I am back! I would like to say that I am sorry that this chapter took so long. I have been working a ton so this chapter took a back seat, but hopefully the next one wont be too long. I hope you enjoy! And as always, let me know what you think!

Two separate teams of horses pull two different carriages down a dirt road through the Italian countryside. The first carriage carries Francois Valois-Angouleme, King of France and his private secretary. The monarch looks out the window of the carriage; silently watches the green hills of Italy pass him by. Across the monarch, LeBlanc watches his master and waits patiently to gain the king's attention. A few more moments pass by and the king turns away from the window, and looks at his secretary.

"I apologize LeBlanc, you were saying?" LeBlanc smiles at the king. "No need for apologies, sire. These changes are a lot to take in, especially last minute. I understand if you have concerns."

The king nods his head silently; his eyes returning to the window briefly then back to LeBlanc. "There are concerns. I doubt that the pope is sincere in meeting with me and the duchess."

LeBlanc remains silent, unsure of how to respond to the monarch's opinion. After a moment, LeBlanc clears his throat as the monarch shifts his body in his seat. King Francis takes a deep breath. "I assume that the Emperor has reached out once more?"

"His ambassador did." LeBlanc shuffles through the small stack of papers and pulls out a half opened letter. He hands the letter over and the king takes it. Francis skims over the letter as he listens to his secretary. "Ambassador Hernandez believes that meeting with his master in person will be more beneficial in the negotiations."

Francis raises an eyebrow at the news. "And does the Emperor know of my travels to Rome?"

"No, your majesty. When the ambassador spoke, he gave no hint that he knew of your majesty's travel plans. I have no doubt they will soon learn when you arrive at the pope's court." Francis nods his head. "Do we have any word of de' Medicis? And if Catherine has written to them."

LeBlanc nods his head and pulls out a paper from the bottom of his stack and flips it around, and hands it to the monarch. Francis grabs the paper and begins to read it. "Our spies informed us that Cosimo de' Medici has been informed. Of course, we can assume that Duchess de' Orleans informed him. He arrived at the papal court two days ago with a request to have an audience with the pope."

"Has he had any audience with the Holy Father?" The king looks up at his secretary. "No, the duchess' cousin was not given an audience with the pope, but only passed a message through the pope's personal secretary. We have no clue as to what was said."

The monarch leans back in his seat, satisfied with the information. LeBlanc watches his master silently but does not put forth any more questions concerning the change of plans, or about their impending visit. "Anne does not know about the change in our visit."

The secretary raises an eyebrow at the monarch. "Is your majesty keeping it a secret?"

"No, it is not a secret. I have no wish to worry her." The Frenchman nods his head. "I apologize for my bluntness, your majesty but I believe that the Duchess will be concern when she doesn't see the papal palace."

The monarch smiles at the secretary's response. "I do not put it pass the duchess to not notice such large details."

The team of horses turns, pulling the carriage and gaining the monarch's attention. LeBlanc looks outside the window and finds them outside a large estate, with gates slowly opening. He pulls back and looks at the French king. "We are here, your majesty."

The monarch looks out the window as the carriage enters the estate grounds and the horses pull the carriage round. The driver pull the reigns and the horses come to a slow stop. The door opens to the monarch's carriage and the monarch quickly climbs out, followed by LeBlanc. Francis glances at the large villa as he approaches the second carriage and a footman opens the door to the second carriage. The monarch stops and waits patiently as the first passenger of the carriage climbs out slowly with the help of the young footman. The Duchess of Valois, Anne Boleyn's feet touch the ground and turns. She smiles at the sight of the monarch and walks to him. Francis stretches out his hand to her, which she gently takes.

"Your majesty." The monarch smiles at her as he raises her hand and brings it to her lips, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. The doors to the large villa opens and the pope, along with two of his sons walk out to see the scene before them. Pope Paul III stops and remains silent, watching the couple and not wishing to announce his presence. Anne bows her head to the monarch then turns her head, and straightens up at the sight of the Holy Father. "The pope."

King Francis turns but still holds Anne's hand as he lowers their hands to their sides. Standing up straight, the monarch takes a step forward and pulls Anne's hand into the crock of his arm as they walk to the pope. They stop before the pope as the pope takes a step forward; his sons trailing close behind him. Pope Paul smiles at the monarch and duchess, and stretches out his hand to French monarch. The monarch takes a step forward and gently takes the pope's hand, and kisses the pope's ring.

"Your Holiness, we are grateful for your invitation." The monarch lifts his head and releases the pope's hand, and places his hand back over Anne's. "May I present to your Holiness, the newly bestowed Duchess de' Valois, Anne Boleyn."

