Truth or Dare – Chapter 2
Well, then, you wanted a second chapter... here we go :)
Charles woke up because of the shrill ringing of the phone that sat on his bedside table. Rubbing his eyes, he tried to focus and ignored the immense head pain that seemingly wanted to crush his scull.
Right, all the whiskey they had been drinking the night before... Charles groaned. He really needed to get that call, even if it was just for the sake of shutting that damn ring tone off. It made the headache even worse.
As the professor still wasn't able to open his eyes, he fumbled blindly over to the bedside table, but realized he couldn't reach it. Another tired moan escaped his lips as Charles shuffled upwards, just to find his body trapped by a heavy arm that was curled around his waist.
He stiffened for a moment, before he could wrap his fuzzy mind around the other things that happened yesterday.
On top of him.
Kissing him.
And him eagerly responding to it.
Liking it.
The moan following that perception that hit his mind mercilessly was different. He didn't really regret what happened, he was just... confused and he desperately kicked the possibilities of how to handle the situation around in his head. A quick glance over to Erik told him that the latter slept peacefully, obviously not hearing the ringing phone-
The phone, right. Charles leapt a bit forwards and could finally pick it up, dragging it halfway over the bed in the process.
„Hello?" he asked sleepily, voice low as to not wake up Erik as well.
„Good morning, this is the receptionist. Am I talking to Mr. Xavier?"
„Yes, you are. What's the matter?"
„I've got a phone call for you waiting in line. A Mrs. MacTaggert, she introduced herself."
Charles rolled his eyes. That women's timing was just astounding. „Ah, yes, please put her through to me," he answered calmly, hiding the fact that he would rather like to throw the phone against the nearest wall. He just wasn't able to speak on the phone like this – Erik wrapped around his back, his head hurting from one of the worst hangovers he's ever had and tired as hell.
„Charles, is that you?" a female voice spoke through the receiver.
„Yes, Moira, and good morning to you," the telepath answered warily.
„Well, good morning! I'm just calling to congratulate you two on your latest recruit, as we didn't have any chance to talk to each other yesterday when you called."
Charles rubbed his eyes again. „Yes, only your boss was there, and I told him to inform you as well."
„He did, I just wanted to congratulate in person. Well, more or less. But Charles... you sound awful. Everything alright?"
„Sure, everything's just fine," he sighed. „But we were out yesterday... celebrating. Listen, could we talk some other time? Erik's still asleep and I don't want to wake him. Also, I really need a bit more sleep and some recovery time-"
Charles broke off, noticing Erik's body stirring against his, stretching slowly as the other man began to wake. It was obviously too late to try not to wake him.
Moira laughed softly into the phone. „I think you could need a day or two off, so if you don't feel like traveling today, it's okay. Take your time, you deserve it. You hear me?"
„I hear you, Moira," Charles' breath hitched when the hand around his waist began to rub lazy, soothing circles around his hip bone, and up to his waist from there, stroking the sensitive skin gently under the sweater vest he still wore. „Maybe we should really stay here for today. We haven't had a day off for weeks."
Erik pressed a tentative kiss to his neck, and Charles shivered involuntarily.
„Good. And send my wishes to Erik, will you?" Moira chuckled again.
„I will."
„I'll call again in a few days. Hopefully we'll have time to talk for a bit then, and in the meantime take care. Bye, Charles."
„We'll do our best. Goodbye, Moira."
The moment he had hung up the phone, Erik was all over him again – the other man's body curled up against his back, snuggling into it.
Despite the still scull-splitting pain in his head, Charles chuckled. „Erik Lehnsherr is a close sleeper and the cuddly type. I never would have guessed that," he teased.
„... a lot of things you still need to learn about me, Charles. Besides, blame the hangover," the other man mumbled against his neck, voice deep and rasp.
„Don't tell me your head's hurting as bad as mine?"
„Hmpf," the answer Erik was about to give was muffled into the back of Charles head, followed by a few blows from Erik's mouth. The metalbender apparently tried to get a fair amount of wavy brown hair back out of his mouth.
And Charles just laughed about it. Erik groaned in response.
Then he scrambled away from Charles and out of bed, which made the latter squirm at the sudden loss of body contact and warmth. Charles' eyes followed Erik as the latter strolled across the room and into the enclosed bathroom.
Thousands of thoughts circled through his mind in these few moments. Sure, they were friends, and they would always be, but the situation right now was simply weird and Charles had no idea how to handle it. After everything that had happened yesterday – were they a couple now? Or establishing a more profound relationship than before? Or was it just some drunk screwing-around with a friend without any further intentions?
Erik's gestures during the phone call indicated that the last option was more or less not worth another thought, though.
Just that short kiss onto his neck had made that clear. It was a very intimate touch, none for friends for sure, even after a night like yesterday's. Erik also wasn't the type to fool him with something like that. And, speaking of that, the way he had pressed their bodies together and snuggled against Charles' also wasn't fake, Charles was pretty sure of that. He just had the feeling.
Maybe Erik just needed some kind of encouragement. Something that told him that Charles was okay with everything that had happened. Because truth was, Charles was not only completely down with it, he had enjoyed it. He wanted to do it again. He wanted more. And he didn't even need to get drunk for that.
„Don't I even get a proper good-morning-kiss?" the telepath teased by shouting after Erik, who had disappeared into the bathroom.
For a few seconds, he didn't get an answer. Then Erik poked his head around the door frame, a wide smirk on his lips. „Are you that insatiable that you can't even wait for me to brush my teeth?"
„Well... No," Charles pouted playfully.
