Hey guys!

I'm REALLY sorry about not updating sooner! Summer really has kept me busy, and I really haven't felt like writing. But I do have some good news: chapters 18 and 19 are complete and I am in the process of editing them.

I would like to thank Tobeyfan, crazy nightfury lady, Anonymous WordGirl Super Fan, Booklover82099, happydreamer, darksunshine200, Guest, crazytomboy78, and TheLivingBeckyBotsford for your reviews. I'm so glad that you like my story!:)

I don't own WordGirl, but I do own Mrs. Holloway and Zaria.

As I landed in front of my house, I could see through the window the usual silhouettes of my family, gathered around the table for dinner. However, after I transformed back into Becky Botsford, I noticed that there was another person at the table. I immediately recognized our guest as none other than Mrs. Holloway. I gasped, wondering what my newly-discovered grandmother was doing at my house.

I quickly opened the door and entered the living room, everyone's gaze falling on me. I laid my backpack against the door and walked over to the dinner table.

"Hi, Becky." Mom greeted as she hugged me. "How was your day?"

"It was okay." I replied. "So, Mrs. Holloway is joining us for dinner?"

"Yes, she is." Dad answered.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Botsford, but do you mind if I borrow Becky for a moment?" Mrs. Holloway asked.

"Not a problem." Mom replied. "Is something wrong, Becky? You seem kind of nervous."

"No, Mom." I responded, albeit a bit quickly. "Everything's fine."

Mrs. Holloway stood up and beckoned me to follow her. I trailed behind her as we walked outside. After she closed the door, I began to speak.

"With all due respect, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be on Lexicon by now."

"I was, but I got special permission to come back. I just arrived today."

"Why did you come—oh." I stopped, realizing that she never got the chance to speak with my sister.

"That's right. I still need to talk to her."

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Holloway. I was busy training with Zaria…and…"

"And you forgot." she finished decisively.

I looked down. "Yes, I did. I can't believe I let something that important slip my mind! I feel terrible."

She smiled softly, but her tone remained the same. "Don't worry about it, Dearest. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to speak with Zaria tonight. I'm leaving in the morning."

"You got it—wait. I don't know if she'll feel like talking to anyone, especially me." I said, my voice lowering.

"And why is that?"

"Well…we kind of…had a little disagreement. I think I might have hurt her feelings."

"Why don't you talk to her about it?"

I sighed. "Easier said than done. You can't say one thing to her without getting a sarcastic response."

"Hmm…tell you what, I'll help you and Zaria settle your quarrel."

My eyes grew wide. "You will? Thank you. I really appreciate it."

"No problem." she replied.

A brief silence took over the conversation. I was the first to break it.

"So…when would you like to meet Zaria?" I asked, rubbing my arm.

"Preferably as soon as possible. Do you mind if we leave dinner early and go now?"

"Nope, not at all." I agreed, but my growling stomach begged to differ.

Mrs. Holloway noticed. "Why don't you get something to eat, first."

I smiled. "That'd be great."

After dinner, I quickly made up an excuse to leave, saying that I accidentally left one of my books at school, and Mrs. Holloway was giving me a ride. As usual, they bought my lie and I hurriedly set a course for my spaceship hideout. As I landed, I carefully put Mrs. Holloway down.

"So, this is your spaceship hideout." Mrs. Holloway examined with interest.

"Yup, my second home." I added, grinning with pride.

"This is definitely one of Alexicarious's export spaceships."

"I know. Zaria told me."

"Speaking of Zaria, where is she?" Mrs. Holloway asked.

I beckoned her to follow me, heading for Zaria's bedroom. As I approached the room, I could see that the door was locked. I carefully knocked on the door.

"Zaria? Can I talk to you?"

"Go away!" Zaria yelled from the other side.

"Zaria, please. I need to talk to you. There's someone here to see you."

"I don't care. Tell whoever it is to go back to wherever they came from!"

I sighed heavily, finally swallowing my pride. "Listen, I'm sorry about what I said. I was frustrated, but I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I hope you can forgive me."

Zaria instantly got quiet. I could hear her coming towards the door. She slightly opened it, poking her head outside. Her eyes were red and puffy. I instantly felt guilty. I made her cry…

"You really mean that?" she asked, her voice a bit softer.

I nodded, I myself beginning to cry.