Pope Paul watches quietly as Anne bows her head and curtsies to the ground, as she holds onto the French king. "Your Holiness."

The Holy Father smiles at the duchess as he reaches out and places his hand on the duchess' head. "Welcome, my daughter."

He pulls his hand away as Anne looks up at the Holy Father, who motions her to stand up. She slowly stands up as the Pope takes a step back from the couple. "I welcome your majesty and your grace to my family home. I understand that it is not the papal palace that you were expecting."

Anne and the French monarch smile at the pope, neither of them showing their disapproval or disappointment. "We are grateful for your invitation, your holiness. I did have my concerns at first but I have faith in your holiness."

The Holy Father nods his head with a silent of approval of the monarch's response. "May I present my sons: Pier Luigi and Ranuccio Farnesse."

The pope's sons silently bow to the French monarch and to the duchess. In turn, the king and the duchess bow their heads to the pope's children. The monarch and the duchess return their attention to the pope. "If your majesty and your grace follow me."

"Holy father, you-

Pope Paul puts up a hand, stopping his eldest son from continuing further and turns his head, but does not look at his son. "I am home, my dear Pier. I will escort his majesty and her grace in myself."

Pier nods his head and takes a step back. The pope returns back to the visiting couple. "Please follow me."

The couple nods their heads as the pope turns and heads into his family home, with the couple right behind him. Inside, King Francis and Anne look around the grand entrance of the villa. Anne's eyes travel to the pope, who is speaking with a man. The pope nods his head and turns to look at the king and duchess. "I hope all is well, your holiness."

The pope puts on a smile for her. "Everything is well, your grace. My caretaker has just informed me that we have an unexpected guest. I hope your majesty and your grace do not mind."

The King turns to the pope. "This is your home, your holiness. The duchess and I are only guests."

The pope does not respond but walks around the couple, and back into the courtyard of the villa. The king and duchess step to the side and follow the pope. They lean forward and find a woman in traveling clothes standing before the Holy Father. The couple moves back as the pope turns back around and walks back into his home, with the woman behind him. The pope smiles at the he couple as he stops before them, the lady beside him. "Your majesty, your grace my apologies. Let me present a dear friend of mine, Signora Ruffini."

The Italian woman bows her head and curtsies to the monarch, and duchess. The King and Anne return the gesture with a bow of their heads. Anne is the first to speak up. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Signra Ruffini."

A wide smile appears on the Italian woman's face as she straightens up. The pope straightens up his shoulders as he looks at the king and duchess. "Your rooms have been prepared for you majesty and your grace. My caretaker, Paolo and his wife will show you both to your rooms.

"Your holiness is very kind." The caretaker and his wife appear from a side door. The wife steps forward and addresses Anne. "If your grace will follow me, I will show you your rooms."

Anne pulls her hand away from the king's arm and gives him once last look, then follows the caretaker's wife down the hall. A young man comes forward and gains the king's attention, which acknowledges the young man and follows him. The pope moves and watches the couple, as his sons come to stand behind him and Signora Ruffini.

"You should have written that you would be coming. Now you have embarrassed father." Pier Luigi hisses at his mother, but does bother to look at her. Silvia Ruffini turns to look at her eldest son, who turns to her and looks her straight in the eye. "This is my home, I may come home whenever I chose. It does not matter to me that King of France and that English whore is here!"

"Enough! Both of you!" Silvia and Pier Luigi end their bickering. Pope Paul looks at his mistress. "You will do well enough not to insult our guests, especially the King of France's companion."

"I did not believe de' Medici when he said that she was alive. I thought it was another one of his ploys." The pope turns to his youngest son, Ranuccio and nods his head. "de' Medici may have told the truth but do not underestimate him. This is another one of his ploys for sure. He wants me to turn away the King of France and the duchess."

"Why didn't you? What use does the King of France and an exiled queen mean to us?" Pope Paul looks at his youngest son with a calm expression. "Anne Boleyn is useful to the church. We may not be able to bring England back to the faith but with her help, we can take down Henry Tudor."

Anne steps quietly into the chapel and holds onto the door as it closes gently. She looks around briefly and finds the holy place empty, and precedes walking up the aisle. She stops a few feet from the altar and curtsies to the cross, and crosses herself. She walks to the front pew and sits down. Holding onto her simple rosary in her hands, Anne closes her eyes and begins to pray quietly. Deep in prayer, the new duchess does not hear the chapel doors open and close. Pope Paul III stands quietly as he spots the young duchess at the front of the altar. He watches her for a few moments then proceeds up the aisle and approaches the first pew from behind.

