It was a bright sunny day in the United Kingdom. Which was abnormal, but who was Wales to complain as he curled up onto to the couch with a book in his hands. Dylan was told to watch over his little sister for the day, but he didn't seem to mind since he loved Alice to death, but when he had a book in his hands and she was outside, he didn't watch her as closely as he should. Occasionally looking up from the book he was reading to the window as he saw Alice in the front yard, just to make sure that she didn't run off.

When Wales was watching her, Alice was a lot more adventurous and often ran away. Yes, it did annoy him, but he couldn't do anything that would inflict harm on her. It just wasn't the way he was to her. However, looking back down at his book, he didn't see Francis come along and torment the British child. Unlike the other countries, who often bickered and went separate ways right after, Francis and Alice were like cats and dogs, once the fuel was started, they couldn't be stopped. Dylan continued to lay on the couch and read, seemingly lost in his own imagination until he heard the front door slam open and a small, innocent cry.

Dylan sighed and got up from the couch, going over to the child and kneeled down in front of her so that their eyes met – Alice's usually happy and bright emerald green eyes were filled with crystal clear tears, her pale face flushed as the tears streamed down her face, leaving a wet invisible trail where they use to lay.

"Alice, what's wrong, love?" The damp blonde said as he picked up the crying pre-teen. Sure, Alice was getting a little too old for it, but she was still light enough so that he could pick her up without a problem. Alice didn't resist him or try to push away as she buried her face into the male's shirt, breathing in his scent of Jasmine tea and books. Trying to compress her whimpers and cries as she tried to speak, only having whines from her cries effect her.

"F-Francis and I were f-fighting and he-he got mad and threw a rock a-at me.." Dylan sighed as he listened to his little sister speak. Trying to comfort her in any way possible, preferably by rubbing her back and rocking her, usually that always worked when Alice was frightened or even hurt. He didn't know if it would work now, seeing as Alice was now a pre-teen and not a child anymore, but he sure hoped so, he hated seeing Alice so vulnerable.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Wales asked as Alice finally managed to stop crying, but her whimpers continued. Feeling a little tinkle run down her leg, she shuddered at the feeling.

"I think I'm bleeding.." Alice muttered as she looked up at her brother, her eyes red and puffy from the previous crying as he sighed and carried her to the bathroom. Not bothering to put her down as he walked into the bathroom and flicked the light switch on by the nearby wall and set Alice down on the sink counter. Being sure to look over her legs, arms, even her back and stomach, he couldn't find any sign of injury, not even a bruise was on her as he pulled her shirt back down to cover her pale skin again.

"Al, I'm not seeing anything. Are you sure Francis hit you?" Not knowing whether or not Alice was just playing a game with him or just trying to annoy him. Either way, he found it rather annoying.

"I'm not lying! He hit me, I swear!" Alice pleaded as she waved her pale, frail arms in the air to emphasize her point. Dylan couldn't help but sigh heavily in irritation. Deciding to take one final look. Starting at her feet, which were covered in dirt in mud, he didn't see any blood, so he moved onto her ankles, knees and finally, her thighs. Once again, he found nothing. If Alice said she was bleeding, she would have had an open wound or some kind of injury to support her theory. Unless….


"Alice, where exactly are you bleeding?" Dylan looked down at the child, Alice took a minute before she could finally apprehend her brother's question. A darker blush took over her face as she let out another whimper when she felt another run down and shifted uncomfortably on the porcelain counter top.

Taken from Alice's shifting and uncomfortable ness, he couldn't deny it. He knew Alice was going to start soon, but he never knew how early she would. Alice was still a child! Something like this shouldn't be happening now…

All the color drained from Dylan's face as he leaned against the wall, his jade eyes wide as he muttered something in Welsh that Alice hadn't caught.

"Fy Nuw…"



Can't you see the boredom of this? It took me a half hour to actually make this damn thing.

Okay, well, actually, it took me another hour to retype it since I saved it under a wrong file and couldn't open it and stuff..I know.

AND before I forget, the reason I haven't been updating is because my computer broke. Litterally. It DIED. Death by Black Veil Brides. It's horrible, I know.

Anyway, I won't be able to review, I'm sorry. When I get a new computer, I'll be sure to do all my updates!


Fy Nuw = My God..