Haha, i love how i said I wasn't going to abandon this story here I am, a whole year later, updating it...

Yeah, hilarious.

Not going to write a huge note about how things have changed or whatever because I suck. I just finally felt that need to write again my writers block freeze currently thawed, so here we go.

I wrote this on my phone so sorry for the lack of proper editing, I just really wanted it out :p

Thank you to all of you that have commented and been too too kind and too too patient. I hope this makes up for all that time it took for me to get myself together.


Wendy tucked the tattered blue blanket under the makeshift mattress, smoothing out whatever wrinkles she could spot.

The anxiety in her chest was making her unable to keep steady, so she decided to channel all that nervous energy into tidying up the Losties' hideout. Looking around, she smiled, proud of her accomplishment. It looked more like a home now then it did before, with everything now in its place, no sling shots or marbles scattered on the floor, and the dust and dirt cleared up. It seemed much more welcoming. That was the power of a woman's touch, which was pretty close to something magical, Wendy thought.

Just as she brushed off her hands on her dress, the dreaded anxiousness crept up on her again.

The lost boys had all gone out to play 'follow the leader' once Peter and Spunky walked out of the hideout. She tried not to think much of it at first, but then she remembered what was properly going on in Peter's head, and that was a troubling thought all on its own.

What was he planning on saying? What was he planning on doing? Why did she have to put her foot in her mouth once more? Grown up Wendy no longer talked as much as she did as child Wendy, so why did she...

Coincidentally, Wendy realized that she was standing right in front of a mirror and noticed the eyes of her younger self staring back at her.

She had almost forgotten how she was back to being a child. She was indeed child Wendy, so she supposed she would be made to act as such.

An even more troubling thought crossed her mind now. Would she start forgetting the longer she was here? Like how she and her brothers did their first time in Neverland? Would she forget all that she learned during the course of growing up? What about her husband? Nana II? Her son?

Wait a moment.

...What was his name again?

Her eyes widened, and she looked around, her expression troubled.

No, no, no! How she forget her own son's name?! This couldn't be!

What was it?




She put her hands on her head in desperation, letting out a tiny cry.

How could she? How could she forget her own child's name? How could she just stand here and waste her time cleaning up and playing the role of a mother when she was an actual one back home with a child who needed her?

Tears formed in her eyes, but her brows furrowed into a frustrated frown.

Here she was, doing exactly what Peter hoped she would do: Nothing. Perhaps his whole plan was for her to patiently wait for Spunky-no, Jane, to trust and choose to come with her by her own free will, and that could possibly take a while, thus cause Wendy to stay long enough for her to start forgetting about her own family and life back home.

The thought fused a burning outrage inside of Wendy, and every part of her that held sympathy for Peter vanished.

Very well.

If it was a bloody game he wanted, than a bloody game he was going to get.

Peter Pan was in for a rude awakening as Wendy was now more determined than ever to bring her daughter home, and she was no longer the nieve pushover he once knew her as.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Especially if that woman is a mother.


Spunky ran into the hideout, panting slightly as her mind raced through the thousands of spiraled thoughts that had been conjured up during her run.

Making sure to check if any of her fellow Losties were home, she took in a deep breath and called out to the person she hoped would help solve her current dilema.

"Wendy?" she called, looking around for the blue clad girl.

As if on cue, Wendy emerged from Peter's room, a smile on her face.

"Oh, Spunky, you're back! How did it go with Peter?" she asked, her tone so warm and soothing that Spunky already felt a tiny sense of relief just by hearing it.

Something about being around Wendy made her feel like everything would be okay. That it was possible for things to get better and that it wasn't exactly the end of the world, even though it did indeed feel like it.

She sighed, shaking her head. "I don't...I don't know. He said something that really confused me, and I just don't know what to do," she revealed.

Wendy bit her lip, processing her words before walking towards one of the Lost Boy's beds and sitting down. She patted the empty spot next to her and Spunky took the invitation, sitting down, arms nervously crossed over her chest.

Wendy gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Well, what exactly did he tell you, sweetheart?"

There it was again. That 'sweetheart' name she calls her. It made Spunky feel something strange. Something she could only describe as a mix between being cared for and safe. It was as if this girl possessed some kind of powers that made her feel a certain way. Like a comfort and connection she never felt before. Nothing comparable to anything she shared with her Lost family. Not even with Peter. She almost felt like she could...talk to her about anything.

