A/N: Here is part two to the story. And the last part, but I hope you kept with it and enjoyed it! Some of the dialogue is again, lifted from the show, but the story is canon after all. Either way, I hope you enjoy it and leave a review when you're done! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Downton Abbey, if I did, Matthew and Mary would not be a sinking ship, Bates would not be arrested, and Robert would not be unfaithful... Sybil and Branson would be exactly the same though. This is just for fun. Thanks Fellowes for an awesome show. ;)

She lay in the middle of the wide white bed, a sheen of sweat covering her pallid skin and her hair in unwoved disarray around her head. Her body shuddered with breath and tossed with each passing delusion.

Mary followed Branson in and stood beside him, "I'm afraid she doesn't know what's happening,"

Branson nodded, "Do you think she can hear me?"

"She might be able to," Mary nodded, "it's worth a try anyway,"

He took a few steps forward, discarding his hat on the foot of the bed and pulling a chair up close. He took her clammy hand in his and a cool wet cloth in his other, pressing it down to her forehead he murmured, "Sybil, it's Tom. I'm here with you, and I promise you I'm not leaving you,"

Sybil gave a wheeze and her hand gripped down, her eyelids clamped shut in pain. Branson let out a shaky breath and continued to wipe her brow, "Love, I'm right here, I'm not leaving you, Sybil... can you hear me?"

Her eyes fluttered open and then winced with the light, "Tom," she choked out.

"Hey," he brushed his fingers along her cheek, "You've gone and got yourself Spanish Flu," he murmured, "right when we were going to start our new life," he felt foolish tears prickling his eyes and he blinked them back, "so do me a favor and stick around because I don't think I can go anywhere without you,"

A smile cracked across her pained face, and she half laughed half sobbed her reply, "Just my luck,"

Branson kissed her hand and gripped with his, "The Doctor says you should be alright, so make sure you are,"

"There's no way I could leave," she turned her head to look at him, "not after all we've been through."

He kissed her hand again and smiled, "What else do you need, love? What can I do?"

"Water," she licked her dry lips, "please,"

He jumped up but saw Mary was already fetching a glass, shrugging off his coat and rolling up his sleeves he took the glass and sat on the edge of the bed. With one hand under her neck he lifted her to meet the tipped forwards glass and eased some water down her weak throat, "Easy now,"

She lifted her mouth away and gripped his knee, "Thank you,"

He set the water on the nightstand beside them but did not leave his position on her bed, he couldn't drag himself away, "Sibyl," he gently leaned her back into the pillows, "I love you, you know that?"

"I do," she mimicked his words from the previous night, "and I love you,"

He smiled and smoothed her hair back from her pained face, "you should get some sleep,"

She nodded into the warmth of his hand, "Don't leave me,"

"Never," he murmured and took his place in the chair by her bed, reclining but keeping one hand pressed into his until she fell into a fitful sleep and he fell into a comfortable position to watch her in.

Mary turned to leave, "you'll call for us if anything changes,"

"Of course I will, M'Lady," he murmured.

"And Branson," she murmured, "I belive you'll win her in the end, so do take good care of her,"

"I fully intend to, M'Lady,"

"Good." With that, Mary left.

Tom had not slept a wink all night, alternating between wiping Sibyl's brow and helping her into a more comfortable position as she tossed and turned. Throughout the night different members of the Crawley family passed through and checked on her, but Branson hadn't moved. Anna frequented the room, providing fresh cloths and cooler water to help her temperature, continually assuring Branson that Sibyl would in fact recover.

By late morning Branson had begun to hate the Spanish Flu. Coherent conversation had left Sibyl sometime during the early hours and now she was alternating between painful moans and calling Tom's name, to which Tom would murmur assurances of his presence.

Later in the evening the Doctor returned again, bringing with him a parade of Crawleys who all took their respective places around Sibyl's bed.

"How has she faired since I last saw her?" Doctor Clarkson asked as he approached them.

"Her fever took a turn for the worse," Branson admitted, "and she hasn't been able to sleep much at all,"

Branson stepped back to allow the Doctor room to examine her, Branson's eyes met Robert's and he bristled, still angry with him.

"It's definitely worse," Doctor Clarkson admitted, "worse than I imagined,"

Branson's stomach knotted at the words but Robert spoke up, "What is to be done?"

"Epinephrine," he answered, and there was a bustle as he pushed past the family, retrieved it, and administered it.