"Your grace." Anne jumps at the sound of the pope's voice and turns around. She quickly gets to her feet but the pope puts up a hand, stopping her from curtsying. "There is no need, my child. Please sit."

Anne nods her head and moves to her left, making room for the Holy Father as they both sit down on the wooden pew. The pope looks up at the altar and at the simple wooden cross. "Whenever I am lost, I come home, to where it all began. It gives me clarity and a sense of wholeness."

Anne turns to look at the pope, who turns his attention to her. "I sense that you, my child are still lost.

She turns away from the pope and looks down at her hands, his words striking her. "I have felt so lost for many years, holy father."

Anne looks up and turns to the pope, who remains patiently silent. "The day that I caught King Henry's eye and his attention, I have lost my sense of purpose. In my quest to find love and happiness, I lost myself and got caught up in the splendor and the idea of being Queen of England."

The pope nods his head silently and looks away from the duchess, and up at the altar. "They say that you bewitched the King and that you influenced him to divorce Queen Katherine."

There is a pause as the pope returns his attention to the duchess. Anne stares at the holy man, unsure of what to say. "I am a pragmatic man, your grace. I know many believe in witchcraft and it's results. At the same time, I am also aware that many would you use witchcraft as an excuse to justify their actions."

She looks at the Holy Father in shock. "Do you believe that I bewitched King Henry?"

"No, I do not. But I do believe that you use your love to move the king, and to get what you wanted." She does not flinch nor react at the pope's honest truth. "I known that I have done a great wrong, especially toying with the king's love. I also accept my part in deposing the true Queen of England, Katherine of Aragon."

Pope Paul sits back in his pew, the duchess' confession shocking him. He looks up at the altar and takes a deep breath, preparing for his next question. "I must ask my dear, why have you return to the true faith? Why now?"

Anne looks up at the cross, staring at it for a few moments before answering. "On the boat to France, I found an old rosary. After finding it, I held on to it and prayed everyday from my arrival to France and now." She opens up her hand and reveals the rosary to the Holy Father. The pope stares at the old rosary in the duchess' hands with awe. "A week into my return to France, I walked into a chapel. It was there that I found a sense of peace with me and I knew then, I found where I belong."

He turns away from her and again looks forward, staring at the simple cloth that drapes over the altar. A silence falls between them as Anne closes her eyes and tightens her hold on her rosary. The pope takes a deep breath. "The King of France has not only rescued you but has given you a new life. And I can only assume that all of it comes with a price."

Anne opens her eyes and turns to look at the Holy Father. "Holy Father?"

"You must understand, your grace, one will assume that this new life of yours comes at a cost. Many will assume you have taken advantage of another Christian king." The pope raises an eyebrow at her, waiting for her response. She takes a deep breath before giving her answer. "Your holiness, I understand what it may seem to those on the outside. But you must believe me, I did not ask for the king to give me such gifts or a title."

Anne pauses so that she can choose her next words wisely. "When I came to France, I prepared myself to live a quiet and simple life, away from court. After everything that occurred in England, I had no wish to be part of court life. I explained this to the king and he understood but he still wanted to give me an income to live off of."

The pope takes in the information, and then stands up after a few moments. Anne looks up at the pope, who looks down at her. "May God bless you child."

Without another word, the pope walks into the aisle and out of the chapel. Anne looks back at the altar, her breathing hard as her heart races with fear.


Anne stares absent-mindedly in the mirror as she brushes her hair. Outside her bedchambers, Nan opens the door and steps aside as the French monarch enters. She closes the door behind the king as he turns to look at her. "How is she, Nan? And the truth please."

Nan walks up to the king and gives him a small smile. "She is well, your majesty but she has been quiet. She has said very little to me and has kept to herself most of the morning."

He nods his head, a small bout of relief washes over him. "Thank you, Nan. Please make sure that we are not disturb."

Nan nods her head and curtsies to the monarch, and watches him walk away. King Francis approaches the archway of the bedchamber and looks in. His eyes land on Anne, who remains at the vanity as she mindlessly, brushes her hair. He smiles at the duchess as he quietly enters her room and approaches her from behind. He places a hand on her, causing her to jump and placing a hand on her chest. The monarch steps back, partially amused at her reaction. Anne turns around to face the monarch. "I am sorry, I did not mean to frighten you."

"It is fine, your majesty. I did not hear Nan announce that you were here." The monarch moves around and kneels down in front of her, and takes her hands in his. "I asked her not to, I wanted to surprise you and surprise you, I did."

