Don'tPanic Don'tPanic Don'tPanic Don'tPanic Don'tPanic
It seemed to be a constant chant, going over and over in his head. It matched his panicked quick paces as he walked up and down different streets and alley ways, all in search for a clue as to where the café was. Dudley was now at a cross road, one he was sure he had seen at least five times that day, and was forced with a choice. Forward, right, behind or left. He began turning in mad violent turns, losing where he had just come from.
When he first set off he was so sure he knew where he was going, positive he could find the café again. But the first time he went there he was just mindlessly wondering, not paying attention to where he was going, paying more attention to his thoughts. And on the way back, well he couldn't even remember walking back, just followed his feet but only saw her in front of his eyes.
It didn't help that all the streets seemed to be the same. Same cobbled roads, high surrounding building, all with white and blue windows and doors. His determination was wavering now, his quick pace turning into him slowly dragging his feet. Maybe it never happened, maybe he just dreamed it up.
Spotting an old rickety bench at the side of the street, Dudley lowered him self, burying his head into his hands. He thought it was really, was sure he couldn't have made it up. He didn't have that good imagination. And all though the woman was unbelievable beautiful she did look real.
Stretching out on the bench, Dudley tripped his head back until it touched the wall, enjoying he feel of the sun on his face. Maybe he'll come tomorrow, have a proper look. She might not even go to the café every day, yesterday might have been a one off. Before slowly opening his eyes Dudley heard something that set his heart rate double its normal pace.
A distinct ringing of a bell could be heard a couple of streets away, and not just any bell. Thee bell. The bell on the café door where she might be. With new determination Dudley practically jumped off the bench and almost ran to where he thought he heard the noise. And soon enough the café door with its peeling white door came into view.
Looking through the huge front window at the café inside he tried to see if she was there. Before he even made it to the floor he ran straight into someone, knocking over them and whatever they were holding.
"Monsieur, je suis tellement désolée, je ne regardais où j'allais. Est-ce
que ça va?"she asked, her voice having almost musical tones.
Dudley was just starring at her, tone tied with his mouth silently opening and closing.
"Monsieur?" she asked again, slightly worried by his vacant expression.
"I-I-Erm, Yes, sorry. I – I mean, sorry, are you okay?" he spluttered out, watching as she slowly stood up to face him, grabbing her brown paper bag as she went.
"You are, erm, English, oui?"she replied, her voice laced with a heavy French accent but legible all the same.
"Oui, yes, yes English. Do you speak English?" Dudley stuttered, still recovering from speaking to her.
"A little, my in-laws are English, but I'm not very good" she admitted.
Dudley couldn't help but feel his heart sink, she was married. Not that he had much chance with her anyway, but still, its practically impossible now.
His spirit now shatter Dudley simple add "yes well I'm sorry for knocking you over, I should really look where I'm going"
"No, no it was me, I was away les lutins"
God why did she have to be so kind as well, this was making it even worse. But wait a minute, where's the wedding ring? Surely the French have wedding rings too.
"So, are the pastries for the husband?" Smooth Dudley, real way to keep it casual.
"Pardon? No, no no. I am, er , not husband. no."
Dudley could almost feel his face perk up.
"Well, I've got to revoir" she said whilst turning around about to go.
And before Dudley could stop him self, "Dudley! I mean my name, its Dudley, and, and yours?" he almost shouted, a hopeful look on his face by the end.
"Gabrielle" she said with a smile, before walking off .
Just after disappearing Dudley slowly whispered her name, seeing how it would feel to say it, "Gabrielle".
Name of an angel, or close enough anyway.