What am i going to do? I can't pay the morgage and Faelyn needs a place to live... I can't send her to dad's. God damn it! Think! Mommy looked at a calculator typing numbers in to it. "Mama, i can help! I have the money in my piggy bank!" I said, i didn't want to leave mommy. She looked at me. "Baby, i didn't say anything..." She said. I nodded. "Yeah you did. You said you couldn't pay the morgage!" She looked shocked. "Faelyn... sweetheart, i was thinking that..." What?

"Silly mama!" I giggled. That giggle disappeared as soon as a image flashed in my head, like a memory. "I have to go to the store, keep the door locked." Mom said as she walked outside. I saw a car speeding down the road just as mama pulled out of the driveway, it slammed in to her side of the car, my vision changed and suddenly mom was lying on the ground all bloody.

I looked up at my mother. I need to get out of the house for a little bit. I have to think. "I have to go to the store, keep the door locked." Mama said as she walked outside. "No mama! Don't! Your going to get hurt! A cars going to hit you!" I yelled jumping up from my place on the floor and following her outside. "Faelyn! Get back inside! No car is going to hit me." She said pulling out of the driveway. The oncoming car slammed in to my mom's side of the car sending her car tumbling a few feet. Throwing her out of the car and on to the concrete in our yard with a sickening crack. "MOMMY!"

I jolted awake, my dark brown hair stuck to my face, i sobbed, clentching the sheets. I stuggled to calm down. I still remembered what happened clearly. The look on my mothers face when she saw the car coming and realized there was nothing she could do. The only comfort i could take out of this was atleast my mother died quickly and didn't feel anything.

The events of that day is what led me to the father i never knew i had and mother had obviously did her best to make sure he didn't know about me, though my last name is his so i guess she planned on telling him eventually. When the police contacted him about me, he had said that he didn't have a daughter. It was when they told him he was put as the father on my birth certificate did he come to Hyattown a place that is tucked in the foothills of Maryland's Blue Ridge Mountains. A place i use to call home, but that was a long time ago. Now i live in Shreveport Louisiana, with my father Jason Stackhouse.

I took a deep breath and threw the sheets off me, getting out of bed and collecting my toiletries and a change of clothes i headed to the bathroom. Turning on the water to as hot as i could stand it. Stripping out of my tank top and shorts, i stepped in to the water.

it had been odd at first, i mean what kind of 24 year old guy wants to find out he had a 6 year old daughter? And to make things weirder i could read minds to. He would think things about women and with me being a little girl i would ask questions. Dad panicked the first time and sent me to live with my aunt Sookie for a month in till he could figure out what he needed to do.

Now i am a 17 year old telepath/seer who goes to high school at Green Oaks High. Fun right?

I am also in just about as much trouble as Sookie because i was a idiot and freaked out when i was 9 and revealed that i could see the future to Eric Northman because a boy from school was going to nearly get hit by a truck. Unnessary to say but that made me relive the loss of my mother.

Sookie had tried to play it off as i had a over active imagination but Eric wasn't stupid. He doesn't know i can read minds. When my father had came to get me it had gotten a little... how do i saw this... oh yeah. The idiot tried to fight Eric and hide me from him. All i can say is Fail.

He came to get me while he was a drunk as could be and Sookie had tried to explain everything to him since the viking was being rather protective of his little girl and well dad had reacted badly to Eric being near me by cursing up a storm and throwing things successfully scaring the hell out of me. I guess since Eric owns a bar he knows what drunk people can do and well i was and still am something 'special' I had thought of my ablilities as a curse and still do. Something Sookie and i share.

Getting out of the shower i dried off. Dressing in a white bra and white panties, a pair of light blue jeans and a red t-shirt. I left the bathroom, returning to my room, putting away my things and putting on my shoes and slung my backpack over my shoulders. Heading to the kitchen i poured a glass of milk. Dad was standing in the corner of the kitchen, his cell phone held to his ear. He was only awake because he wanted to take me to school... ok he had to because i told some asshole in clear detail how he could fuck himself and after that i broke the guys nose but that was a couple of weeks ago.

He wasn't happy about that but when i explained that the boy was trying to force himself on my friend Serena in a broom closet that he had dragged her in to, he eased up a bit. Probally because he's done some things to protect his friends to. I didn't know what he planned on saying, hell i didn't know what i planned on saying.

