When Kurt awoke again it was to Jeff and Nick entering the room, somber looks on their faces. It was weird to be able to hear their heartbeats, the nuance of each breath, but it was mostly jarring how underwhelmed he was. Kurt had all these new senses, but nothing felt too bright or too loud.
"Hello." Kurt greeted carefully, unwilling to just let things feel so awkward between these boys who had been his friends. "I hope… is everything alright? With the war?"
Jeff and Nick exchanged a look, and it was Nick who spoke, "What has Blaine told you?"
"He um…" Kurt frowned, trying to recall the exact wording but so much had happened since. "Blaine said that there were two groups in the Warblers and that you guys kept it a secret because you didn't want me to be on the other side… and that he wouldn't ask me to join because he wouldn't recommend it? No offense."
"None taken," Nick allowed. "Is that all?
"I saw him turn into a wolf when the moon rose." Kurt shrugged, "And then Sebastian was there and he was just attacking me, and there was glitter and blood-"
"Kurt, we'd rather you didn't tell us about how you became what you are," Nick reprimanded.
Kurt shrunk back into Blaine's arms, and Blaine growled a little.
"Why are you here?" Blaine demanded.
"We've made a temporary decision about your predicament," Jeff responded.
"You aren't going to try to take me from Blaine again, are you?" Kurt asked.
Nick shook his head, and gave an annoyed huff at Blaine and Kurt's audible relief. "You'll probably regret that, and change your mind, Kurt. Our pack is not equipped to deal with a fledgling. As it is, without a proper sire you cannot be registered within your coven, and since you are so young we also cannot allow you the typical amnesty given to partners of the pack."
Blaine growled at this, "You're joking."
"No. We're not. Until a compromise can be reached… Kurt is not allowed to learn any of the pack or coven's secrets."
"That's shit! You both know that's shit!" Blaine started to lunge from the bed, but Kurt stopped him.
"Hey, Blaine, it's okay. I don't need to know any of the secrets, right? I'm fine."
"It's not like that." Blaine responded harshly, "Everything in our society is a secret. I don't know anything about keeping you healthy and sane as a… god I can't even name him, can I?" Blaine sent the last to his friends.
"No. None of the secrets, Blaine."
"Am I not a vampire?" Kurt asked, genuinely perplexed.
"The name your kind goes by is older than that." Blaine responds waspishly, "That's a sort of insult. Werewolf is also… not the correct term for the pack."
Kurt sat up from the bed easily, settling beside his wired boyfriend. "And I can't learn what the actual name is? Just the name?"
"Apparently you can't learn anything." Blaine shot a nasty look at his friends.
"Okay… why do you guys use all those in-words, then? Pack and coven? Aren't they… specifically referring to what pop culture says is 'vampire' or 'werewolf'?"
"Don't answer that." Nick held up a hand.
"Oh." Kurt's eyebrows flew up, "This is going to be annoying."
"They're trying to make us change our minds." Blaine stood from the bed, and Kurt grabbed his wrist. Kurt had never seen Blaine this angry. "If you hadn't been changed then you could have applied for pack ally status with the Head Council-"
"Also a secret, Blaine."
"And you would've known enough to keep you safe as a human from both factions. If you were coven then you'd learn how to keep yourself safe as a—" Blaine gestured his hand helplessly, "but now we have nothing."
"What do you want us to do?" Kurt asked Nick.
"You can't do anything. You can't be either because you've tasted Blaine's blood and liked it. You broke too many rules to go back." Jeff responded when Nick hesitated.
"And the Council?"
"The papers haven't even left our own desk, Blaine." Nick answered, "The Head Council won't hear of this until our own Council is appeased. Which is very unlikely, considering."
"Considering?" Kurt asked.
"Considering Sebastian is the representation from the… his kind," Jeff replied, "kind of like we are for the pack."
Nick nudged Jeff with an unhappy glance.
Kurt took a calming breath, "What do you want from us? What does he want?"
Nick shook his head, "Sebastian hasn't asked for anything yet. He lodged the complaint last night and is conferring with his coven as we speak."
"But we don't like where this is going. There are only so many options he could take." Jeff warned.
Blaine growled again, and Kurt pulled him back to sit on the bed. Things seemed too close to being violent.
"We have to protect our pack, Blaine, and right now we can't. You made the wrong decision."
"How does this even make sense, though? Trent was a shoe in for them… Hell, even Flint was a better choice. Sebastian is new here!" Blaine raved.
"He has connections… because he lived in Europe." Neck replied evasively.
"Blaine told me he lived in France." Kurt supplied, only a little annoyed at catching Nick deflect.
"See…" Nick huffed, "It's things like that, which you let slip that could mean everything in this war. Kurt needs to know nothing, Blaine, because if he's not completely innocent then the Council will rip him to shreds."
