'll just have to see when the time comes." He sneered and then his face twisted into an evil grin, "But I doubt you're dress robes are any better. Did you have to beg to get enough money to buy them?" Crabbe and Goyle chuckled stupidly from across the aisle. I sighed,
"I'm surprised it's taken you so long to figure it out… oh wait I forgot your dangerously low IQ so, no I'm not… but anyway, my family is more powerful and rich then yours Malfoy." I snarled. Malfoy just rolled his eyes at me and we spent the rest of the carriage ride in an annoyed silence.
As soon as the carriage stopped I jumped out and sprinted into the building, trying to avoid getting myself wet. Once I got in I smiled and walked casually against the wall, watching as people slipped, fell and got pelted by water balloons from Peeves. I liked Peeves, we were on a standing agreement: you help me with pranks and I won't tell the Bloody Baron.
I walked into the great hall and sat down at my table, next to my only friend really: Amanda Night. She was average height and a little snobby but she loosened up after she became my friend. Her long gold hair hung in waves all over her shoulders and back and she had beautiful blue eyes, unlike me. I am also average height and Amanda says I'm pretty but I doubt it. My hair is just straight black with that annoying white streak and I think my eyes are nice, I guess. They're a dark blue color, almost like a starry night but have flecks of gold. My parents used to call my eyed a night full of stars. So I really do like them.
I talked to Amanda about the summer idly and waited for the first years to come. When they finally did everyone was groaning and mumbling about starving, I even heard Ron say he could eat a hippogriff. I smiled at that and listened to the sorting hat sing its song. I clapped along with everyone else and waited to see who would join Slytherin with me.
After that was over we all ate and talked happily, I threw a few things at Malfoy, and he glared at me, nothing out of the ordinary. That is until Dumbledore stood up for the announcements. He started off my introducing our new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher: Professor Moody, who instantly creeped me out. He had that crazy eye that earned him the name of Mad-Eye Moody and he was drinking a suspicious liquid I really didn't think was something that should be drunk in school. I raised an eyebrow and listened into what Draco was saying,
"What an ugly git, and I heard he's classified as mentally insane." For once I actually agreed with him, that man was not right in the mind. His crazy eye zipped around, landing everywhere and seeing everything. When it landed on me he smiled and I instantly got the feeling he knew of my shifting abilities. I shuddered and looked back at Dumbledore.
"This year Hogwarts has gotten the opportunity to host the Tri-wizard tournaments." Murmurs swelled up in excitement, "BUT… only students in year six and up are allowed to enter." The murmurs turned into outrage,
"BUT THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Fred and George yelled and Malfoy was talking rather loudly about all the debts they could've paid off with the 1000 galleon prize, earning him a large amount of glares from all the Weaslys who heard him, Harry and Hermione.
Harry caught my eye and raised an eyebrow in question. I smiled and nodded, picking up a small piece of caramelized banana (A/N… don't ask. It was the first thing that came to my head) and threw it at his head, hitting him perfectly then turned back to Dumbledore, acting as if nothing happened. I heard a lot of cheers from the other tables and I just smiled, knowing I was going to get some pitiful pay back attempt later.
"Well now that that was all settled, Ms. Vulpes…" I smiled innocently and batted my eyelashes like I had no idea what he was talking about and the headmaster just laughed, "The delegates from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving in October. And now, it is late, and I know how important it is to you all to be alert and rested as you enter your lessons tomorrow morning. Bedtime! Chop chop!"
Everyone got up and forced their way out of the hall. I was going to talk to Fred and George but they were in such a bad mood I think they would jinx anyone wearing green, so I followed my house and corrected any story that the older kids were telling the poor little first years, but only a little.
"There is a man eating scorpion in the girl's bathroom on the fifth floor." Pansy said, the only person I hated more than Malfoy,
"Don't be ridiculous, they got rid of that last year, but I did hear there was a sea snake that found it's way into the plumbing under the sixth stall." I said with a smirk. Amanda snickered beside me and Pansy glared at me.
We finally got down to the dungeon and got to a dead end. The first years were confused,
"T-There's nothing here." A small brown haired girl pointed out, earning an annoyed glare from almost everyone there,
"Basilisk Fang." Our perfect said and the wall disappeared, revealing a long corridor.
"What was that about a dead end?" I asked sweetly to the little girl.
One hated Slytherin or not I was still a Slytherin and it was kinda in my personality to be sarcastic and snide. She gave me wide eyes and I smirked,
"Those things are nothing compared to some of the upper classmen, you don't want to get on our bad side." I said, then walked away, laughing manically
We walked through the long hallway leading to the common room, finally making it. I've always loved how creepy this place looked. It was a dungeon- like room with gothic windows and a beautiful snake painting above the fireplace, our common room was actually under the lake so it had a greenish tint when the sun was coming through. If you were lucky enough you got to see the giant squid sometimes.
Every once and a while I got an uncontrollable urge to run in my fox form, to be free- I was getting that feeling right now so I yawned and walked upstairs. I found my bed and smiled, checking the magic-proof lock I had on it and undid it. I took out my pjs and changed, taking off my jewelry and crawling into bed to wait.
After three hours I was getting really twitchy and I couldn't handle it anymore, I guessed everyone was upstairs by now so I pulled back my curtain slightly, saw that every girl was in her bed and smirked. I hopped off my bed silently and took a deep breath, I was thankful the process wasn't painful. If someone blinked they would've been so confused, one second there was a girl, the next a small black fox was dark blue eyes with golden flecks and a white tip to her tail and a white bib. I stretched happily and trotted out the door and down the stairs. I turned the corner to go towards the corridor towards outside when I came face-to-face (not really seeing how I am about one fourth of his size) with Draco Malfoy.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! The faster i get reviews the faster i update, and I mean really fast, i get a review i update. I've already written 25 chapters and I'm still going, so REVIEW!