When he had gotten off the phone with Hoyt, i guess Hoyt was going to cover for him in till he could get to work. "You ready?" He asked picking up his keys off the counter. "As ready as i'll ever be." I said as i followed him outside. "I don't know why you act like that, highschool is great." He said and i rolled my eyes as i followed him out to the car. "It was for you but i'm a freak." Going threw highschool sucks. "Fae you know your not and if those bastards are making it hard on you, i'll put a end to it." I smiled at him for a second, letting him know i appreiciated that.

"No offense dad but if i did that, things would just get worse. Sure i'm the daughter of Jason Stackhouse, but you went to high school in Bon Temps i go to school here in Shreveport. I can't exactly use, i'm going to have my father come kick your ass." He laughed at that. "I suppose you can't." We both got in to his truck and he pulled out.

"So are we getting breatfast or are you not hungry." I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Dad i am your daughter, i can never skip breakfast. Lunch yes but school food sucks. Besides i really need my coffee." He chuckled. Honestly i didn't eat that much but i barely ever skipped breakfast. "How late did you stay up last night?" I thought about it for a few seconds. "To about 3." I wasn't about to tell him that Eric showed up, he would just do something stupid. Again. "What did you do that whole time?" He had went out around 10 with Hoyt so i guess it was normal to want to know what your 17 year old daughter did for 6 hours.

"Actually i was playing games on facebook." It was on the computer and if he was to check it would show that i was playing, Texas hold'em poker for that time. I did play it just not the whole time, obviously since Eric wasn't invited inside and i wasn't aloud to. So i had to go outside. He never told me why he decided to show up last night. He was probally bored or something.

"Sounds fun." I noticed the sarcasm and smiled. "Well not all of use can live the glorious life style you do." I said just as we passed Fangtasia and i saw Ginger heading inside. Dad saw what i was looking at. "Faelyn, promise me you will never go there." He was being serious and i knew he hated the fact that his little sister was involved with the vampires, he didn't want his daughter involved. Sad part was though i was involved even if it was only a little bit, i was protected by them and by them i mean Eric and Pam though she didn't want to and didn't hide it at all.

"I'm underaged dad." Was all i said and he seemed to accept that answer for now either that or he took it as a promise. He pulled in to the waffle house parking lot and we got out of the truck and went inside. He ordered a glass of orange juice and of course some waffles. I got the same thing except my drink was of course coffee. Though i preferred the mocha frappes from Mcdonalds, this would do but it wasn't no frappe.

We talked while we waited for our food to come. I got along with my father, we were pretty close and yeah i hid things from him but it was mainly because i didn't want him to over react and well he tended to do that when it concerned me and even when it didn't concern me. I did go out with him and his friend sometimes but not much seeing as they went to bars alot but when they went to Merlottes i was there with them.

Unfortunately the time came for me to go to school and that i did. My father right behind me as we walked in to the school. Mr. Shoemocker (Shoe maker), was waiting in his office for us. Apparently we were 5 minutes late for our 'meeting'. Whatever.

"You know why i have called you in this morning Mr. Stackhouse so lets just get this over with." He said without looking up at us, motioning for us to take a seat in the two chairs that were infront of his desk. "Yes sir." I reconized that tone, dad was annoyed. I didn't blame him either, this guy acted like he was above us. "Green Oaks is a good school and we do not want any delinquents but i will give your daughter one more chance. Should she wish to stay she is expected to follow every rule, no trouble at all from her." When i read his mind i was pissed. He had checked with my dads school records and was basing his judgement on me by what my father did in his school.

"Is that understood?" He asked eyeing us both, daring us to argue. "Perfectly, but are you basing you decision off of what i did which was protect Serena from being raped in the broom closet or what my father did in Bon Temps?" I said with a slight glare. "I checked out your claims. Mr. Preston says he did nothing of the sort, there were not even any witnesses." I clenched my fists. He noticed. "Is there going to be trouble with you Ms. Stackhouse?" I shook my head forcing myself to relax.

"We understand, Faelyn won't be any trouble." He looked at me for a quick second and i reconized that look. He was going to try to fix this. "Excellent. Dismissed." We left quickly, both of us wanting to punch the hell out of the asshole. Best to get the hell out of there before we did something that would land us in jail.