"Will it help?" Branson questioned.

"No way to know yet," Doctor Clarkson admitted, "if she makes it through tonight... she will live,"

"Oh God," Cora put a hand to her lips, tears coming to her eyes, "No,"

Branson steeled himself as he retook his place by her side, a cold cloth to her brow and a hand against her cheek.

"Branson, I think you've done quite enough!" Robert started.

"Robert!" Cora grasped his arm, "not now, let him help her,"

Before any protest could be made Sibyl gave a start and gripped Tom's arm frightfully, gasping for air, "Tom," she wheezed.

"I'm here," he assured again.

Blood began to trickle from her nose, fresh sweat broke out on her brow, and a cough overtook her.

"What does it mean?" Edith asked, fear in her voice.

"It's a hemmorage of the mucus membrane," Doctor Clarkson said, "not uncommon for Spanish Flu,"

Tom grabbed a wet cloth, pulled Sibyl up and sat beside her. He put an arm around her and let her lean against his chest for support, soothing her cough and wiping the blood from her face, "Shhh," he murmured into her hair, "it's gonna be alright, love,"

Sibyl's fingers grasped Tom's leg, white knuckled as she heaved out a cough, "I can't..."

A silence fell over the room, save for Sibyl's wheezing, as they all weighed her words. Tears fell from Cora's eyes as she gripped her husband's arm, she couldn't face losing another child.

Tom pressed his lips to her hair and shook his head, "No love, you've got to fight. You've got a lot left to see in this world,"

She shook her weary head and let it drop against his shoulder, "I can't,"

"Never in my life have I heard you say 'I can't'," Tom said to her, "don't start now. You can, and you know you can,"

A moment passed and Sibyl rested her forehead against his neck, nodding weakly.

"That's my girl," he whispered, "you'll be alright,"

Sibyl's coughs settled slightly, the shivering subsided and Tom turned to Doctor Clarkson, "Is there anything more I can do?"

"No my boy," he smiled at Branson, "keep on like you are and I'm sure she'll make it until morning,"

Branson nodded and shifted his attention back to Sibyl, pressing a small kiss to her hair. He had almost forgotten the Crawley family in a congregation around them, watching the scene in a stunned stupor.

It was broken when Jane pushed the door open, "I'm sorry to intterupt, but it's Miss Swire,"

"What's happened?" Mary questioned

"It doesn't look good at all," the maid admitted, "Mr. Crawley is with her now,"

The family rushed out after Jane, but Robert stayed and looked on the pair for a moment. Branson looked up, his eyes set on the Lord's. Robert gave a small nod and then departed.

When Sybil woke she was disoriented, she was lying face down on something warm and firm, encircled by warmth. She felt a flutter breath move over her loose strands of hair as she blinked the cobwebs back and made sense of her surroundings. Her fingers flexed and she realised it was Tom's chest she was comfortably lying on, his arm that she grasped with cold fingers, the same arms that held her close and protected her from her delerious thrashing.

For a moment she closed her eyes in the reverie, she had lived and woken up by Tom's side. For a moment all was perfect. Reopening her eyes she moved her head and glanced up at Tom's sleeping face, dark circles were present under his eyes, his hair mussed and shirt collar undone.

"Tom," she murmured, placing a kiss to the base of his throat, "Tom,"

He let out a sleepy sigh and a groan, his eyelids squeezed tightly shut before drifting open, "Hmmm?"

"Tom," she shifted her hand from his arm to gently touch his cheek.

His eyes widened, "Sybil?" his hand immediately brushed back her hair and cupped her face, "you're alright!"

"Yes," she smiled, "I'm alright,"

He kissed her forehead and pulled her closer, "For a little while there I thought that might have been it for us,"

She shook her head and held him close, "No," there was a long pause as they breathed each other in and she murmured, "I think I could get used to this, Tom Branson,"

"So could I," he agreed.

"How is everyone else?" she pulled back to study his face.

Tom shook his head slightly and frowned, "Miss Swire passed away in the night,"

"Oh how awful for Matthew!" her face fell, "anyone else?"