Anne smiles at the monarch and looks down at their hands. The French king sense something if off and tilts his head to the side. "Anne, are you well? You seem to be somewhere else."

She takes a moment then looks up at the monarch, with a small smile. "I am well, your majesty. There is no need to worry."

The monarch squeezes her hands gently. "I will always worry, my dear. You cannot stop that."
Anne smiles and nods her head, agreeing with the monarch. "Now, I heard that you and the Holy Father talked. Is this true?"

"It is but you need not worry, your majesty." The French monarch looks at her, trying hard to believe that the pope is acting sincerely and not for another purpose. "You were in chapel, he should not have disturb you nor should he have questioned you. He should know better. He is the pope."

She lets out a small chuckle at the monarch's words. "Do not be harsh, this is his home. His holiness can do what he pleases. You should know that as you are king."

Francis' smile grows wider at her last comment. "Very well but I still don't like the idea that he ambush you. It is not becoming of God's representative on Earth."

"Maybe not but who are we to judge." The monarch nods his head and slowly stands up, still holding her hands. He pulls her up to her feet, closing the distance between them. "Come, let us walk in the garden before we must get ready for this evening's meal. I doubt the pope will disturb us there."

"He could, if he wishes." The French monarch shrugs his shoulders like a young child. "May be so but he cannot interrogate you with me by your side. So what do you say, your grace?"


Anne watches the pageboy fill up her glass of wine then steps back. She grabs it and takes a sip of wine, then places the glass back down on the table. She looks at the head of the table, where Signora Silvia glares across the table at her son. King Francis watches the family then looks to Anne, who winks at her. Anne smiles at the monarch. The pope clears his throat, gaining their attention. Pope Paul smiles at the French monarch and duchess. Anne looks to King Francis, who winks at her then turns to the head of the table. Pope Paul smiles at the monarch and duchess.

"Let us raise a glass to our esteemed guests: his majesty, King Francis of France and the Duchess de' Valois." The pope grabs his gold Venetian wine glass and raises it to the king and duchess. Signora Ruffini and his sons follow suit by raising their own glasses, and toasting the pope's guests. Anne and the king smile as they raise their glasses to the pope and his family.

"The duchess and I thank you, your holiness." The king responds to the pope's toast. The pope puts his glass down as he maintains his smile to the king. "We are deeply grateful and honor by your invitation and to be here in your home."

"The honor is all mine, your majesty. Especially since your majesty will be welcomed at the Papal palace." The French monarch stares at the Holy Father. "Holy Father?'

"I would like your majesty and the duchess to come to Rome and stay at my new home." The pope informs the visiting couple then pauses to take a sip of wine. "The day after tomorrow, I would like your majesty and the duchess to come to the papal palace, where I will receive you both with a full audience."

King Francis sits up in his chair, excited about the news. "If I may, what has changed your holiness' mind? I did not expect our presence in Rome to be so soon."

"The duchess." The pope raises a glass to Anne, who smiles and bows her head in respect to the holy man. "You, my dear, have shown great courage and strength. I have never known someone, who was willing to leave everything you know behind."

The pope takes a moment, to choose his words that would give some the duchess some reaction. "I do not know everything that occurred in England and I will not pretend to know what happen, but I can help you now. But with my help comes some conditions."

The king stiffens in his seat as Anne remains quiet, her eyes on the Holy Father. The French king takes a deep breath. "And what would your conditions be, Holy Father?"

"I wish for the duchess to be re-baptize into the church and proceed to complete all other sacraments. With this, her grace will not only be welcome back to the church and be presented to the court. But it will show her undying loyalty to the church and to the true faith." King Francis turns to look at Anne, whose expression is blank. He watches Anne take a deep breath. "I agree to your holiness' conditions."

The French monarch lets out a breath but concern begins to creep into him, as the pope smiles and raises his glass to Anne. "Good."

Anne puts on a smile as she raises her glass with the pope, then turns to the king who only looks back at her.

The young maid opens the door to the duchess' temporary chambers. King Francis walks and the girl curtsies to him, catching his attention for a brief moment. He turns away from her at the sound of footsteps and smiles at the sight of Anne. She smiles at the monarch in return, her eyes move to the young maid behind the monarch. "You are dismiss, my dear."

The maid curtsies again and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. The monarch tilts his head at the duchess at her sudden dismissal, a habit he has seen before. "Cautious, your grace?"

"A little, your majesty. I am careful of what I say in front of the maids, I cannot be sure that they will report back to his holiness or his sons." The French monarch nods his head in approval. "LeBlanc said that same thing. He believes that the pope's generosity is a cover to have us watched."