Kurt gasped.
"Not literally." Jeff responded, placating, "We wouldn't let that happen. You may not be pack but you're still Blaine's cub… and boyfriend."
Blaine let his forehead drop to Kurt's shoulder at Jeff's little showing of support.
"Jeff, you know we can't pick sides." Nick hissed quietly.
"Then use less colorful language, Nick. I wasn't going to let you freak Kurt out." Jeff replied, not bothering to be quiet.
Kurt sighed, then, "Okay, so I can't learn anything at all. Anything else? When can I go home?"
All three of the pack boys tensed at this, and Blaine pulled away from Kurt a little. "We don't know coven procedure for inducting fledglings. We can't send you home until we know for you that you won't attack your family or friends."
"But I can go home, right?"
There was a pregnant pause, before Blaine spoke again, "Yes?"
Nick and Jeff nodded at Blaine's decision. "But he's your responsibility," Nick pointed at Blaine.
"Yes, well, that was the point of last night, wasn't it?" Blaine snapped.
"And until then?" Kurt asked, "My dad will want to see me, so how soon can I start testing my willpower?"
"This isn't like Twilight." Nick responded, "Your hunting boils down to more than just willpower."
"You said you didn't read those." Jeff nudged Nick.
"I got the gist."
"Yeah, I knew it was just an excuse. I found all four under your bed." Jeff poked at him a little more
"Guys, now isn't the time." Blaine spoke.
"Maybe you three could walk me down the halls, see how I fare with the other students here? There are normal students here, right?"
"Yes." Blaine responded.
"Numbers are a secret." Nick added.
"Surprise, surprise." Kurt laughed. "You tell me, oh fearless pack leaders, may I walk outside a little?"
"You're not supposed to know who the pack leaders are." Nick replied.
Kurt frowned, "Um, okay. How was I not supposed to notice that the two seniors—who I know are pack—are on the Warbler's council when both come in to tell me rules? I mean… David and Wes were both pack so Thad was obviously other or coven or whatever you call it. Which, from that, I can pretty much guess that Wes and you," Kurt pointed to Nick, "are Alphas. Is that what you go by?"
Blaine laughed a little, "Yes."
"I'm so the Alpha to your Beta." Kurt nudged his boyfriend.
"Oh god, you are. I always knew you were." Blaine's face is wide with grinning.
"Those are secrets." Nick pointed out.
"How about I just tell you when I figure stuff out?" Kurt responds, "I paid close attention when I went here, and as long as none of you give me any clues then you can't get in trouble. I'm only going to learn as much as I can to stay safe."
Blaine sighed happily at Kurt's words, drawing Kurt into a firm embrace.
"No clues." Nick grumbled in assent, and Jeff rolls his eyes.
"So may I take that walk?" Kurt asked, fighting the urge to say he's taking Blaine for a walk.
"No." Nick responded promptly, "It's safer if you wait a while. If you walk out there now the coven will think that we're parading you around. Dalton would be the safest place, but it has too many repercussions. You'll have to wait until we hear Sebastian's proposal."
Kurt took in a breath, trying not to be too disappointed. "Oh. That's fine. I'd rather not make things worse than they already are."
Nick nodded, "Keep that mentality and you'll go everywhere."
"Thank you for coming by," The words leave Kurt's mouth before he thinks them, "I know that I'm a little pushy, and that Blaine is a little angry, but we do appreciate you coming by."
Kurt waited a little for Blaine to say 'speak for yourself,' but either he agreed with Kurt or he respected his pack leaders too much to say anything.
"We'll be going then. Don't leave the room until we come back to get you. Help yourself to my fridge." Jeff gestured towards the minifridge and microwave combination. It was the first indication that Kurt had seen that they had commandeered the boy's room. The bed sheets were splattered with blood, and there were papers all over the floor. Kurt wanted to thank them again, but the two left before he could even think up a worthy response.
"Oh my god, this is Jeff's bed."
"We used to room, since we both are betas. It's okay."
Kurt pinched Blaine's arm, "I'm pretty sure you just told a secret."
"What, that I was next in line for the council."
"Blaine!" Kurt yelped, "You have to take this seriously. They trust us to do this right."
Blaine sighed and forced Kurt to lay on the bed with the force of his cuddles. "Kurt, you're my new pack. McKinley is my new territory, as New York was going to be. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, and I will protect you for our eternity together. I'm going to let things slip because you're my everything, no matter what the Warbler Council or the High Council says."
"Then keep the secrets for me." Kurt whispered.
Blaine huffed a little, "Okay."
"But first… one question." Kurt took in a breath, "We are immortal?"
"We are immortal." Blaine smiled, and then kissed him.