The characters in this story are inspired by the Anime Bleach. I do not own that wonderful Anime so sad but true.

A/N: Well here is another story once again from the requests of faithNfantasy.

Summary:Ichigo has just woken up in a world unlike the one he had fallen asleep in. Grimmjow was just passing through the town in search of someone important, when he stumbled upon a comatosed Ichigo. Unable to leave the first person he has discovered he becomes Ichigo's caretaker…..

Enjoy my Imagination-Hydekll

"Dwats wah seighen." The voice was garbled and it didn't make any sense. There was a grunt and then the voice chuckled. It was deep and raspy that voice belonging to a man. And he was laughing no doubt at his own joke.

He went to move, to shift his eyes and ears towards the voice but the weight of his own body, was unsurmountable and so he had given up on the idea of trying to move immediately when the thought popped into his head. So instead he focused his thoughts on trying to open his heavy eyelids.

He wasn't in any pain, no; his body just felt incredibly foreign like he was his own dead weight. The voice carried on. The words now becoming more intelligible. Flowing deep and even and yet slightly raspy.

"Yeah, you woulda liked em" A chuckle from the voice. "What ya say?" Pause from the voice. "Yeah, I guess you can meet em, one day….hopefully." Sadness lined that last word and the unresponsive man, felt another weight added to his already heavy chest. His heart was breaking, why was he sad too. "You know Ichigo…."


The man with dead weight for a body thought.

Yes that's me!….I think….

He began to feel slightly afraid, hyper aware that something wasn't entirely right with this situation. His eyes flickered open finally and immediately he regretted the action because there was a blinding light, pain and a flash of…, he closed his eyes tightly. Doing his best to protect his eyes with his only line of defense at the moment his own eyelids.

What did I just see?

He thought thinking of that single flash of blue.

"Hey did I tell you bout the time me and Nnoi got caught smoking his dad's stash." There was a pause from the gruff voice and another chuckle. "No, I guess not, Well ya gonna fucking laugh at dis shit. What had happen wa-" The voice stopped abruptly when there was a peculiar sound from nearby. Sort of like a light tapping, Ichigo wish he could have told you exactly where the sound was coming from but sadly he was still disoriented. There was shuffling near Ichigo and he could only assume that the voice was the one moving around. "Shh Ichi! Imma check it out, stay right here." The voice had a tinge of fear laced with the words spoken. He thought he felt a pat to his shoulder, and then the sounds of retreating footsteps.

Ichigo tried to speak up, he had no idea who the voice belonged to, but obviously the voice knew him. When he tried to speak, he couldn't his throat and mouth was so dry, and it felt like his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth. He focused the little energy in his body towards his lips, straining with his might to pry open his own damn lips.

His mouth fell open, as did his eyes, this time when he blinked it didn't hurt as much so he just kept fluttering his eyes. They too were dry just like the inside of his mouth. His tongue darted out without his say so gliding over his lips. They were slightly chapped and cracked down the middle, but an oily substance coated his lips keeping them from paining him and cracking further.

"Uuugh." There it was his own damn voice he had found it finally. And now things were beginning to focus, albeit a bit hazy. The first thing he saw was the white styrofoam tiled ceiling to the room that he was in. He tried to move his neck but it too was stiff. No surprise there, this was beginning to become a trend. He craned his neck with much discomfort. He could see a single rectangular window, covered by thick vertical blinds which were closed. But from the orange and pink light filtering through the tiny slits created by the blinds he could tell the sun was going on down. A couple of feet away was a tan door, and Ichigo wondered where it led to, maybe an exit. He shifted his head up and there by his head he could see a hospital machine that stood alone on a pole but it had been turned off. Next to the machine was another silver metal pole slightly taller than the machine next to it. Towards the top of the pole it branched out into three curved hooks. On one of the hooks was a clear I.V. Bag with a light yellow liquid inside. Ichigo couldn't read what was on the bag the words were turned away from him. Tubing extended from the bag. His eyes followed the clear tubing that was filled with the yellow liquid, moving his stiff neck slowly. His eyes traveled downwards landing on the crook of his inner arm.

He looked at his arm for a moment it seemed so foreign. The I.V and it's fluid was going into his arm, true but he still couldn't feel his arm, or the rest of his body for that matter.

No wait….

He thought to himself as he began to feel sensation at the very tip of his toes.

I think those are my toes. Oh no I hope I'm not paralyzed!

He began to panic, his mind running rampant.

Where is everybody? Where did that voice go? How did I get here?

He began to look around the room frantically ignoring the protest from his neck. He was obviously in a hospital room, but something wasn't right. For one there wasn't any lights on, the blue cabinets with tan doors were open, some coming off their hinges and empty in the inside. A blue crash cart over to his right was over turned, the defibrillator broken in three pieces. The drawers to the cart all open and empty. Next to it was another monitor also broken in three pieces. One of the silver arms to his hospital bed was hanging halfway off and on the floor, and the bed itself was resting in the middle of the room at an angle. Off to the left Ichigo noticed a brown over-the-bed table. On the top of it wasn't the usual hospital food tray, instead were several ammunition clips of different sizes. A box of ammunition, a revolver and a hand gun. Ichigo pulled his eyebrows together, in confusion. If he hadn't been panicking before he surely was now.

Voice come back! Voice….

He felt utterly hopeless and pathetic and he hated it.

Where are you?