"And do you believe him?" Anne takes a seat at the table and looks up at the king. The king lets out a sigh. "I do. As hard as it is to say, I do believe the pope is watching us and hoping to find something to use against us."

"He already has." King Francis looks at the duchess with a confused expression. "You have me. By coming here to Rome and to have an audience with the pope, we took a risk by praying that the pope would help us."

"And he will." Anne stands up and walks to the monarch, and places a hand on his arm. "But at what cost your majesty? France cannot go to war with England or Spain, not because of me."

"It won't happen." The king places his hand over hers, trying to comfort her. "You cannot be certain. If the Holy Father has no wish to help us, may be it is best if I retire. It will-

"You will do no such thing." He interrupts her with a stern voice. "You will stay by my side, no matter the outcome. I will talk with his holiness and I will find a solution. That I can promise you."


Nan walks into the bedchamber of the Duchess of Valois and curtsies to the duchess, who has her back to her. "Your grace."

Anne turns around in her chair and looks at her friend with a small smile. "I am sorry to disturb your grace, but his majesty is preparing to leave for the palace."

The duchess puts the brush down on the vanity table and stands up. She walks towards her friend, extending her hand and Nan takes it. "Come, we must see the king off."

"Monsieur LeBlanc would like you to know that his majesty is not in a good mood." Anne stops at the door and looks to her friend, before opening the door. "I did not think he would be. We talked the morning after we arrived; we are beginning to believe that the pope does not want to help us. But instead us for his own purpose."

Nan looks at the duchess, who steps into the hallway. Anne looks at her friend. "I know the king will not tell me, but I believe de' Medicis know that we are here. I am certain Catherine wrote to them."

"Are you not worry about her family and what they can do?" Anne shakes her head as a response to her friend's question. "I am not sure but I doubt they can influence the pope. My only concern is Spain and how they will react."

Nan shrugs her shoulders. "I am not sure, your grace. If that is the case then maybe we should return to France. Better we leave then create chaos or worse, war."

The duchess looks at her friend and gives her hand a gentle, but comforting squeeze. "Let us hope that it does not come to that. I will not let another war start, that I can promise you."

Nan nods her head and offers no response to the duchess' comment and promise. Instead, she opens the door and lets the duchess go first, pulling her hand away. The two women walk down the hall then turn right into the main hall of the home. At the end with the large doors open, Anne spots King Francis standing at the end with his secretary. LeBlanc turns and spots the duchess and her lady, and informs the king. King Francis turns his head and smiles as Anne approaches him. The two ladies stop and curtsies to the king. The monarch extends a hand to the duchess. Anne looks up and smiles as she straightens up, and takes the king's hand. He pulls her to him and slowly makes their way outside.

"Your majesty does not seem happy to be attending this audience." Francis looks at Anne, and then glances behind him at LeBlanc. The king turns back to Anne, who grabs his arm and squeezes it. "Do not be mad at LeBlanc, he is only looking out for you and so am I."

"I am sorry, my dear but I do not think words will help this time." She looks away from the monarch and looks down at the ground for a moment, then back up. "I would like to believe that the pope is not his predecessor, given the fact that he is willing to baptize me and not have me killed."

"That may be but I feel that this audience is his way of getting me to make promises that I will not be able to accept." The king pauses for a moment. "The pope is acting on behalf of the church and thinks only what benefits the church. Like him, I must think of France first before anything."

The couple comes to a stop and faces one another. Anne looks up the monarch.

"Then do it for France and nothing else, not even me." He opens his mouth to protest but Anne stops him by squeezing his hand. "You must promise me, your majesty. Do not do anything that would place France in any danger. Promise peace, your majesty and nothing else."

He looks at her and into her eyes, and finds her fire that attracts him to her. The king lets out a sigh and nods his head. "Very well, I will do as you ask. But know that I will also do anything that I can to keep you safe, ad with me."

The carriage pulls up before them and the curtains pull back to reveal the French cardinal. Anne turns to the carriage and takes a step back, surprised at Cardinal Bosquet's presence. "Bosquet!"

The king turns as Anne curtsies to the cardinal, who bows her head to the duchess then turns to the monarch. "Your majesty, my apologizes for the surprise. I thought we might arrive to Apostolic Palace together."

The monarch stares at the cardinal and slowly turns back to Anne. "I will be back."

She releases the monarch's hand and steps back, and curtsies. "God bless your majesty and your eminence."

