A/N: This little piece of silliness comes from an idea of excusemeb (I hope you don't mind what I came up with). The title has absolutely nothing to do with the song of the same name, but everything to do with the third(?) last line in this chapter. Hope you enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Even Angels Fall

"You are the most graceless vampire I have ever seen," Eric teased, coming to a graceful halt near Pam who lay face down in the snow.

"And you're the most arrogant, so I guess that makes us even," she muttered, making Eric chuckle.

"Shall I rescue you?" he asked, offering her his hand.

"No thank you, I prefer being in distress," she replied with all the hauteur she could muster as she tried to extract herself from the snow bank.

Needless to say, her skiing lessons were not going well. But, with the help of her poles, Pam eventually managed to get to her feet - without any help from Eric.

"I told you, smooth strokes," Eric told her, demonstrating.

Pam wiped the remainder of the snow off her pale pink snowsuit and glowered at Eric. "So you keep saying," she grumbled, "and I told you that I nearly broke my neck as a child trying to ice skate so skiing was out of the question."

"That was back when you were a human."

"Apparently I'm still unbalanced," she retorted, closing her eyes and mentally slapping herself on the forehead as she realised what she had said.

Eric's laughter did not help her mood.

"This is ridiculous," Pam spat, "we're vampires why the hell do we have to ski?" she demanded, throwing her poles on the ground like a petulant child.

"Why the hell not?" Eric asked calmly.

Pam narrowed her eyes at his tone, sometimes he reminded her of ice whilst she was all fire. She wondered idly if that was why they complimented each other so well, "Because it's stupid," she retorted.

"You think anything you can't do is stupid."

Pam made an exasperated noise as she threw her hands in the air, before bending down to remove her skis.

"What are you doing?" Eric demanded.

"This ski lesson is over," she told him, her defiant stance slightly marred by how cute Eric thought she looked in her beanie and fluffy pink ear muffs. "I'm going back to the lodge," she added, before turning and marching off in the direction of the puff of smoke that could just be seen against the night sky.

Eric watched her leave, biting back a laugh as she stumbled a little in the snow. He truly was amazed at how the normally poised and graceful Pam could become so awkward and clumsy in the snow.

He could still feel her frustration as she disappeared into the tree line.

He was in big trouble.