Maybe even trust her.

Swallowing, Spunky proceded.

"He said he...he likes me. And not just any kind of like. He said he likes me like...like happily ever after." She looked down at the ground, wringing her hands together nervously.

Wendy's eyes widened slightly at this, and she felt a mix of anger and worry stir up inside of her. Just as quick as it slipped out, however, she shut it back down and shook her head, replacing it all with a smile and soft eyes.

It's a game, Wendy.

It's all a game.

He made his move, now make yours.

"Wow, is that really what he told you? Hmm, seems like he's quite...twitterpated," she stated in a matter of fact voice, which caused Spunky to raise a brow and look up at her.

"Twitter-what?" she asked.

Wendy giggled, nodding.

"Twitterpated. It's when you get quite nervous and excited about someone. Like when you are flying. It's magic and it's...it is like happily ever after. Why, your father and I felt that way about each other when we were young. I'd like to think that we still do," she said, a genuine, dreamy smile on her face.

Spunky's cheeks reddened, but her eyes held that spark that Wendy knew too well. The one of a girl who was, indeed, twitterpated.

"Is that a bad thing?" she asked, and Wendy shook her head.

"No, it's a magical thing. But..." and she purposefully paused at this.

Spunky's eyes widened, looking at Wendy with an expression of intrigue and worry.

"What? What is it?"

Wendy, knowing very well what to say and how to say it, looked at her with serious eyes and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It is a very grown up thing."

Spunky's eyes widened at this standing up immediately from the bed.

"No...but then...that means..."

Wendy nodded, mustering up her best sympathetic expression.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. Peter Pan is growing up.

Spunky's face almost immediately went pale, causing guilt to wave itself through Wendy's stomach. She reminded herself that all this was for a bigger, more important reason.

She needed to get out of Neverland. She needed to go back home, but she'd be damned if she was going to lose Jane again. She was going with her, that was for certain, and she needed to do all that she could to make that happen.

It was for her own good.

Neverland was not the place for Wendy's daughter. The place for Wendy's daughter was with Wendy, back home.

"No, he can't grow up! He just can't!" Spunky yelled out nervously, pacing back and forth, pulling at the ears of her wolf hood. "He is meant to never grow up, Wendy! What...what would the Lost Boys think? What would come to be of Neverland? What about Hook?!"

Wendy shook her head, pushing away all her jumbled up thoughts in a corner to concentrate on the current task at hand.

"I'm afraid there is nothing to be done. If he is twitterpated with you, well...he will grow up. There's nothing to prevent that. Unless..." and she made sure to look up at the ceiling, as if she was in deep thought.

Spunky stopped dead in her tracks, looking at Wendy with hopeful eyes.


At this, Wendy stood up and walked towards Spunky, placing both her hands on her shoulders.

"Unless you leave Neverland."

A tense silence filled the hideout.

Leave Neverland.

Her statement echoed through Spunky's mind. It made her feel like her stomach was in her throat.

"Leave? But..." she shook her head. "Even if I wanted to, Peter would never allow that. He'd never let any of us leave."

Wendy shook her head, trying to ignore the clear sadness on her daughter's face.

It hurt her to see her so in distress.

Get it together Wendy.

You want her back home, don't you? To make up for the lost time you spent crying over your missing, beautiful baby? She's right in front of you. You finally found her, and she deserves proper love and a proper bed and...

"He won't, yes, because you all make him very happy. However, he would if you didn't," she confessed.

Spunky furrowed her brows, almost afraid to ask.

"What do you mean?"

Wendy looked at her, trying her best to keep a small smile from forming.

Wendy Darling was never the malicious type, but something about this whole 'game', something about her urgency to bring her daughter home, brought out a side of her she didn't know existed.

And you could say she was awful or vile at the moment with what she was doing, but Wendy would like it to be known that her actions cannot be properly judged if you're not a mother yourself.

For being a mother can change you .

For the best...

"You have to break his heart."

...and for the worst.



Oki so I wrote the other chapter already.

I just wanna know if anyone is still reading this before I upload it.

I wrote it to ensure that I don't take another year to update.

Or who knows? Maybe I still will?

I surprise myself every time, so...

Thanks for reading, lots of love, till the next one 3