Anne steps back as King Francis opens the door of the carriage and climbs in. Behind her, LeBlanc and Nan joined her as the carriage door closes. Anne puts up her hand and waves as the horses pull the carriage, and slowly leaves the plaza. Beside her, LeBlanc pulls out a sealed envelope. "Your grace, this arrived this morning."

Anne turns to LeBlanc and her eyes find the letter in his hand. She grabs it and pulls it from the Frenchmen's hand, unable to recognize the handwriting. Anne glances up as she last of the carriage then turns to LeBlanc. "This is from the French court. Why wasn't this given to his majesty?"

"It was not address to his majesty." Anne looks down at the letter and sees her name. She looks back up at the king's secretary. "What is going on, LeBlanc?"

"I cannot be sure, I am waiting on word but I suggest your grace find out." Anne nods her head and breaks the seal as she walks back into the pope's home. She stops in the doorway as she opens the letter and begins to read it.

A pilgrimage has taken place in the North of England, all demanding for the restoration of masses and their monasteries. Some within this pilgrimage are lords of good standing with French connections, who are now asking for French support. Advise the king to not support this. France must remain neutral in this matter, especially due to your grace's presence in France and now in Rome. His majesty cannot get in involve! Bosquet will try to persuade his majesty but it is for his own interest, and not for France. Please save France. Long live the king! Long live France!


Anne turns to the king's secretary as she folds up the letter. "His majesty must see this when he returns."

"What is it your grace?" Nan takes a step closer and places a gentle hand on the duchess' arm. "A pilgrimage has taken place in England and our ambassador is afraid that the lords in the pilgrimage will seek French assistance."

LeBlanc takes a deep breath at the news. "Your grace, you and I know that his majesty cannot get involve."

Anne looks up and takes a deep breath, wishing she never got a hold of this letter. Taking a deep breath, she folds up the letter and hands it back to the secretary, and turns to face him and Nan. "When his majesty returns, this must be handed to him immediately. There can be no doubt that his holiness, or the cardinal will mention it to the king but we must inform him of this note."

The two nodded at her proclamation, Nan could see fear in Anne's eyes but remains silent. LeBlanc and Nan step away and Nan hurries inside, not looking back.


King Francis looks out as the carriage starts to slow down and the monarch sees the grandeur of Apostolic Palace. Across him, Cardinal Bosquet watches the monarch in silence but breaks it with a question.

"Your majesty must forgive me for not being there with his holiness when you, and her grace arrived in Rome." The monarch sits back and looks at the cardinal, not believing his apology. Instead, the monarch remains silent as he nods his head at the cardinal. "No need, cardinal. I understand that you must have been preoccupied, you are in Rome and at the pope's request."

Cardinal Bosquet presses his lips together, holding back a response. The king takes a deep breath then turns back to look out the window as the carriage comes to a stop. He watches as a footman approaches the carriage and opens the door. King Francis is the first to climb out and step down on the steps of the palace. He takes a step forward and looks around, as the cardinal climbs out behind him. Cardinal Bosquet comes to the king's side as the king turns his attention to the holy man. "Welcome to the papal palace, your majesty."

The king looks up at the palace as a small group of holy men walk out of the palace, and towards the French monarch. King Francis turns his attention to the men as a priest, dressed in black approaches him and bows his head to the monarch and the cardinal.

"Your majesty, welcome to Rome and to the Apostolic Palace." King Francis bows his head in respect to the priest, who smiles then turns to Cardinal Bosquet. "Cardinal Bosquet, welcome back to Rome."

The cardinal bows as the priest returns his focus to the French monarch. "His Holiness and the papal court are ready to receive you, your majesty. If you will follow me and I will show you to his holiness."

The priest turns around and walks back into the palace, following the small and the king and cardinal behind him. The king and cardinal enter the palace and walk down the large and main hall of the palace. King Francis does not look around but keeps his eyes forward as the group makes a left turn, and comes before a set of open double doors. The priest stops as the group continues inside and turns to face the French monarch.

"His holiness is ready to receive your majesty." The priest turns back around and walks into the Sistine Chapel without another word to monarch, or cardinal. King Francis steps forward as a steward comes forward, hits his staff on the marble floor and shouts the monarch's presence.

"His Most Christian Majesty, Francois de Valois, King of France! His Eminence, Cardinal Bosquet!" The steward steps back and the king and cardinal enter the chapel. The king looks straight ahead towards the pope's place. Beside the monarch, Bosquet looks around for familiar faces and spots the Spanish ambassador, and a family member of the Duchess de' Orleans. The Spanish ambassador looks to the cardinal and bows his head, which the cardinal returns the gesture. Bosquet returns his attention forward as they come to a stop before Pope Paul III, and bow to him. The pope smiles as the men straighten up and look at him, as he stands up.

