Hello. Welcome to my newest story idea. (If you can call it a story) Basically, I had the idea to create a drabble of epic proportions. If you do not happen to be familiar with the term "drabble" it means a short story that contains 100 words. But not only will I create a drabble- it will be a Hunger Games drabble! And not only shall it be a H.G. drabble- it shall be 75 drabbles pertaining to the *canon* 75 hunger games!
For my drabbles, each one will be prompted by a short key word or phrase that will be described or expressed in the story. For example, if my word was "rain" I would have to express rain, or if my word was "blood" it would involve something of that nature. It's my *inspiration*
So without further ado, I present the first Hunger Games!
~Jazzy Pseudonym
Games: 1
Key Word: Beginning
POV: Misty Greene, District 7
They said it was a good idea. To shame the rebels. To kill their children. The next thing I knew I was running in a large grassy area, confused.
People are screaming, yelling, fighting. Blood is everywhere.
"This is only the beginning!" One kid screams, but he is soon cut off by a large kid's axe. I'm panicking, I can't see where I'm going.
I turn around and see a smiling girl. It's the last face I ever see. My hands are sticky with blood. I scream one last time.
This is only the beginning.