He swallowed, squinted his eyes closed took in a very shaky breath, then swallowed his own saliva again, moisturizing his vocal cords, before he attempted to call out.

"Heeep!" He tried to yell but instead it came out as a barely audible squeak. He tried to yell again but no words came out just a wheeze. So instead, he focused his ears trying to listen for someone walking by…..Anybody walking by….Nothing…..

Oh God why is it so silent?

He felt a tear at the corner of his eye, threatening to spill over. The sensation of his awakening body reaching to his knees now. He was a prisoner in his own fucking body, unable to move. So, he laid there waiting for the sounds of another human. He waited long enough to start questioning the fact that maybe he had been abandoned. He choked out a sob that sounded like another pathetic wheeze. He closed his eyes and let the tears fall. He had never been this afraid in his life.

Or have I?

And then waterworks began to run down in a quiet steady stream when the realization hit him.

Oh god who am I?

He couldn't remember shit! And just when he was about to lose all hope in just about everything. He heard heavy footsteps, clonking against a hard tile floor. The steps were coming closer and closer. This was it if he was going to get help, this would be the time. Ichigo swallowed quickly several times. As the footsteps drew closer he used the remaining strength in his body, squinting his eyes closed, he dug dip down for energy before he yelled out as loud as he could.

"HEEEELPP!" His voice came out a little louder than anticipated and that was a good thing, too. He wanted to be heard dammit! He didn't hear anything, no one rushing to his aid. In fact he didn't hear those footsteps either. Had he imagined the whole thing. His heart sank at the thought. He fluttered his eyes open, the sun had gone down and his hospital room was extremely dark. Except…. for a single lantern held by a figure in his hospital doorway. The lantern swayed back and forth in the figures hand.

The figure blocked the doorway considerably. It was extremely tall maybe a couple inches shorter than the doorframe.

"Ich-Ichigo?" The voice came out in an unsure whisper. It was deep, strong, raspy and….fearful. "Ichigo did you speak?" The voice asked.

Well who else would yell for help in this room?

Ichigo questioned in his mind. Not sure if his own voice would come out as another pathetic wheeze Ichigo chose to nod his head in response. But being that he hadn't actually regain control of his neck. What he thought was a nod actually was nothing.

"Fuck, I'm losing my mind!" The gruff voice spoke in earnest and it was in that moment Ichigo remembered how the voice sounded before and made the connection that it belonged to the figure standing before him. The man in the doorway dropped his lantern to his side and then his head. He looked so defeated. The man began to slowly saunter into the room.

"Iz youu." Ichigo managed to wheeze out. The man dropped his lantern, and then gasped in shock as he darted over to Ichigo's bed side.

"Ichigo!" The man's slightly larger frame hovered over him. His breath on Ichigo's face, and then he felt dry cold calloused hands grab either side of his face, and Ichigo couldn't help but moan at the sensation of a single touch to his otherwise sensation-less face. The man pulled one of his hands away when he realized that Ichigo's face was wet from his own tears. "Oh my fucking god! You are awake Ichigo!" The man returned his hand to Ichigo's face. Ichigo felt a dry rag wiping at his tear stained face effectively drying it. "I ca-can't believe this shit. I mean I knew there was a chance you would wake up one day. I mean this shit's crazy right?" The voice began to shift Ichigo's head so that he could stare up into his face. "You're really awake right Ichigo?" Ichigo could make out the chiseled features of the man standing above him, but without efficient light he couldn't see anything else.

"Yea-yes." Ichigo answered the question. The voice's mouth fell open and he released Ichigo's face and stepped away. He scurried around to the foot of the bed where his lantern had fallen to the ground. Ichigo followed the man's movements with much interest. He picked up the lantern and held it up high near his face.

Ichigo had to catch his breath, but he didn't catch the word that escaped his lips.

"Blue." He whispered and the other man's brow crinkled together.

Standing in the darkness illuminated by a single green oil lantern, was Ichigo's caretaker. The man had messy light-blue locks and light blue eyes below his eyes were green lines. The tattoos made the man look purely animalistic and truth be told, Ichigo wasn't sure if he marveled at the man exquisite looks or was slightly terrified. His blue hair was a contrast to the white stubble of his five o'clock shadow, but it left something to wonder about the man. What color was the hair on the rest of his body. But not that Ichigo cared much about finding out the answer to that particular question.

The man standing before him, was wearing a green faded tattered jacket, over a dark grey henley, denim destroyed blue jeans held up by a plain black belt. On his feet were black gently worn steel toe boots. But his most impressive, interesting, and terrifying accessory was the gun strapped to his back.

The man walked back over to Ichigo, placing the lantern on the over-the-bed table that held the other lethal weaponry in the room.

"Ichigo hold on, I'll turn on some more lights." The voice spoke, as he began shuffling around the room frantically.

"Who-who are you and where is everybody?" Ichigo asked the question. His voice starting to sound more normal. The man found another lantern which had been stashed behind the mysterious door. The man popped in and out the room fast, coming out the room lighting the lantern with a black zippo lighter.

"Oh shit my bad Ichigo." The man flashed him a big feral smile. "Sorry, I've been talking to you for months now and I forgot that you-" The man cut short his sentence and then shook his head at his own forgetfulness. He crossed the distance between himself and the man lying in the hospital bed. He picked up Ichigo's I.V plugged arm, and shook his hand. "I'm Grimmjow and everybody else… dead."

Sooo tell me what ya think! Shall I continue...