"I hate bastards like that!" Dad said queitly as we walked down the hall to the entrance of the school. "It will be ok, i'll see you later." I managed to say without sounding upset or angry. "I'll fix this Fae." I nodded, we both exchanged goodbyes and i headed off to my Biology class.

The day passed without incident, Calculus was boring and hard as hell, Chemistry i spent the entire class whispering to Serena, English was a test day and i had no idea what about so i just guessed and hoped i got atleast a D that was the most i could hope for, Gym was ok Coach was explaining how to play volleyball and thats what we would be doing tomorrow. Now i was sitting on the bus with Serena.

"So shoe maker was harsh?" She asked, seeing as how i was in a bad mood i was surprised she waited this long to ask. "Yup. Apparently i am a delinquent." She looked mad. "You are no such thing! You saved me!" I gave her a small smile. "Thanks." She smiled. "Lets do something tonight. We can go see a movie or something." That sounded fun and i hadn't been out in a little while. "Sounds great." Unfortunately we were at her stop and she had to go. "See ya soon Fae." I smiled. "Bye Rena, txt me what time to be ready." She nodded and with a quick wave she got off the bus.

When i got home i dropped my backpack on the couch, only to pick it back up and go to my room. Dropping the bag on the floor, shutting the door, and kicking off my shoes was my usually thing. I did it everytime i came home, i was pretty sure most kids did and i wasn't even intrested in it to actually check that out. That would require me to be extremely bored.

I called dad and asked him if i could go with Serena, he said yes and told me that he actually had plans to go with Hoyt to Merlottes tonight so if we wanted to go call and he would pick us up. Naturally i was excited about that and txted Rena the news. She was all for it and moved our plans to earlier that way we could go and still have time to catch a ride with dad.

I decided i might as well change my shirt and so i switched it from my red t-shirt to a white one. My tenni shoes to a pair of white sandels. The only reason i even had those is because Sookie had noticed me looking at then and bought them for my birthday. I brushed my hair again and put it in to a messy bun. I was sort of one of the guys but when i was with Rena i dressed differently because she didn't really like cargo shorts and loose t-shirts. She thought girls should dress like girls and guys should dress like guys.

My comeback to that one had been, well the only other girl in my family is my aunt and she lives in Bon Temps i only see her when she's in town or dad wants to go to Merlottes. She hadn't argued with me, understanding that i only had my father as a example, but i had decided to come to a sort of compromise. I did however refuse to wear make up. She had tried once and i had literally ran. The most i used was chap stick, if it was lip gloss i would not use it. Period. I also didn't use purses, never really had any interest in them anyway's.

Rena showed up a four, her mother had dropped her off and she was obviously excited about tonight. We called a taxi, i had enough money to pay for it like always because i barely used my allowance. It just sat in my wallet most of the time. Once we got to the theater we bought the tickets for number 4 mainly because Rena had heard people talking about it at school.

"So whats so special about this movie?" I asked after we had got our drinks, popcorn, and had taken a seat. "From what i overheard this very hot alien guy is on the run." I smiled at her. "What?" She asked innocently but her smile wasn't so innocent. "You know what." She just looked away saying "I have know idea what your talking about." I looked at the screen. "Uh huh."

After that we had to be quiet because the movie had started. When it was over all i heard from Serena was. "Damn he was hot." I just laughed and she looked at me. "What you don't think so?" I smiled. "Your going to make me answer that aren't you?" She smirked and i swear i saw horns for a second. "Yup!" She said pulling my cell phone out of my pocket while i threw away the bag and cup. "Now call your father." I rolled my eyes but took the phone and dialed his number.

After a couple minutes i put the phone away. "He's outside, we should see the truck as soon as we walk out the door." and we did. It was pretty hard to miss with my dad openly flirting with two women. Rena and i exchanged looks and then walked up to him. "You done?" I asked he thought one minute and i opened his door. "Your done." I said smiling and pointed at the door. He gave me a look. "Yes i no you have a awful daughter." I told him as i pushed him in to the truck. Rena climbed in and i turned and smiled at the women.

"Sorry he promised to take me shoe shopping and the sale at payless ends in a couple of days." Yes i know it's bad to lie but they were both mad at me for ending their little 'talk' early. So i told them something i had over heard in the minds of one the cheerleaders. "Honey don't even worry about it, we understand completely." Yeah...