"No, no," he assured her, "but there is good news,"


"Anna and Bates were married yesterday," he gave her a small smile, "at the courthouse in Ripon,"

"Oh that's wonderful!" she sighed, "it's about time,"

He gave a small laugh in response and kissed her head, "Your family will be in soon to check on you,"

"Before they come," she let out an uneasy breath, "I want to thank you, for staying with me, and for being with me when I told Papa, and for pushing me to admit that I love you,"

He interrupted her words with a kiss, "Sybil I know, you don't have to say it,"

She nodded and buried her face in his chest, "I know, I know, but I needed to. And even if my family casts me off, I will still follow you, I want you to know that too."

Tom nodded and went to speak but the door opened and Anna came through, breathing a sigh of relief, "Oh, Lady Sybil, I'm glad to see you're well again!"

"Thank you, Anna," with the help of Tom, Sybil righted herself in the bed and fixed the sheets and comforters, "are my parents coming soon?"

"Yes, M'Lady," Anna replied, "They were coming up the stairs as I came in, but I thought I'd give you two some warning. Looks as though you needed it,"

Sybil grinned and looked up at Tom who was staring down at her with an equally happy look. Tom returned to a respectable position of being perched on the edge of her bed, fingers entwined and the side of his leg pressed gently against hers.

There was a small commotion in the hallway outside the door and Sybil gave a weak laugh, "You know," she said looking to Tom, "we've just survived sickness and health, I think we can handle anything else,"

He smiled, "I think we can,"

The door pushed open and the Crawley family filed in, Cora immediately flying to the bedside of her youngest daughter. "Sybil! Oh, thank God, Sybil," she pulled her daughter into a hug and Sybil released Tom's hands to embrace her mother.

"I know, Mama, I'm alright, I promise," Sybil assured her and pulled away, leaning back against the pillows and taking Tom's hand once again in her own. The gesture did not escape her family's eyes.

Robert cleared his throat and the room stilled, "I suppose you'll go to Dublin now,"

"In a week or so," she replied, straightening up and gripping Tom's hand tighter, "when I am well again, there shouldn't be a reason to delay, although I do so wish we could have parted friends,"

"What about you," Robert nodded to Tom, "do you want to part friends?"

"I do," he admitted, "although I don't expect to,"

Sybil's face dropped, staring down at their entwined fingers and there was a long pause.

Robert's voice broke the silence once again, "Alright."

Sybil's head snapped up, "What?" her ears clearly deceiving her.

"If I can't stop you, I see no profit in a quarrel," he said, "and although you'll have a very different life from the one you might have lived, Mr. Branson has cared for you well these past few days, and if you're sure it's what you want..."

Sybil smiled broadly and looked to Tom, his eyes shining, "I am,"

"Then when you are well, you make take my blessing with you," he smiled at his daughter, "whatever that means,"

"Oh, Papa," she smiled, tears coming to her eyes, "it means more that anything, more than anything!"

Tom looked down at her as she placed a hand to her mouth and continued to grin.

Robert and Tom locked eyes suddenly and he lowered his voice, "If you mistreat her I will personally have you torn to pieces by wild dogs."

Tom nodded, "I'd expect no less,"

Sybil looked up again, "Will you all come over for the wedding?"

"We'll see, we'll talk about that later when you're well again and feeling up to it," Robert sighed and gave a defeated smile and crossed the room to raise a hand to Tom.

He stood and accepted the handshake gladly as a sign of peace, "Thank you," he smiled at his soon to be father in law.

Robert nodded and turned to leave, leaving Sybil with her mother, sisters, and fiance. Just outside the door Violet was waiting with a knowing smile, "So I see you've given in," she peered past him through the open door to the smiling couple grasping each other's hands.

He shut the door, "she would have gone anyway, and perhaps we should remind ourselves of what really matters, I know you think that's soft," he scoffed.

"Oh," she laughed, "not at all. The aristocracy is not survived by its intransigence," they began to walk down the hallway, "Oh, no, no, we must work with what we've got to minimize the scandal,"

"And what have we got to work with?" he asked.

"Well you'd be surprised," she said, "he's political, isn't he? And a writer, well I could make something out of that." Robert shook his head and she continued, "And there's a family called Branson with a place not far from Cork, I believe they have a connection with the Howards. Well surely we can hitch him onto them,"

And with that, they descended the steps.

A/N: And so there it is... I had to get this out of my brain and onto paper, so I hope it was worth your read. If anyone would like me to continue writing Sybil x Branson fics I'd be happy to do so... I have a few ideas stashed away in my brain that I'd like to get out too... but I'm not sure if anyone wants to really read them. So let me know, and please review this story too, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