And suddenly, Erik was hovering on top of him again, holding his hands down to the mattress and pinning his hips down by straddling and sitting across them. Charles was trapped. Erik's lips, still drawn to that amused smirk, were right above his, merely inches away, and by god he didn't want anything more in this very moment than to feel them on his own lips again... right now, right here, just like yesterday night.
He tried to bend upwards to meet Erik's lips, but the latter quickly withdrew his head, smiling mischievously.
„Not before you tell me what you want, my friend," Erik purred, his voice low and husky and Charles was sure that it was on purpose.
He sighed and swallowed heavily before he answered. „I want to kiss you."
„As you wish," Erik answered, chuckling lightly.
And the metalbender leaned down and slowly, so delicately slowly pressed his lips to Charles'. A contented hum escaped the latter's mouth, and he sighed softly into the kiss. It felt good, and right, and perfect, and very much so. Erik's stubble grazed along his cheek, more present this time. He really needed to shave, and Charles surely needed as well – and Charles suddenly understood why women often complained about beards.
Reluctantly, Charles broke the kiss and traced Erik's jawline, complete with stubble, with his lips, planting small kisses down his neck and collarbone.
The moan of Erik that followed gave him goosebumps. The sound was deep, hoarse and obviously very horny, and Charles shivered at the intensity of it.
But before they could get any further, he found his limbs free once again and Erik standing next to the bed with that ever-present lopsided smirk on his lips. Then he slowly turned around and granted Charles a good look onto his back as he went to the bathroom.
Charles sighed and scrambled out of bed as well, following Erik into the bathroom. Without looking at the other mutant, he grabbed his toothbrush and paste. Erik chuckled lightly, and when their eyes met in the mirror, Charles couldn't suppress a muffled laugh of his own. They just made a wonderfully domestic couple, standing there in the bathroom, brushing their teeth, both with messed-up hair and wrinkled clothes. Charles deliberately bumped his shoulder against Erik's, feeling unexpectedly comfortable like this.
After shaving and preparing some clothes, Erik shot him a short look, watching the telepath as he placed his own pile of clothes on his bed. „Charles, I..." he began, but broke off, nervously scratching the back of his head. Charles had a very hard time not starting to laugh out loud at the unfamiliar picture.
„Yes, Erik?" he smiled smugly.
„Do you want to... have a shower?"
„I planned on showering, yes," now Charles smirked openly. Oh, he had exactly known what Erik meant. He just wanted to tease him some more.
Erik sighed, avoiding the other man's eyes. „I mean – together."
Charles slowly turned around and strolled over to the bathroom, unbuttoning his sweater vest on the way, throwing it off before he even entered the room. Erik's eyes widened shortly at the sight of Charles stripping off his clothes, and the latter was very aware of that.
Not that he had done it on purpose. Of course not.
Erik followed quickly, and by the time they both found themselves back in front of the mirror, they were halfway undressed. Charles didn't need to look at the buttons of his chemise to pop them open, one after the other, so he just enjoyed the look on Erik's face, watching him undressing, before his eyes wandered down his friend's body. He felt heat stirring in his neither regions, very obvious for the world – or in this case, Erik – to see.
The metalbender licked his lips in anticipation. Quickly, Charles found himself shoved into the shower cabin by Erik, pinned to the wall as warm water poured over both of them. His hair clung to his head, wet within seconds, and hanging into his eyes. Erik shoved the stubborn strand of hair aside, cupping Charles' cheeks in his big, calloused hands.
But what Charles expected to happen – didn't.
Erik just stood there, mouth merely inches away from his, but all the telepath felt was his hot breath on his lips. When Charles opened his eyes to look at Erik, he found them dark and clouded with lust.
That's where Charles decided that he could be in charge as well.
Shoving himself against Erik, turning the two of them and instead having Erik trapped against the tiled wall, he smirked smugly to himself.
Erik gaped as his head fell backwards, letting out a deep, long moan as Charled ground their hips together in a fluid motion for the first time. Their erections grazed along each other's, creating a delicate friction between them.
Charles leaned forwards, resting his head against Erik's shoulder, and softly rolled his hips forwards, again and again, until the metalbender was nothing but a shivering mess of want in front of him. Erik pressed his body against Charles' in the same delicious rhythm the telepath had created, moaning along when their cocks met, sighing when Charles nipped at the sensitive skin right above the pulse point on his neck.
And suddenly, Erik's hand was there, between them, closing around both their members, and Charles couldn't suppress a squirm at the rush of heat hitting him. He had never imagined it feeling that good.
When he opened his eyes to look at his friend, their eyes locked immediately. Charles gave an genuine smile, simply feeling that comfortable right here, right there with Erik.
And that was where he felt something inside of him loosening, and he lost it. The point of no return had passed by before Charles even realized it, and he came hard with short spurts all over Erik's hand and stomach. Falling forward into Erik's arms, he felt a sticky hotness running down his chest, and he was very sure that this was none of his own.
Looking up at Erik, he found the metalbender grasping desperately for air while watching him respectively.
Lazily Charles leaned up and brought their lips together, kissing Erik slowly and with the contented hum of cooling down from an orgasm. Erik chuckled lightly when he pulled away after countless moments.
„You know we're not getting anywhere but back into bed today?" he asked with a promising, mischievous grin on his face while the hot water poured down their naked bodies.
Charles just grinned back. His headache was long since gone.
A/N: So, was the second chapter worth reading? :) I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar errors, my spell check keeps on bitching about, and I have to do everything … let's just say, it's really complicated. So just bare with me, please?