Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt

Chapter 3: Expectations


Naru only smirked.

Geez. What could he be thinking? Leaving me alone in here and telling me to watch over the van? That's kind of unfair.

I let my anger down and took into consideration my surroundings. The place is quite big… And a bit out of place, to tell you frankly. I'm starting to dislike the feeling of the place. It feels like being trapped in a maze where you can't fid the way out.

I decided to lock the door, having feeling a little creeped out and went back to my thoughts.

I have learned a great deal of new things today. Having found out that Naru has an older brother (who, he assumed, is already dead); knowing that Naru itself is the world-renowned prof. Oliver Davis… What could be Bou-san's reaction when he hears this? I giggled inwardly.

And then there's this matter of Naru's older brother. How does he look like? Is he like Naru- a big narcissist? Or somewhat a little better than him? Good-looking? Aloof? Indifferent? Or happy-go-lucky?

While leaving my thoughts to my musings, I let my eyes fall on a trail right beside the fountain. Somehow, it leads to the back of the house.

Against my better judgment, I went out the van and followed the trail. Looking at the pavement, the trail is completely made of small pebbles cemented together, giving it an odd shape.

TROD… TROD… TROD… I walked and walked and continued on following the trail until I reached the backyard of the house. Gulp. Naru would surely kill me. Unbeknownst to me, a pair of eyes were following me.

Following the trail felt like ages. But then, it must be because the house is just too large. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I reached the end of the trail. In front of me is a big ornately-designed metal door, leading to what seems like a smaller part of the house, only it was built away from the main house.

I reached for the doorknob and tried turning it, but to no avail. It seemed like the door was resolutely shut and there is no means of opening it. I walked around the small house, looking for any entrance leading inside the house.

I looked above and saw what looked like a small window. It is too high for me to reach, so I look around for some thing that could help me get through the window.

I spotted some cargo boxes neat the tree beside the house. I picked them up and brought them just below the window. With some struggling and a little more patience, I was finally able to reach the small window. It was too small for me to fit through it, so I contented myself with seeing what's inside the room.

I tiptoe, causing the boxes that I was standing to slightly move. Cautiously, I steadied myself and found my balance. I peeked inside the window.

The room was dark, only the light coming from that small window illuminates the inside of it. A thick layer of dust has grown all over the place, covering them and making it looked like covered in gray fabric. At the center of a room is a big circle, with a long, marble table at the middle of the circle. On each corner of the room, I could make out silhouettes of big candelabras, the size of lampposts. On it are 4 candles that have been long lit, candle waxes splattered on the floor.

The air hanging the room seemed pretty cold, giving the impression that it has been long abandoned and was never used again. I strained further my eyes and leaned closer to the window, sniffing the air. It smelled like a mixture of iron and salt. It smelled like blood.

Horrified at the realization, I took a step backward, momentarily forgetting the place I was currently on. The boxes toppled over and I fell down from it, shrieking. I closed my eyes shut and readied myself for the impact of me falling to the ground but it never came. Instead, I was caught by a pair of strong arms, carrying me in a princess-like manner. I opened my eyes to see who my savior was, only to be more surprised.

"It's a real pleasure finally meeting you, Taniyama-san,"


If it wasn't for the way he addressed me and the way his eyes were, I would be thinking that it was Naru who caught me, only a little nicer.

And just when I was about to get his answer, somebody grabbed me by the arm.

A/N: Blah blah blah.

Tell me what you think!

Will update soon,