A small smile appeared on Zaria's face. "Well, I guess I'm sorry for being a baby and running to my room like a five-year-old. To be honest, some of the things you said were…actually true. I have tried to run from my fears, but I just can't seem to get rid of them, no matter how much I try to pretend they're not there."

"Zaria, talking about your fears is a good step towards conquering them." I said, smiling.

Zaria's smile grew bigger. "Thank you."

"Looks like you didn't need my help after all." Mrs. Holloway said from behind me.

Zaria's gaze fell upon the elderly woman. "Who's she?" Zaria asked, her snarky attitude returning.

"This is Atalina Holloway. She's the Second-In-Command of the Convocation of Lexicon." I introduced.

Zaria let out a sharp gasp. "You mean, she's—"

"Yeah. She's our grandmother." I confirmed.

Zaria continued to stare at Mrs. Holloway. She then slowly began to walk towards her newfound grandmother. A small tear trickled down Zaria's cheek as she embraced her.

"I-I can't believe it." Zaria cried, her voice raw from her tears.

I smiled, happy that my sister had found new hope. After breaking their hug, Mrs. Holloway told Zaria the real reason she came to my hideout.

"I need to speak with you and your sister. It's about the fate of our world…and yours."

Zaria nodded in understanding, and the three of us walked down the stairs. After sitting down at a nearby table, Mrs. Holloway began to speak.

"As I am sure Zaria told you, the situation on Lexicon is highly unstable. I and the other members of the Convocation believe it has something to do with King Alexicarious."

"No...whatever gave you that idea?" Zaria chimed in.

"Zaria! Let her speak." I scolded.

"No, Becky. She's right. We should have known there was something going on, but sadly, it took your mother's disappearance to confirm it."

"It shouldn't have gotten that far. You were supposed to be looking after Lexicon, but you let a secret plan to take over the universe by a renegade king get overlooked? Some security." Zaria said bitterly.

"Zaria!" I bellowed, my eyes softly glowing.

"You can't tell me what to do, Amara!" Zaria retaliated.

"Girls!" Mrs. Holloway interjected. "Stop this bickering at once. Zaria, I understand why you're upset, but criticizing the Convocation won't make things any better."

Zaria sighed. "I guess not, but I still say that the Convocation has some major flaws."

I narrowed my eyes at Zaria, then turned my attention back to Mrs. Holloway.

"We eventually discovered Alexicarious's plan, but, sadly…we were too late. His plan was already underway."

My eyes grew wide, as did Zaria's.

"He began to take over small villages and colonies all over Lexicon, imprisoning all the residents. We thought we could stop him, but his warships were too powerful, even with the Convocation's power. Lexicon is as good as his."

"I don't believe this…there's got to be something you can do!" I shouted angrily. I suddenly realized why Zaria was so angry, and I agreed with her. "You just gave up!"

"Becky, please try and understand. If we act too quickly, innocent people will be put at risk."

"They already are, under Alexicarious's control." Zaria replied.

Mrs. Holloway took a deep breath. "There is still hope. The Lexicon Rebel Society contacted our headquarters a few days ago. They have managed to rescue a few of Alexicarious's hostages. Their leader, codename 'Cyborg', says that they plan to invade the palace and destroy as many warships as they can. He believes that though it won't stop the attacks on Lexicon, it will delay further destruction of the planet, giving us some time to take action."

"Not bad…these people got guts." Zaria said, impressed.

"I have a question." I interrupted. "How did you know I was sent to Earth, specifically at three years of age?"

"The LRS informed me of this, along with other classified information."

Of course. I thought. It all makes sense now.

"I've got a better question." Zaria said matter-of-factly. "Why do we have powers? The only people who have powers on Lexicon are members of the Convocation."

"That's a good question. I never even thought of that." I added.

Mrs. Holloway took another deep breath. "As you already know, twins are extremely rare on Lexicon. Legend has it, when twins are born, they are gifted with possessing some of Lexicon's pure energy. One of them earns Lexicon's yellow energy, or Conite. The other earns Lexicon's red energy, or Lexonite."

"Hold on a second. Lexonite is a mineral, not an energy source." I interrupted.

"Dear, haven't you noticed that Lexonite tends to give off a faint glow?" Mrs. Holloway asked me.