"Welcome, King Francois and Cardinal Bosuqet. We are blessed to have your presence here at court. France and the Valois family have always been a dear patron to our holy mother church, and continue to do so now that your majesty sits upon it's throne." The French monarch bows his head respectfully at the pope's words. "The Valois family and France faithfully serve in the name of our Lord."

The pope's smile widens at the king's response. He walks down two steps as Cardinal Bosquet steps to the right, and the pope comes to stand beside King Francis and looks out to the court. "May Rome and France continue to live in harmony as friends but most importantly, the children of God!"

The papal court erupts into applause as the pope places a hand on the king's shoulder. Francis turns to look at Pope Paul, who turns to look at him. "Come, there is a feast in your honor."

The king nods his head and the two men walk down the aisle of the chapel.


King Francis looks around the grand room, watching the Italian courtiers enjoying themselves over wine and food. Beside him, the pope turns to look at him as he takes a sip of his wine then puts it down as he addresses the French monarch.

"I hope your majesty is enjoying your meal. I understand our food can be far richer in taste than the meals at French court." The French monarch puts his wine glass down on the table and turns to the pope with a smile. "The food is very good. It has been awhile since I have had a large feast."

"Good but I thought the French always had dined with large feast, this must be larger then you are use to." The French monarch presses his lips together but still maintains his smile. "We tend to dine well, your holiness but nothing like your holiness' court."

Pope Paul nods his head, happy to hear that Italians do dining better than the French. He takes a sip of wine then puts the glass down, and leans towards the king with his eyes on his court. "And where is your dear companion, the Duchess of Valois? I would have expected her to make a grand appearance."

The king holds back his anger and forces his smile to stay as he turns back to the Holy Father. "Her grace has decided to remain at your holiness' private residence. She had no wish to appear at your court without an invitation."

The Holy Father nods his head as he pulls away from the monarch, and sits back in his chair. "The duchess continues to surprise me, your majesty. I was told that the duchess enjoys a good party and that she an excellent dancer."

The king does not respond quickly but watches the courtiers' dance, the pope's comment feeding his anger. After a few moments, the French monarch responds. "Her grace does love to dance but as of late, she enjoys smaller dinners."

The pope nods his head but does not respond. After a few quiet moments, the pope leans to the king again. Catching the pope's action, the French king leans towards the pope. "We must talk soon, your majesty. It has been brought to our attention that a pilgrimage is taking place in England. This maybe our chance to bring England back to our Holy Mother church."

With that, the pope rises to his feet and the music stops with all eyes on the Holy Fahter. Pope Paul puts on a smile. "Please continue and enjoy yourselves."

The music starts back up as the pope turns, and looks at the monarch. "I pray your majesty forgive me, I am retiring for the night but please continue. I will send for you and the Duchess soon so that she may be welcome back into the arms of the church."

The monarch does not move to stand but only bows his head. The pope steps out from his seat and walks away. The monarch's eyes watch the pope disappear through a door. He sighs in relief and turns back to the dance, watching the courtiers. His eyes move around the room until they land on Cardinal Bosquet and the Spanish ambassador. The French monarch sits up, his eyes on the two men as they talk. The monarch clinches his hand in a fist as he watches the Cardinal bow to the Spanish ambassador. Without a word, he jumps up to his feet and leaves the table. Across the hall, the Spanish ambassador walks away with a large and happy smile on his face.


Anne walks to the window at the sound of horses in the courtyard of the pope's home. She pulls the drapes back as the French monarch climbs out the carriage in a hurry and enters the pope's home. Anne releases the drapes and turns around, and rushes out of the room. In the main hall, she stops as the French monarch walks up at the hall.

"Your majesty, you're back early." He stops and looks up at her, and lets out a sigh. "Anne, you're still up."

Her face scrunches up in confusion at his statement. "Yes, your majesty. Is everything well?"

"No, it is not." He walks pass her. "His Holiness continues to manipulate us when it comes to your return to the church. And it seems our greatest ally and countrymen has betrayed us."

Anne turns and watches the monarch disappear around a corner. Behind her, Nan and LeBlanc approach her and stand behind her. "Your grace?"

She takes a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "LeBlanc, his majesty has just returned back from the papal court. Please make sure his bedchamber is ready and that wine is ready for him."

"Yes, your grace." LeBlanc bows his head to the duchess, who walks away with looking back at LeBlanc or Nan.

