Hi! Sorry if I haven't updated in so long. Not a lot people know, but i'm actually REALLY lazy. And I had already typed this chapter 5 times, but i always accidently deleted it whenever i finish. Hope you like this one!
Piper sighed slumping onto a random lunch table. It seems like almost everybody had heard about her and Jason's 'little fight' and were asking question whether or not they were together or not. Piper of course denied any of the rumors. But it didn't help that Jason was actually encouraging the rumors by randomly hugging her and calling her weird nicknames like 'sweetie bear' and
But really who would you rather believe? A girl wearing a scowl denying that she was dating a ultra hot guy or a handsome guy saying that he's going out with a equally good-looking girl?
Suddenly without a warning, 2 groups of girls came up to her. 'Ugh! More fangirls!'she thought.
The group standing to her left was a bunch of girls wearing scowls, frowns, and disapproving glares. Then a girl walked up to her glaring angrily at her. "Why is it that Jason likes you so much! We deserves him more!" Everybody in that group nodded.
The second group was full of smiles, and sad looks. Instead of just one person speaking, they all spoke out,
"We're soooooo happy for you!"
"You guys make such a good couple!"
"I wish he was my BF!'
"You're so lucky!"
'Ughh! Why is it always me?'She though as she went back to telling everybody that she and Jason were not going out.
It was a long day, but she finally manage to finish writing the letter to Leo. She was well on her way to putting the letter inside the locker when a voice interruped her, "Wait."
She looked up to see 2 of her classmates, Annabeth and Stacy. Stacy was behind Annabeth for some reason. "What's wrong?' She asked, happy they didn't seem to be fangirls of Jason.
"Um, can you not give that letter to Leo?' Annabeth said. Piper was shocked, I mean who wouldn't? A girl just asked her NOT to give a love letter to her crush.
"W-why?" This didn't make sense at all. She had seen Annanbeth with Percy, a classmate of hers on a date. Surely Annabeth didn't like Leo.
"Stacy," Annanbeth pointed to the girl behind her, "Asked out him yesterday, and he accepted."
'Wait! What!' "Are you trying to steal her boyfriend?" Annabeth added.
"Heard she stole someone boyfriend."
"We shouldn't be friends with her,"
"I bet she's really a devil inside,"
"She's such a slut,"
"I hate girls that are pretty and do that kinds of stuff,"
"Fine," She said, just as tiny teardrops appeared in her eyes. She turned around and ran the other direction.
For the first time Stacy spoke panicking, "Oh my gosh! We made her cry! I thought she was suppose to be mean!"
"What should we do? We made her cry,"
She just ran toward the back door. Good thing everybody was mostly gone, because she didn't really watch where she was going. Before she knew it, Jason was in front of her.
"Hi Piper! Let's go for some hot d-," She had already ran past him. He of course started running after her. Because his legs were longer than hers, he caught up in no time.
"What's wrong!" He asked as soon as he caught her. Instead of stuggling she spilled it out to him,
"You know what's wrong! Being pretty! It's not a gift, it's a curse! Why did anyone fall in love with me! I hate being pret-!" Before she could finish, he had kissed her.