I began to think back to the cage Mr. Big put me in that he had made out of Lexonite. "Now that I think about it, it did glow a little…"

"That was pure Lexonite energy."

"Really…" my voice trailed off.

"So you're saying that according to legend, the source of my power is Conite, the rarest mineral on Lexicon?" Zaria asked, obviously dubious.

"And Becky's, is Lexonite."

I gasped, but before I could protest, Zaria continued her rant.

"Come on! No one's seen Conite for centuries!"

"Remember, Zaria. Conite can take on an energetic form, not just a physical form." Mrs. Holloway replied.

"For once, I have to agree with Zaria. It's impossible that that can be true. Every time I go near Lexonite, I lose my powers."

"For any other Lexiconian, if Lexonite wasn't present in their environment for a prolonged length of time, it would be impossible for them to return to Lexicon. But as for you, Becky, there just might be some hope."

"But—but you said I can't go back to Lexicon, end of story."

"That was then. This is now. Listen, if the legend is true, and you were born with Lexonite, it can never be taken away from you. You just haven't been aware of its presence."

"So...it might be possible for me to return to Lexicon one day?""

"I certainly hope so, Dear."

This news made me smile, but I wasn't going to get my hopes up.

"Wait a second…that means…Alexicarious and Istred have these same powers?" Zaria asked.

"That is uncertain. If they did, they have been keeping it a secret. That is why many believe the legend is just that, and nothing more."

"But Zaria and I are living proof that the legend is true, and if twins are really born with the energies of Lexicon, that means Alexicarious and Istred wouldn't be an exception."

"Amara's got a point." Zaria added.

"Indeed she does, but without proof, no one would believe her theory."

"Ugh, I feel so powerless right now." I muttered.

"On the contrary, my Dear. Did it ever occur to you that there was a reason I am telling you both this?"

"Well…to inform me about my past?" I answered, shrugging.

"If I was only telling you about your past, I would have left out the present situation on Lexicon."

Zaria raised an eyebrow. "Okay, so what's your ulterior motive?"

Mrs. Holloway sighed. "If the legend is true, you two are the only ones who can defeat Alexicarious."

A dark silence took over the room as Zaria and I stared at each other, then back at our grandmother.

"What are you talking about?" Zaria asked, her tone deepening.

"The power twins possess is incredible. Together, they are virtually unstoppable. However, when they are alone, though still very powerful, they can be defeated, albeit with great difficulty."

"So, you're saying that together, Amara and I can defeat him?"

"Yes, but I must warn you, the challenge is beyond anything you might have faced before. With your permission, I can repair this ship in about a four day's time. You will return to Lexicon and bring down Alexicarious." she turned her attention towards Zaria. "Will you accept this challenge?"

"Anything to take that tyrant down!" Zaria replied, her fist punching her hand.

Mrs. Holloway's eyes then fell on me. "Becky?"

My eyes darted to the floor. "I…I'm not sure…This is all so sudden…"

To be honest, I was scared and overwhelmed. I didn't know what to think.

"Come on, Amara! Don't be a chicken!" Zaria taunted.

Anger started to flare up inside me. My eyes were beginning to glow. Zaria, if you can hear me, you picked the wrong time to mess with me.

"This isn't an easy decision for me! Do you realize what we have to do? Our entire planet's fate is in our hands, and I'm not taking that lightly. And unlike you, I have a life on this planet, too! I would just have to get up and walk away from my family, my friends…Tobey…"

"Who's Tobey?" Zaria asked, smirking.

I rolled my eyes, blushing slightly. "My point is, I can't leave this planet. I also have my duty to the city as WordGirl to protect it. If I leave, who knows what kind of chaos will erupt!"

"I understand your concern, but you also have your duty to Lexicon, your home." Mrs. Holloway replied.

"This is my home, and no one is going to take that away from me!" I bellowed, my eyes glowing furiously.

Zaria narrowed her eyes. "Calm down, Amara! Look, you've been living two separate lives your entire life, but now, you have to choose. Becky or Amara; who are you?"

Sadly, this is probably gonna be the last update you'll see from me for awhile. I don't know if I'll have much time to write and edit in the upcoming weeks. Once again I would like to thank all of you for reading my story. If you want, please leave a review. Follows and favs are welcome, too.:) Until chapter 18,