The young maid leaves the bedchamber as the Duchess of Valois walks to the window of her bedchamber. She takes a seat on the chair and looks out, her mind on the king's behavior. In the parlor, Nan intercepts the young maid. "I will take that. Thank you."

She takes the tray from the maid and walks into the bedchamber. Entering the other room, Nan stops when she finds the duchess sitting by the window. Quietly, she puts the tray down on a nearby table and carefully approaches the quiet duchess.

"Your grace?" Nan stops, waiting for an answer. When no answer came, Nan moves forward. She approaches the chair and places a hand on the duchess' shoulder. Anne jumps at the touch and turns around, as her friend takes a step back. "I am sorry, your grace. I did not mean to frighten you."

Anne puts a hand to her heart but gives her friend a small smile. "Do not apologize. I was deep in my thoughts that I did not hear you."

"Are you well, your grace? Should I send for a physician?" Nan quickly grows concern as she takes a few steps forward again. Anne dismisses her idea with a wave of her hand. "I am well, Nan. No need for a physician. I was just thinking about the pope's conditions and his majesty's behavior."

Nan nods and sits on the floor, near Anne's feet. "I have not heard from LeBlanc this morning, but it has been quiet on his majesty's end."

"I know and it worries me. I have seen him angry before, but I have never seen him act this. He dismissed me last night without a thought, I worry that I may have done something wrong." Nan shakes her head, not believing the duchess' words. "I doubt your grace could anger his majesty, he respects you and your opinions highly. And he cares for you deeply. Is there a possibility that something happen at the feast?"

"Possibly. The pope may have said something to the king to anger him." Anne glances back out the window. Nan looks at her. "Are you regretting your decision to accept his holiness' conditions?"

Taking a moment, Anne turns back to her friend with an answer. "I don't know. I am not sure that even coming here was a good idea."

"The church has too many conditions to let you in. It's as if they want you to return but on their terms." Anne smiles at her friend's opinions. "I will not question them, not now. I am not doing this for support. I am doing this for me."

"Even if it will cost you your soul?" Nan's question hits her as a maid walks into the room. "Your grace, his majesty wishes to see you."

The two women turn to look at the young maid and Nan quickly gets to her feet, and looks at Anne. "I will let him in."

Anne nods her head and watches the two leave her bedchamber. Nan returns quickly with the king behind her. Anne stands up and curtsies as King Francis enters her bedchamber and Nan leaves. The king walks to her and stretches out his hands to her, which Anne takes.

"Your majesty is early today." He gives her a small smile. "I must apologize for my behavior last night. I dismissed you without a thought."

"There is nothing to apologize, your majesty. I am here at your majesty's service and I am indebted to you." The French monarch shakes his head. "You are not indebted to me. Since your return to France, you have been my constant companion. You are too dear to me to lose now."
Tears well up in Anne's eyes at the king's words, happy to hear his feelings for her are strong as hers. Holding them back, she looks up at the monarch. "Now, if your majesty wishes, can you tell me what was wrong?"

He nods his head and lets out a sigh. "His Holiness is not as holy as I was led to believe. The feast was to prove that his court and Italians are far better at dining than the French, and how extravagant they are. He also reminded me about your baptism back into the church." Anne nods her head, her smile gone and a look of seriousness takes over. "Does your majesty think I should do this?"

"I do not know. If you do not, I believe there will be consequences that we may not like later." Again, she nods her head in understanding. "He will pull his support from France and leave us vulnerable."

"Possibly and we have seen what it has done for England." She sighs, they were pushed into a corner that they could not get out of. "Then I must go through with it, we cannot afford to let France lose the church's support. We must do this for France."

The king did not argue, knowing full well it would be useless. "Very well, I will be there with you. I will not let the pope try and add more to the agreement."

Anne nods in agreement. "There is something else, your majesty must know."

The king looks at her with confusion as she pulls her hands away and walks to her bed. She pulls out the note from under pillow and turns to the king, and hands him the open letter. "This letter arrived after you left. It is from MonBlanc in England."

"Is it about the English pilgrimage?" He takes the letter and opens it, Anne surprise at his question. "How does your majesty know?"

"The pope informed me last night. I believe it was his way of informing me that France would play a part." After briefly reading the letter, he folds it up and throws it on the table. "Your majesty cannot get involved. France has nothing to gain from it."

"I know and it is the reasons I will not let France begun involve." Anne nods her head at the king's words. She studies the monarch and senses something else was off. "Your majesty, is something else the matter?"

He looks at her. "I mentioned a traitor last night when we last spoke."

"You did." He looks at her in the eye. "Bosquet is working with Spain."